View Full Version : Capcom Teasing New Onimusha Game?

07-02-2009, 01:19 PM
Last week, Capcom jumped into the increasingly trendier pastime of posting a teaser website for upcoming announcements. But they didn't go with a simple countdown (that's so cliche); rather, there was simply a number: 1560. Now, there are three more numbers: 1573, 1582, and the latest, 1600. Make the reasonable assumption that these are dates on a timeline, and it looks like the game being teased is a new entry in the Onimusha franchise.
For those unfamiliar with the series, the first Onimusha in fact took place in 1560, the second in 1573, and the third in 1582. So it seems likely, then, that the 1600 date represents when a new entry in the series will be set (why Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams -- which took place in 1597 -- was left off the timeline is unclear). And while it's not exactly any further proof, it's worth noting that even the visual style of the X's that cross off the first three dates on the site vaguely resemble the lettering of the games' titles.

But since Capcom didn't include a countdown, there's no saying when they actually plan to reveal whatever game this site is teasing. Hopefully they'll end the suspense soon, so stay tuned.