View Full Version : 'Definately' mispelt

06-15-2009, 04:02 PM
The most commonly misspelt word in English is 'definitely' with many of us incorrectly writing it as 'definately', says a study.

Other problem words include sacrilegious, indict and bureaucracy, reports the Daily Mirror.

More than 30% of those polled blamed text messaging for the mistakes while 42% think poor spellers are "thick".

OnePoll.com, which polled 5,000 people, said: "Technology is contributing to our inability to spell."

The top 10 misspelt words: 1 Definitely; 2 Sacrilegious; 3 Indict; 4 Manoeuvre; 5 Bureaucracy; 6 Broccoli; 7 Phlegm; 8 Prejudice; 9 Consensus; 10 Unnecessary.

06-16-2009, 07:08 AM
wow thanks for this John