View Full Version : Sexed-up Robbie gets a jab in the......

07-10-2006, 01:14 PM
Robbie Williams
Robbie Williams was so worn out by his string of one night stands he had to have a vitamin injection in his bottom, it has been claimed.

The singer, currently on his Close Encounters world tour, is alleged to have seduced four female fans in the last week.

Robbie was reportedly so tired from his nights of passion he had to have a revitalising vitamin injection, administered in his butt, so he had enough energy to perform.

The pop superstar singer is said to have bedded two sisters in Gothenburg, Sweden, two Saturdays ago , although only one sibling spent the night at his hotel.
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On the Sunday night he halted a second Gothenburg concert to invite 25-year-old trainee doctor Marie Annerstedt back to his hotel to play doctors and nurses.

Robbie spent Tuesday night with a Danish redhead in Copenhagen, Denmark, and finished the week with a mystery blonde Dane.

Conquest Annerstedt said: "We were up until five in the morning. Robbie asked me if I'd ever dress up as a naughty nurse for a man. He kept cracking doctor jokes but after putting him through a full examination it was clear his body was in full working order."
