View Full Version : WWE Friday Night SmackDown Report for June 12th, 2009

06-14-2009, 01:18 AM
WWE Friday Night SmackDown Report
Airing June 12th, 2009
Report by ProWrestling.net

The opening video recapped the Ladder match and Punk’s subsequent MITB win from Extreme Rules…“Live” in the arena, CM Punk was introduced. He came to the ring to a mixed reaction from the crowd. He got a mic and said he wanted to clear up a few things. He said ever since he cashed in MITB, he has heard complaints that he stole the title from Hardy. He said he didn’t see it that way, just like he and nobody saw it that way when he cashed in on Edge last year. He said he couldn’t take back what happened, nor did he want to.

He said it wasn’t a popular choice, but he never concerned himself with what was popular. He said he wasn’t a bad guy for taking advantage of an opportunity. He said that was the purpose of the contract in MITB. He said he had worked very hard to attain the title and he promised to bring honor and respect to the world title. He said he would represent the brand Smackdown to the best of his ability. Jeff Hardy’s music hit as he finished and he came to the ring to a huge pop. As Hardy pandered to the crowd, Punk nodded, almost as if he was OK with it.

Jeff got a mic and said he wasn’t going to try and complain, that wasn’t his style. He said he didn’t agree that Punk earned it. He asked the crowd if they did, and they cheered no. Hardy said Punk won money in the bank, and that was fine, but Punk cashed in on the wrong guy. Punk said he knew Jeff was upset, but he didn’t put Jeff in that ladder match, Jeff did. Punk said the night Jeff did that, he knew Extreme Rules was the night to cash in, whoever won. Hardy asked Punk if he cared about his fans. Punk didn’t respond, so Jeff said he didn’t care, he wanted his title back tonight.

Edge’s music hit and he came out and said if anybody wanted “their” title back, it was him. Jeff said he lost the ladder match and this was between him and Punk. Punk said they could agree on that and Edge should leave. Edge said no. He said that he had been trying to figure out CM Punk and he finally had it, Punk wanted to be Edge. Punk laughed. Edge said Punk called his lifestyle straight edge. He said, “Hello, you named it after me.” He said Punk cashed in MITB just like Edge did. He said if Jeff wanted a title match, the line started behind him. Jeff said, “You’re both full of…” He kicked Edge out of the ring and hit Twist of Fate and a Swanton on Punk. The crowd went nuts.

Teddy Long came out and said that Punk was the champ and his first title defense would be at the three-for-all on Monday. He said Punk would face the winner of tonight’s number one contender’s match between Edge and Jeff Hardy. Edge looked unhappy and Jeff looked pleased. Punk was still selling the attack into commercial.


Back from commercial, Teddy Long walked into his office and stopped. He looked at someone and said, “I see you’ve found my office and made yourself comfortable, now what can I do for you?” The camera panned to show Jericho. Jericho asked Long why Long continued was denying him access to the world title. He said it was just more of the conspiracy against him. Long made a match between Jericho and Punk for later…Dolph Ziggler made his ring entrance. The Greta Khali and Runjin Singh were out next…

Match 1: Dolph Ziggler v. Great Khali

Ziggler ran at first, but Khali finally caught him and hit several chops and strikes. Ziggler managed to hit a hangman on Khali’s arm and then several low drop kicks to put the big man down. He locked in a head lock and Khali powered out. Khali signaled for the Punjabi Plunge and Ziggler went to the floor. He grabbed Mini Me and held him between himself and Khali. He backtracked until the ref got to nine and then slid into the ring quickly. The referee counted ten and called for the bell.

Dolph Ziggler defeated The Great Khali w/Runjin Singh by countout at 3:04.

Post match, Ziggler celebrated up the ramp as Khali looked pissed.

The Three-For-All promotional video played


Back from commercial, the announce team (consisting as usual of Jim Ross and Todd Grisham) hyped the Punk/Jericho match for later…Michelle McCool, Alicia Fox, and Layla made their way to the ring. A video package showed the 6 Diva match from last week. Melina and Eve Torres were out next.

Match 2: Michelle McCool and Layla v. Melina and Eve Torres

Eve and Layla started out. That went about as sloppy as you would expect. Both Divas were intense, just…well…sloppy. McCool tagged in and worked on Eve. Eve hit a chin buster to escape a rest hold from McCool and got the hot tag. Melina beat up McCool and covered. Layla made the save. Eve kicked Layla to the floor. Melina set up for her new finisher, but Fox jumped to the apron and distracted her. McCool reversed the setup into the Faith Breaker for the win.

Post match, the heels celebrated up the ramp.

Michelle McCool and Layla w/Alicia Fox defeated Melina and Eve Torres at 3:00.

