View Full Version : Taz talks bout what he will do in TNA.

07-24-2009, 09:41 AM
Source: Mike Johnson of pwinsider.com

Taz posted a short blog on his http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=87912513335&topic=10078 discussing his TNA debut. Highlights from the blog.

The Debut: "I think some of you thought I was gonna come out and suplex someone Or choke someone out. I physically CAN NOT WRESTLE ANYMORE!! I cannot BUMP anymore. I have numbness in my right arm on a daily basis...I have about 40% range of motion in my neck folks! For the 20th Billion time...I'm DONE. Hence why I am an announcer."

Samoa Joe: "I met Joe for the 1st time on Sunday and by Monday I felt like I knew the dude 20 years...no BS! Awesome guy, great attitude & tremendous athlete! I'm proud to work with him!"

His Weight: "And for those who are obsessed with my body weight, I lost 17 lbs during my 90 Days....I wish I can say it was more but I like to EAT....sorry."

Taz also wrote about the reaction of the fans live in the Impact Zone, noting the atmosphere reminds him of the old ECW Arena, which I certainly agree with.

07-25-2009, 06:34 AM
thanks for this Kellie