View Full Version : Brock Lesnar's Ufc Win

Black Widow
07-12-2009, 08:13 PM
Speaking of Brock, a lot of press today is centering around his post-fight interview, in which he flipped off Frank Mir, saying he was lucky when he beat Brock in their first fight (Brock actually said Mir had a "horseshoe up his ....", you get the picture), then proceeded to state he was going to celebrate with a Coors Light because Bud Light (who sponsored the UFC PPV) wasn't giving him any money. Brock, who encouraged boos from the crowd, finished off by telling fans he was going to get on top of his wife (former WWE star Sable, who was in the cage when Brock said it) later that night.

Many of the articles on Brock note he is bringing a "WWE-like" personality into UFC. The funny thing is, I don't remember Brock ever cutting such an entertaining (and to be honest, a bit childish) promo when he was a wrestler!