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View Full Version : Dragon Gate USA results 7/25

07-27-2009, 09:20 PM
Dragon Gate USA Open the Historic Gate - 7.25.09 - The Arena, Philadelphia, PA

1. Lince Dorado won FRAY over Cheech, Cloudy, Chris "Bones" Jones. Johnny Garagano, Louis Lyndon, Aaron Arbo and Unbreakable Andy thanks to a Shooting Star Press.

Dawn Marie opens the show to an electric audience!

2. Main Event #3
YAMATO over BxB Hulk following a Sit-Out Tombstone; Hot opener with the crowd really into it.

3. Special Challenge Match
2 Cold Scorpio over Ken Doane; Doane missed a top rope leg drop, Scorp went for a Moonsault but was met with Doane's knees. Scorpio came back with the "Tumbleweed" for the win. Handshake post-match.

4. CHIKARA Eight Man Tag Team Showcase
Mike Quackenbush, Jigsaw, Fire Ant & Soldier Ant over Hallowicked, Amasis, Gran Akuma & Icarus when Jigsaw pinned Icarus in a great match

Quack called out DG for a multi-man match at the next show and YAMATO met the "call out" to get in his face. YAMATO attacked and Jigsaw and Akuma made the save, but Akuma then turned...which would seemingly set up Quackenbush/Jigsaw v. YAMATO/Gran Akuma in Chicago.

5. Main Event #2
Dragon Kid over Masato Yoshino after a Dragonrana. Yoshino refused a post-match handshake. Scorpio came out and put over original ECW before recommending a re-match between the 2 down the road.

~@ Intermission: November Philly show, "Open the Freedom Gate". One night tournament for the Open the Freedom Gate championship, DGUSA's belt

6. Tag Team Challenge
The Young Bucks of Nick & Matt Jackson over CIMA & Susumu Yokosuka when Nick Jackson pinned Yokosuka; Match of the Night thus far!

7. Main Event #1 - Non-Title
Open The Dream Gate Champion Naruki Doi over Shingo in a "great, back and forth match" Lots of false finishes and very stiff. Shingo got dropped on his head leading to the finish.

Heralded as a "great show."