The announce team hyped Morrison and Truth vs. The Worlds Greatest Tag Team for next.


Benjamin and Haas made their entrance together. Morrison and Truth came out separately. Morrison got a good pop and Truth had some 12 year old redhead scream when he touched her hand. He better be careful, they’re in Mississippi. I’m just sayin. Truth cut a promo on Haas and Benjamin. He compared them to Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer collaborating on a rap song. He said, “That’s the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the…” He let the crowd scream the last "truth!"

Match 3: John Morrison and R-Truth v. Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas

Morrison and Benjamin started. Benjamin enticed Truth into the ring. The ref pushed him out and Haas blind sided Morrison, allowing Benjamin to take control. Benjamin worked on Morrison with strikes. He whipped Morrison to the ropes and Morrison hit an around the world side Russian leg sweep. Truth tagged in and got whipped to the corner by Benjamin. Benjamin tried for the Stinger Splash, but Truth hit him and rolled backwards up to a sitting position on the top turnbuckle. Haas tried to attack him, but Truth kicked him to the floor. Benjamin leapt to the top and hit a double arm superplex. Truth rolled to the floor and recovered into the commercial.


Back at 5:30, Benjamin had a chin lock on Truth. Truth fought out but Benjamin hit a Samoan Slam for two. He tagged in Haas and slammed Truth onto Haas’s knee. Haas aggressively tossed Truth into the corner and covered for two. He locked in another chin lock. Truth fought out again, but Haas hit two stiff kicks and then a belly to belly for two. He went back to a front headlock. Truth tried to fight out, but Haas hit a single leg take down to stop him. Finally, Truth hit a Sunset Flip and let go to make the hot tag at 8:30.

Morrison hit a springboard dropkick on Haas. He took Benjamin out and moved when Haas charged in. Haas hit the turnbuckle and Morrison hit his springboard Chuck Kick. Benjamin came in the ring and got tossed to the floor by Truth. Haas tossed Truth. Haas caught Morrison’s kick attempt and tried to drive him to the mat. Morrison caught himself with one hand and hit a Pele like kick. Morrison hit the Moonlight Drive, followed Starship Pain for the win.

John Morrison and R-Truth defeated Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas at 9:51.

Post match, the faces celebrated and a replay showed the last two moves

The announce team hyped Edge vs. Hardy for later and Punk vs. Jericho for next.


Chris Jericho made his entrance. He Mysterio’s mask in his hand. A video showed Jericho snatching the mask off of Rey in slow motion. Very cool spot when it happened.

He cut a promo on Mysterio, saying that he had done Mysterio a favor by taking his mask. He said he no longer had to worry about whether the mail man or store clerk knew who he was. He said he had set Mysterio free. He said instead of thanking him for what he did, Mysterio had disappeared. He said tonight he would expose Punk for the fraud that he is, just like he did Mysterio. He said he was going to beat Punk and there was nothing the fans could do about it. Punk’s music hit and he made his entrance. JR put over what Punk did as smart and said if anyone disagreed, it was their problem.

Match 4: CM Punk v. Chris Jericho

A test of strength to start the match lead to a Punk chant from the crowd. Punk won and locked in a head lock. He hit kicks on Jericho and then a shoulder tackle. He tried to cover and got less than one. Punk locked in a front head lock. Jericho grabbed his legs and tried for Walls of Jericho. Punk escaped and Jericho charged him. Punk picked him up for GTS, but Jericho escaped to the floor. He paced around the ring as the show went to commercial.


Back at 5:25, Jericho reversed a whip to the corner and followed Punk in. Punk slid through the ropes and tied up Jericho in the ropes with a crucifix type move. He broke at four and hit a springboard crossbody for two. Punk tried for a suplex, but Jericho reversed and dropped Punk on the top rope. He followed with a springboard dropkick to send Punk to the floor. Punk climbed back in and Jericho stomped him and locked in a sleeper type hold. Punk used a snap mare to escape and charged Jericho who hit a drop toe hold. Punk dodged as Jericho charged in and Jericho hit the post with hi shoulder.

Punk worked his kicks and whipped Jericho to the corner. He hit the high knee and bulldog for two. He whipped Jericho to the corner and charged in. Jericho tried to toss him over the top, but Pink sandbagged him and Jericho had to muscle him over to the apron.. Punk went for a springboard crossbody, but Jewricho moved and followed with a Lionsault for two. Jericho hit a running insaguri for two.

