View Full Version : WWE Talents Upset Over Vickie's Sendoff

06-18-2009, 01:22 AM
After Vickie Guerrero did her final angle on RAW a few weeks back, a lot of the WWE talent went up to her to thank her for how well she did in her role.

There were a lot of WWE talents that were upset over the nature of Vickie's sendoff on RAW. Apparently enough people were upset, or maybe even some sponsors were upset over it, that they edited most everything offensive out of the RAW replays this week. One of the arguments made was that Eddy Guerrero would never have allowed his wife to be verbally abused in the manner she was, storyline or not.


06-18-2009, 02:10 AM
I hated Vickie, which means she did an excellent job. It's very easy to argue she's been their best GM ever.

06-18-2009, 03:12 AM
If she didn't want to go out in that fashion, she wouldn't have. It's not like WWE "forced" her to do it. Hell, it coulda been worse, Vince could have made her join his "Club".

06-18-2009, 05:24 AM
When you are talking WWE and the possibility of keeping an unburnt bridge with them, a performer might feel that making the choice of not doing an angle or act could undo that good separation and leave them with no possibility of working for WWE in the future. Perhaps she didn't feel like the option to say no was actually there for her to choose...or she was just a complete professional to the end. I will personally miss Vickie and was most upset when RAW moved from Denver because I wouldn't get to hear her say "EXCUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSE ME!!!" She was a classic heel and to that extent, I believe Eddie would have been proud.