View Full Version : WWE RAW Live Event Results, 7/7: Melbourne, Australia

07-08-2009, 01:43 AM
WWE RAW Live Event Results
July 7th, 2009 - Melbourne, Australia
Report by U-Wen Lee, LordsofPain

I just came back from the RAW Live Tour here in Melbourne, Australia, and
thought I'd send these results in.

All in all, it was a fantastic show, one of the better ones I've been to
recently. The Rod Laver Arena was about 95% packed with nearly 15,000 fans.
Just a few empty seats here and there, even at ringside. The show was
supposed to be a sell-out, though. Oh well, let's get down to the action. We
get the RAW opening (that we usually see on TV), and then came the pyro. And
here comes Tony Chimel to get things started.

1) Goldust (w/Hornswoggle) vs The Brian Kendrick
Always good to see Goldust in action again. I love his theme music. As he
was going down the ramp, Hornswoggle's music played and he came out to a big
ovation. The Brian Kendrick is quite small in person, and he was constantly
irritated by little Horny at ringside, who even stole his jacket and put it
on, much to Kendrick's chagrin.

Lots of wear-down holds, and it was only towards the end did the tempo pick
up. Kendrick was distracted by Horny on the outside, and Goldust snuck up
behind to nail Kendrick with the Curtain Call slam.

Winner: Goldust

2) Sheamus vs Jamie Noble
This was my first time seeing Sheamus in action, I hadn't even watched him
on TV before. He looks mighty huge in person, and has lots of potential to
go far. He got on the mic, and said that since Australia doesn't have anyone
who is likely to be successful in the WWE, then he (as an Irishman) would be
the hero that Australia always wanted. This got some major heat.

Tiny Noble didn't stand much of a chance against the power of Sheamus,
though. Noble did use his speed but his momentum was always killed by a big
power move by Sheamus. In the end, Sheamus finished him off with a big boot
to the face, and that was it.

Winner: Sheamus

3) Chavo Guerrero vs Santino Marella
This match really got the crowd going. There was a guy near the ramp with a
sign that said "Santino Portabella" or something like that, and Santino
acknowledged it. Santino started off with some cartwheels and a forward roll
acrobatics, much to the annoyance of Chavo. Santino was really milking the
audience, who popped for everything he did.

Not much in terms of action, but Chavo did get the Three Amigos in, and was
about to attempt his frog splash but Santino rolled out of the way. After
some back-and-forth moves, Santino surprised Chavo with a backslide and got
the quick 1-2-3.

Winner: Santino Marella

4) Cody Rhodes (w/Ted Dibiase) vs Carlito (w/Primo)
This was originally supposed to be a tag team match, but I think Dibiase is
nursing an arm injury, so it became a singles match instead. Good to see
Priceless (or is it Legacy now?), and the Colons. Too bad this match is no
longer for the Unified Tag titles (as advertised), thanks to Edge & Jericho
stealing the gold recently at The Bash.

Dibiase interfered in this match a lot, and whenever Primo went to help his
partner, the referee got in his way, allowing Dibiase and Rhodes to really
double-team Carlito, both in and outside the ring. Carlito showed off
fleeting displays of his athleticism, but in the end it was Rhodes that was
able to get in a cheap shot, before hitting his neckbreaker finisher for the
big win.

Winner: Cody Rhodes

5) United States Championship match - Kofi Kingston (c) vs The Miz vs
William Regal
Miz was out first. Man, this guy is hilarious. He put on some fake Aussie
accent, something about shrimp on the barbeque, which didn't cut much ice
with the crowd. He then went on about how he's the best wrestler on the Raw
brand, and that everyone paid good money to come watch him wrestle. I was
waiting for his catchphrase and he finally said it - "Because I'm The Miz,
and I'm....awesome!" Sweet.

