View Full Version : WWE Friday Night SmackDown Report for June 19th, 2009

06-20-2009, 09:37 AM
WWE Friday Night SmackDown Report
June 19th, 2009
Report by Chris Shore, ProWrestling.net

[Q1]The opening video aired, followed by the pyro, and Todd Grisham and Jim Ross welcomed us to Smackdown. They hyped the double main event of Jeff Hardy vs. Chris Jericho and CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio…Josh Matthews was in the ring. He welcomed Jeff Hardy to talk about his match with Punk at The Bash. Jeff made his entrance to a huge pop. Matthews introed a video that recapped the ladder match from Extreme Rules. Matthews said he couldn’t imagine how he felt to once again win the World Championship. He said with that in mind, he couldn’t imagine what he felt like, “When this happened.” A video played that showed Punk’s cashing in of MITB.

Matthews played yet another video, this one of the end of the triple threat match on Raw. Matthews said it appears that Jeff cannot catch a break. He said he doesn’t seem to be able to get the title back. Hardy said it was fine; he didn’t live in the past. He said he had Punk one on one at The Bash and he would reclaim his title there. Matthews said it was only fair to get Punk’s comments too. Punk made his ring entrance to some boos, but mostly no heat. When he got in the ring, he received a few boos again. Matthews said a lot of people feel he took advantage of Jeff twice.

Punk said the only thing he took advantage of was his MITB contract. He said, “Nowhere in the rules does it say ‘Do not cash in of Jeff Hardy.’” Punk said he was offended that people said he stole the match on Monday, he had never stolen anything in his life. Punk said Jeff knew as well as he did that you didn’t have to be someone’s friend in the ring. Jeff agreed and said he lived his life the way he wanted and Punk lived his life the way he wanted. Punk agreed and said the same thing, but with a little stutter when he mentioned Jeff’s lifestyle. Matthews thanked both men and said, “Let’s here it for the number one contender, Jeff Hardy.” The crowd popped. He said the same for punk and the crowd booed big time. Jeff’s match with Jericho is next…[C]

[Q2]Back from commercial, Jericho made his ring entrance…

1. Jeff Hardy defeated Chris Jericho at 4:57 by countout. Collar and elbow tie up led to running the ropes. Jericho won the shoulder tackle, but then ate a drop kick. Jeff drove Jericho to the corner and went for the mule kick but Jericho moved. Jericho hit a suplex for two and locked in an abdominal stretch. Hardy used a hip toss to escape and then hit a lariat. He tackled Jericho and then dropped two legs on the “mid-section” and then a drop kick. Jericho ducked a clothesline, but Hardy ran up the ropes and hit Whisper in the Wind for two. Jericho tackled Hardy and attempted Walls of Jericho, but Jeff twisted free.

Hardy hit a DDT and went to the top for the Swanton. Jericho rolled out of the ring and Jeff jumped at Jericho on the outside. Jericho side stepped and Jeff hit the rail. Jericho drove Jeff into another rail and then rolled him into the ring. Jericho turned around and Rey Mysterio came off the rail and hit a hurricanranna that drove Jericho into the ring post. Rey jumped back into the crowd and sat with two other guys who were dressed the same with the same masks. The ref counted to ten before Jericho could recover.

Post match, Jericho tried to show the ref Rey. Hardy attacked from behind and hit the Twist of Fate and the Swanton. Jeff celebrated up the ramp while Mysterio and his twins cheered…Backstage, Eve and Layla were arguing over hairspray. The product, not the play. Anyway, Maria broke it up and Dolph Ziggler walked up and said they didn’t need to fight over him. He looked at Layla and said, “Hi, my name is.” She cut him off and said his name was Zach Diggler. Maria said his name was Don Zimmer. Eve said everybody knew his name was Dick, Dick Ziggler. She shook his hand and Ziggler walked off pissed as the girls started chatting again…[C]

[Q3]Back from commercial, Dick…uh Dolph Ziggler made his entrance. A video showed the Ziggler/Khali match from last week. Khali and Mini-Me came out next…

2. Dolph Ziggler defeated The Great Khali w/Runjin Singh by disqualification at 2:05. Khali squashed Ziggler for 1:15 and then Ziggler hit a chop block. He hit a leg drop on the back of Khali’s head and covered for two. Ziggler ran to the opposite corner and tried to take the top turnbuckle off. Mini-Me made the save and the ref put the padding back on. Ziggler slipped out and got a chair. He got back in the ring and tossed it at Khali who swatted it out of the air. Ziggler fell down and sold being knocked out. The ref turned around and saw Ziggler down and Khali with the chair and called for the DQ. Post match, Khali tried to hit Ziggler but the ref stopped him. Ziggler sold the phantom chair shot as he went up the ramp…[C]

Back from commercial, Grisham and JR sold what happened on Raw as historic. The Raw Rebound video was a recap all of Raw with extra time devoted to Orton and Hunter and the Trump announcement…

The announce team hyped the commercial free Raw…Melina made her ring entrance. The announcement of her match against McCool at The Bash was made. Alicia Fox and McCool were out next…

3. Melina defeated Alicia Fox w/Michelle McCool at 1:43. Fox attacke Melina and drover her to the mat. She locked in a body scissors and then rolled it into a combination full nelson/camel clutch. Cool move. Fox broke the hold and picked up Melina. Melina squirmed around until she hit her finisher for the win.

