View Full Version : WWE Storyline Talk for CM Punk

06-20-2009, 07:15 AM
A talked about plan of action with CM Punk is to keep him as a babyface but if the people boo him significantly against Jeff Hardy, who is perceived to be one of the most popular wrestlers in the company right now, then they will turn Punk heel. WWE aren't fully committed to a heel turn for Punk right now and at least until something changes, he will continue to be portrayed as a face even though he is booked against some other faces and is getting a mixed reaction


06-20-2009, 08:12 PM
Of course he's going to get booed if they keep booking him to face Jeff Hardy. Even JR seems to be more behind Hardy than Punk, yellling 'Oh come on!' when Punk won the 3 way on Monday. I think this story is probably a plant from Wwe to 'shock us' when Punk does turn heel. If Wwe really did want Punk to remain face they would've had him feud with Edge or Jericho as champion before feuding with Hardy.

06-21-2009, 05:06 PM
Thanks For The News :).

06-21-2009, 05:49 PM
Of course he's going to get booed if they keep booking him to face Jeff Hardy. Even JR seems to be more behind Hardy than Punk, yellling 'Oh come on!' when Punk won the 3 way on Monday. I think this story is probably a plant from Wwe to 'shock us' when Punk does turn heel. If Wwe really did want Punk to remain face they would've had him feud with Edge or Jericho as champion before feuding with Hardy.

Quoted for speaking the truth

06-21-2009, 10:47 PM
Yeah, I don't know about all this. If they really wanted to keep him a babyface, they wouldn't be feuding him out to the biggest babyface in the wrestling world right now. ANYONE going into the ring with Hardy right now is gonna be viewed as a heel, save for maybe someone like Mysterio or HHH (who's really a greay-area face anyway).

Personally, I like the idea of turning Punk heel. I've always thought he was way overrated and never cared for him. Perhaps as a heel, he'll get over better and could actually be viewed as someone more than a short-term bridge champion.