View Full Version : Black/McGuinness V at DBD

07-18-2009, 05:20 PM
The last time Tyler Black and Nigel McGuinness stepped into the ring across from each other was in Philadelphia for an “ROH on HDNet” taping. That night Black was able to beat McGuinness, and put a king-sized damper on Nigel’s return to active competition. Suffice to say that the result was far from how the former ROH World Champion envisioned his first match back since “Supercard of Honor IV” after taking time to let old wounds heal. ROH officials spoke to Nigel, inquiring mostly about his physical health, but all he had to say was this:

“I’m sick of talking about the arm, the injuries. I’m tired of the questions, “did I return too soon”. Look, love, Tylenol Black beat me. He pinned me to that mat fair and square, and I’ll have to give him that,” said McGuinness. “But how many times did I beat that wanker? And how many times did I have to give him just one more shot? Well mate, let’s see if you’re as giving a soul as ol’ McGuinness. Let’s see if you got it in ya to give me another shot. Let’s see if you’re big enough to give it a go one more time in Toronto!”

Black, to his credit, was very willing to accept Nigel’s challenge, simply stating, “I beat Nigel the last two times we faced each other, and if he thinks he’s up to it physically I would be more than happy to do it one…more…time! I’ve got a lot to prove, not only to myself, but to the fans, and another victory over one of the best ever in ROH will go a long way to earning the kind of respect I think I deserve. ”

With that, it’s official. On Saturday night July 25th, in Toronto, ON at the Ted Reeve Arena, it will be Nigel McGuinness vs. Tyler Black! With both Black and McGuinness involved in the big Four Corner ROH World Title match on Friday night, if either man wins the title, this match WILL be an ROH World Title Match. And in some ways just as important, a victory for either man in this contest will go a long way towards silencing critics and doubters, those people saying Nigel back too soon and that Tyler can’t win the ‘big one’.

Regardless of the outcome, history has shown that Nigel and Tyler have always brought out the best in each other. Each time they’ve fought, both men have given it their all, gone to their limits and beyond, and done whatever it takes to come out victorious. And, especially if the title ends up being on the line, you can rest assured that history will repeat itself.

Tickets are available right here at www.rohwrestling.com, and for a limited time you can save 25% off your order!!! And don’t forget, Ric Flair will also be in attendance on Saturday for a special autograph signing prior to the event!!!

07-20-2009, 06:46 AM
thanks for the post J-man