The action was end-to-end here. Miz got chucked out of the ring early, and
feigned a head injury while Regal and Kofi went at it in the ring. Kofi hit
a beautiful standing drop-kick that floored Regal, and then Miz got back in
the ring and hit his running clothesline move into Regal in the corner.
Regal was screaming like crazy, shouting "Come on!" many times, while trying
his best to get some decent offence on Kofi. At the finish, Kofi knocked Miz
to the canvas, then slammed Regal on top of him. Then he came off the ropes
and hit his double legdrop on both of them. A couple of near-falls later,
and a slightly messy finish saw Miz again thrown over the top rope before
Kofi hit Trouble In Paradise on Regal for the easy pinfall.

Winner: Kofi Kingston retains

10-minute intermission

6) Big Show vs MVP
I've seen Big Show in person many times already, and it never ceases to
amaze me just how large this guy actually is. MVP came out to a big pop, but
he was in for a very rough night indeed. Early on, Big Show backed MVP in
the corner, before unzipping the front of MVP's wrestling suit, and hushed
the audience before giving him a BIG SLAP across the chest. He went to the
other corner and gave him another big chop that looked very painful. I can't
imagine how it must have felt.

MVP couldn't get much offence in, unfortunately. I wonder why the WWE booked
one of their biggest stars in such a match, when he can't perform his
repertoire of moves properly. MVP finally tried and tried, and one aerial
move saw Show crash to the canvas. After the "Ballin'!" move, MVP
surprisingly tried to attempt his finishing move but Show countered it into
a massive choke slam and scored the win.

Winner: Big Show

7) Non-title match - Maryse (Divas Champion) vs Mickie James
Maryse is absolutely gorgeous in person. Never-ending legs, and she was
bi###iness-personified. Mickie got one of the biggest pops of the night.
Lots of stalling by Maryse, and she was so fed up at one stage she even left
the ring, picked up her belt and threatened to leave. But Mickie gave her a
dropkick on the outside and threw her back into the ring. Mickie is very
athletic and was hitting lots of clotheslines and dropkicks to wear the
champion down.

Maryse did her camel clutch move, and slapped Mickie across the back many
times. Then she went for her DDT finisher, but Mickie countered into her own
tornado DDT and pinned the champ in the middle of the ring. Non-title match,
so Maryse keeps her crown. But I think it's only a matter of time before
Mickie gets her belt. Maybe at the end of this month at Night of Champions?

Winner: Mickie James

8) Main event - WWE Championship. Randy Orton (c) vs Triple H
It's time for the big one. I love hearing Orton's music, it suits him so
perfectly. He took his time getting to the ring, and showed off the
beautiful spinner belt. HHH was out next, and he got a defeaning ovation.
Truly the star of the night. Tony Chimel did the ring introductions only
after both competitors were in the ring, giving the match a real
championship feel.

Some of the highlights of the match saw Orton deliver a perfect standing
dropkick that floored HHH. Hunter then fought back with his trademark
running knee, his kneedrop to the forehead, and 180-degree spinebuster.
Orton failed in his first attempt to hit the RKO, but his second time was
successful. Amazingly, HHH kicked out at two. HHH fought back and hit the
pedigree, and the referee was counting to 2 but Legacy stormed the ring and
forced the immediate DQ. A 3-on-1 beatdown on HHH ensued, until the Colons
ran down to make the save.

Orton and Dibiase fled up the ramp, leaving Cody alone to be fed to the
wolves. A few punches by the Colons, and then HHH nailed Cody with the
pedigree. Rhodes tried to roll out of the ring, but HHH wasn't done. He
delivered another bone-crunching pedigree, and then the celebrations
For the next 15 minutes, the Colons and HHH played to the crowd, trying to
see which section could make the most noise. HHH said that everytime he
comes to Australia, he always returns to the States a little bit deaf
because of the loud noise in all the arenas he visits here.

HHH was in his element, spending lots of time meeting fans at ringside and
posing for pictures and high-fiving almost everyone. Truly a great sport,
and he endeared himself very well to the crowd.

Winner: HHH via DQ