View Full Version : Backstage Update On The Matt Striker Nude Photos

06-15-2009, 06:29 AM
Source: The Wrestling Observer

Neither Matt Striker or World Wrestling Entertainment have yet to publicly comment on the alleged nude photos of the ECW color commentator, which surfaced on a celebrity gossip website two weeks ago. The images have actually been online for a few years, but are just now getting attention.

While Striker has been teased by his co-workers and given some nicknames as a result of the ordeal, he is not expected to face any repercussions from company officials.

One former co-worker of Striker's commented on the situation saying: "Half the girls there have nude photos online. So who cares?"

06-15-2009, 04:25 PM
Lol, whoever said that is right. It would be sexist to fire or even punish Striker for the pics.