[Q4]Post match, McCool hit a big boot to Melina. McCool is wearing cowboy boots and that looked stiff as hell. She tossed Melina to the floor and then went out and kicked her head into the announce table. She cut a promo and said she was going to destroy Melina and be the first woman to win both women’s titles. Her and fox went up the ramp together. The announce team hyped Morrison vs. Edge for next…[C]

Back from commercial, Edge was in the ring. He cut a promo about how he has been screwed out of his title match. He started to whine about Hardy when Morrison’s music hit. He came to the ring and Edge said, “Here’s another kid trying to be me.” He asked Morrison if he was Sigfried or Roy. Morrison laughed. Morrison said that was pretty entertaining and he couldn’t remember the last time Edge was entertaining. He said instead of talking stuff, Edge used to be doing stuff. He mocked Edge and his Canadian accent. Edge yelled at him. Morrison said, “What are you going to complain about next? Your silly boots, your bobble head, your bug eyes?” He said he was going to give Edge something to complain about. He said after tonight, Edge would be complaining about how he got his face kicked in by the, “Friday Night Delight,” John Morrison. They stared off into commercial…[C]

4. Edge defeated John Morrison at 16:43. Collar and elbow tie up backed Morrison into the corner. Edge pushed Morrison on the break. Morrison pushed him back, causing Edge to fall and crawl back to the opposite corner. Another collar and elbow went to the ropes and Morrison broke clean. Another tie up and Edge locked in an arm twist. Morrison used a fireman’s takedown and locked in an arm bar. Edge backed Morrison into the corner and broke with a punk.

[Q5]Edge whipped Morrison to the opposite corner and charged in. Morrison moved and hit a hip toss into an arm bar on Edge. Edge reversed a whip and hit a knee to the gut. He kicked Morrison in the gut and posed for the crowd. He stomped Morrison in the corner until the ref pulled him off. Morrison stood on the apron and Edge snapmared him into the ring. He strong whipped Morrison into the corner and Morrison flopped to the ground after hitting the corner. He set Morrison in a 619 setup and hit a splash on his back that looked rough. He covered for two. Out of nowhere, Morrison started to fight back. He hit a dropkick for two and climbed to the top. Edge pulled him down onto the top rope gut first. Morrison fell to the floor and recovered into the break…[C]

Back at 9:23 and Morrison was fighting out of a reverse bear hug. Morrison broke the hold and tried to run to the rope, but Edge drug him down by his hear and went back to the reverse bear hug. Morrison fought out again and hit a clothesline/backbreaker combination. Edge got up and whipped Morrison to the ropes. Morrison grabbed the ropes and Edge missed a drop kick. Morrison hit a knee and the place popped huge. Morrison covered for two. Edge reversed a whip attempt and hit the big boot on Morrison. He went to the top, but Morrison hit his Pele kick to knock Edge off to the floor. He did a belly down baseball slide into a hurricanranna that sent Edge into the stairs. He rolled Edge back in the ring and covered for two. Morrison missed the Chuck kick and Edge tackled him and locked in a Sharpshooter. Morrison made the ropes and both men sold being exhausted.

Morrison blocked a kick and hit a side Russian leg sweep on Edge. Morrison set him up for Starship pain. He climbed to the top and Edge pushed him into the post. He tied Morrison up in the Tree of Woe and charged in. Morrison sat up and Edge hit the buckle. Morrison rolled over him and rolled him up for two. Edge kicked out and Morrison hit the post with his shoulder. Edge charged for the spear, but Morrison leapt over him and Edge hit the post. Morrison hit the Chuck kick for two. He tried for Moonlight Drive, but Edge countered into an Impaler DDT for two. Edge whipped Morrison and tried to pick him up for a back breaker, but Morrison rolled around and hit a DDT for two. Morrison went to the top for Starship Pain, but Edge moved. Morrison landed on his feet and Edge hit the spear for the win.