Jericho tried for a bulldog, but Punk pushed him off and Jericho landed on the top turnbuckle. Punk scooped Jericho up for GTS. He went for the move, but Jericho grabbed the leg and locked in Walls of Jericho in the middle of the ring. Punk made the ropes and Jericho broke the hold. He charged at Punk when he stood and Punk tossed him to the apron. Jericho went to the top, but Punk hit a big kick, leaving Jericho woozy on the top. Punk hit a superplex for two.

Jericho hit the Codebreaker out of nowhere. He crawled over to Punk and covered. Punk put his foot on the rope at two. Jericho stood him up came off the ropes. Punk hit a kick to the head and then scooped Jericho up for GTS and the win.

CM Punk defeated Chris Jericho at 13:55.

Post match, a replay video showed the kick and GTS. Punk celebrated up the ramp.


The Raw Rebound video recapped the Batista/Orton beatdown segment as well as the return of Triple H.

The announce team hyped the Fatal Fourway match on Raw for the WWE Title.

Jeff Hardy made his ring entrance


Edge made his ring entrance. Before the ref could ring the bell, Punk’s music hit and he came to ringside and sat in on commentary.

Main Event: Edge v. Jeff Hardy in a
Number One Contender's Match for the World Title.

Both men were selling injuries from the ladder match. Jeff started out in charge, hitting a strong whip to the corner, a body slam, and a knee drop for one. Punk continued to sell what he did as smart. Edge kicked Jeff and took control. He hit several stomps and kicks as Punk tried to sell his straight edge lifestyle. He said he was never one to do what was popular, but he liked all the fans, even the ones who didn’t like him. Edge whipped Hardy to the corner and charged in. Hardy moved and Edge went through the ropes, hitting the post and spilling to the floor. Both men recovered into the break.


Back at 6:12, Jeff hit a leg drop on the arm and locked in an arm bar. A video replayed Jeff hanging Edge’s arm on the top rope and driving him into the rail during the break. Jeff continued to work on the arm by stretching Edge’s arm on the ropes. He whipped Edge to the ropes, but Edge hit a big boot to take control. Edge hit several knee drops on Hardy and draped him on the second rope. He tried to splash Hardy from behind, but Jeff moved and Edge hit the ropes hard. Hardy tried for a front suplex, but dropped Edge. Edge hit a low block on the knee and locked in leg scissors on the injured leg.

Jeff fought out and hit a running forearm. Edge kicked the knee and placed Hardy in the corner. Hardy pushed away and went to the top for Whisper in the Wind, but Edge took his legs out. Hardy fell back, tied in the Tree of Woe. Edge collapsed and Jeff untied himself. Both men recovered into the break.


Back at 15:14 and Edge was stomping a mud hole in Jeff. He continued to work on the leg by dragging Jeff to the corner and racking his leg on the post. Edge rolled Jeff back in the ring and covered for two. Edge dropped an elbow on the leg and locked in the leg scissors again. Edge stood up and tried to lock in a Figure Four, but Jeff kicked him to the floor. Edge landed on his feet and quickly climbed to the top. He came off for double axe handles, but Jeff kicked him and hit a DDT for two. Both men made it to their feet at clotheslined each other at 18:14

Jeff kicked Edge and dropped a double leg drop on a rolled up Edge for two. He hit a body slam and took off his shirt. The crowd went nuts. Hardy hit a leg drop from the second rope for two. Edge blocked another leg drop and locked in a Sharpshooter. Hardy made the ropes for the break and stood up on the apron. He hit a sunset flip over the ropes for two. He picked Edge up for Twist of Fate, but Edge pushed him into the corner. Edge charged in for the spear, but Jeff moved and Edge hit his shoulder on the post. Jeff rolled him up for two. Both men back to their feet, and Jeff hit the Twist of Fate on Edge. He went to the top for the Swanton, but Edge escaped to the floor. Hardy hit a plancha from the apron on Edge.

Jeff stood up and got Edge to his feet. Edge grabbed Jeff and threw him over the desk onto Punk and slid back in the ring. Punk got up and attacked Edge in the ring, causing the DQ. Jeff stood up and realized what happened. He slid into the ring and attacked Punk. Edge attacked Hardy and Hardy gave him the Twist of Fate. Jeff stood and Punk hit GTS on him. The camera switched to backstage where Tiffany and Teddy Long where watching the match on TV. Teddy said, “This Monday, on Raw…” Tiffany interrupted him and said, “I think I know where you’re going with this, Christian vs. Tommy Dreamer for the ECW Championship?” Teddy said, “I’ll do you one better.” He made the World Heavyweight Championship match on Raw a Triple Threat Match between Punk, Edge, and Hardy. They smiled at each other as the show ended with Punk holding up the belt on the monitor

Edge defeated Jeff Hardy in a Number One Contender’s match by disqualification at 22:05

End of show…