View Full Version : WWE RAW Live Event Results, 7/3: Auckland, New Zealand

07-04-2009, 12:50 PM
WWE RAW Live Results
July 3rd, 2009 - Auckland, New Zealand
Report by LordsofPain, McOptimusRhyme

1st Match Goldust vs Chavo
A awesome warm up match. Goldust got a very good pop and Chavo used
typical heel tactics to gain heat. Goldust gets the win with the final cut
after Hornswoggle interferes.

2nd Match Seamus vs Jamie Noble
Seamus cut a good promo to gain some heat about the All Blacks (New
Zealand rugby team) and how we lost to France in the world cup and the
other weekend. Crowd wasn’t that into the match and Seamus got the win
with his brutal finisher (Rock bottom into a back breaker).

3rd Match Santino Marella vs The Brian Kendrick
The crowd loved Santino with his silly mannerisms etc. An entertaining
match. Santino wins with a roll up.

4th Match Miz vs M.V.P
Miz cuts a promo saying how New Zealand chicks are fat or something and
how we are all losers which drew the most heat of the night. M.V.P came
out with a NZ Warriors rugby league jersey on which brought a pop. Anyway
crowd wasn’t that into this match until the end when there were some near
falls. Miz wins with backslide.

5th Match U.S Title Match William Regal vs Kofi Kingston
Starts off with crowd chanting you suck to Regal who then turns and says
“I can’t suck I am not from New Zealand”. I thought it was hilarious. Good
match with Regal doing some impressive chain wrestling and Kofi doing his
normal spots. Kofi retains with the trouble in paradise.


6th Match The Colons vs Legacy
Really good heel tag team vs face tag match.
Cody gets the win with the roll the dice finisher.

7th Match Non Title Match Maryse vs Mickie James
Crowd was really into this match and Maryse got an impressive amount of
heat. Mickie won with her DDT.

8th Match – Orton & Big Show vs HHH & Cena – Main Event
Crowd was into every wrestler. HHH intro was epic and it was deafening. A
lengthy, spectacular match, ending with Cena hitting the attitude adjuster
and HHH hitting the pedigree on Big Show. I have a lot more respect for
HHH after tonight as he posed and shook hands with heaps of people
afterwards which was awesome to see and sent the crowd home happy.
Overall an awesome show in a packed out Vector Area. Thanks for coming way
down under WWE.

Biggest Heat

Biggest Pop