[Q6]Post match, a video replayed the highlights of the match. Edge backed up the ramp as he and Morrison stared at each other. The announce team hyped the Punk/Mysterio match for later…[C]

Back from commercial, The World’s Greatest Tag Team and Ricky Ortiz where in the ring. R-Truth and Cryme Tyme came out next to Truth’s music. They all did the “What’s up” bit…

5. R-Truth and Cryme Tyme defeated Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, and Ricky Ortiz at 4:03. JTG and Ortiz started out. JTG hit a slap and tagged in Shad. Shad hit a big slam. He charged at Ortiz who ducked and Shad got tied up on the rope. Ortiz worked the leg and tagged in Haas. Haas continued to work on the leg with his “new found aggression.” Shad hit an elbow on a charging Haas and tagged in Truth. Haas tagged in Benjamin who hit an immediate flapjack on Truth.

Truth split ducked a Benjamin clothesline and then hit a heel kick. Truth covered and Haas came in to make the save. All six men where in the ring. Cryme Tyme cleared Haas and Ortiz. Benjamin came off the top and Truth kicked him in the gut. He hit the ropes, Benjamin did a leap frog, and then Truth hit his corkscrew elbow for the win. Post match, the faces danced in the ring…The announce team hyped Punk vs. Mysterio for next…The camera cut back to the ring where the faces danced into the commercial…[C]

[Q7]Back from commercial, Rey Mysterio made his ring entrance. A video recapped what happened between he and Jericho from earlier. Mysterio cut a promo on what he did. Rey said it felt great, but he’s not down until he gets hit Intercontinental title back. He said he wanted to issue a challenge to Jericho. Before he could finish, Jericho’s music hit and he came to the ramp. He said Mysterio already got his obligatory rematch and he lost. Jericho said he wasn’t going to get another chance. Mysterio said if Jericho hadn’t been trying to take off his mask, he would be the Intercontinental champion. He said Jericho knew it and all the people knew it.

Jericho said these people didn’t know what was good for them and neither did Rey. He said Rey was an addict and his mask was his drug. At one point, there was an apparent overdub of Jericho’s lines. Mysterio said he wasn’t going to allow Jericho to insult the fans. He said he wore the mask because of his heritage. He said it was a disgrace that Jericho was the Intercontinental Champion. Jericho said he would give Rey one more shot if Rey put his mask up. Rey said if that was the only way to expose Jericho as the self-centered, egotistical, hypocrite that he is, then he gladly accepted. Mysterio’s music hit and Jericho smiled. They continued to stare down into commercial…[C]

[Q8]Back from commercial, Rey was still posing to the fans in the ring. Jericho was sitting in on commentary. Grisham asked Jericho if he was happy about the match. Jericho said he was happy to get to end the charade of Mysterio. Punk made his entrance. JR asked Jericho what his problem was. Jericho said Mysterio was the ultimate hypocrite. They asked Jericho what he thought of the world title match at The Bash. Jericho said it didn’t matter who won, he would be champion after he took care of Mysterio…

6. CM Punk defeated Rey Mysterio at 11:37. They shook hands to start. Interesting. Mysterio worked on the leg Punk “injured” on Raw. Mysterio hit a couple of quick kicks that setup Punk for 619. He hit the opposite rope, but Punk escaped to the floor. He walked off the knee injury on the floor into commercial…[C]

Back at 5:26, Rey whipped Punk to the corner and charged in. Punk moved and Rey hit the post. Punk rolled him up for two and locked in a hammer lock. Mysterio battled out and came off the ropes, but Punk lifted him up and dropped him on his face. He covered for two and went back to the hammer lock. Rey fought out and Punk hit a sunset flip that Rey rolled through and hit a sitting drop kick on Punk.

Both men made it back to their feet and traded kicks. Rey hit the ropes and ducked a clothesline. He hit a springboard splash for two. Rey hit a hurricanranna and then a drop toe hold to set up 619. Punk tossed Mysterio on the attempt. Rey landed on the apron and hit the West Coast Pop. He stood and turned into a clothesline from Punk. Punk whipped him to the corner and hit his high knee. He tried for the bulldog, but Rey pushed him into the ropes for another 619 setup. Punk ducked the 619 and picked up Rey for GTS. Rey fought out and flipped Punk down for a strange cover for two.

Both men sold being exhausted. Rey tried a springboard moonsault, but Punk caught him and lifted for GTS. Rey grabbed the ropes and Punk dumped him over the top. The ref checked on Punk, turning his back on Rey. Jericho jumped up and drove Rey into the post. Punk watched the whole thing play out and told the ref to count Rey out. Rey made it in at nine, but Punk hit GTS for the win.

Post match, Jeff Hardy ran to the ring and argued with the ref, telling him what happened. He confronted Punk about it, who shrugged his shoulders and left the ring. He held the belt up as the fans booed. Jeff looked at him knowingly as Jeff’s music hit to end the show…

06-21-2009, 05:07 PM
Thanks For The Results :).