View Full Version : Shigeru Miyamoto Asks Fans To Be Patient For New Kid Icarus

07-08-2009, 03:48 PM
Kid Icarus has been predicted for the past two E3 conferences. So far it's failed to materialize, but Shigeru Miyamoto wants us to continue being patient.
"Wait, please. I'm really surprised how popular that is. But you are the first person to ask at this E3!" Miyamoto told Nintendo Power (via GoNintendo).

Not exactly a confirmation, but not exactly a denial either. Seems to suggest that Nintendo might have something up their sleeves after all.

Previous Kid Icarus rumors have been linked to Factor 5, which was said to be working on a game for the Wii. However, nothing has materialized since the developer officially shut down its San Rafael studio this past May.

Still, who knows -- Kid Icarus may yet return.