View Full Version : ESPN rips into WWE

07-28-2009, 06:06 PM
- ESPN talked about WWE ripping off their Scrabble promo with Shaquille O'Neal on RAW last night. Here are two separate reports:

Charlie sent the following: I was just watching SportsCenter and they highlighted Shaq's appearance on Raw. One of the anchors asked where was Kamala the Ugandan Giant, as a joke. They then took WWE to task for blatantly stealing the bit from the Santino-Shaq Scrabble game where Santino asked, "Where did you get all the 'Q's'" from the ESPN commercial calling it, "Just plain lazy."

David sent the following: I just saw ESPN's coverage of Shaq on RAW. They got in the fake jabs, mocked the WWE writers for stealing the ESPN commercial (the Scrabble bit) that they did with Shaq verbatim.

07-29-2009, 06:48 AM
wow thanks for the post John

07-29-2009, 07:20 AM
They also said something along the lines of "him doing anything he wants when he retires, including participating in unreal sports"