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View Full Version : Miz Music Blog: Aerosmith

08-07-2009, 07:38 AM
Hello Mizfits (Miz fans) and Miztakes (Miz haters),

I'm starting a new blog based solely on music. From time to time I will feature my opinions on new artists, upcoming cds, song, bands, everything music in general, and what better way to start this new blog off than with the band who gave the biggest event of the summer, SummerSlam, its theme song "You Gotta Move," Aerosmith.

I'm definitely a fan of Aerosmith. Who isn't? And I was excited to hear they will be touring all summer long with ZZ Top. I've never seen Aerosmith in concert, but you better believe if I have the day off, which lately very rarely happens, and they are in LA I'm going to see them.

I've heard so many great stories from friends that seeing them live is better than listening to the CD. That's how I differentiate bad bands to good bands to great bands. There's nothing worse then spending your hard-earned cash to go see your favorite band only to have them royally suck in concert. Whether the singer can't hit certain notes, the band's off-key, or they are boring in general it's like watching a trainwreck.

Luckily, I've heard Aerosmith is not the case. They haven't been around for 30-plus years selling out stadiums for nothing.

As for ZZ Top, I saw them live during the half time show at the Orange Bowl last year, and they were really fun to watch which I was a little shocked seeing that they don't jump around or get really wild. I think it's the presense of them that made it fun. Seeing the gimmicks of the long beards and shades brought me back to rocking to them in the '80s so I loved it. Plus, meeting them backstage numerous times at WWE events made me like them so much more. It's amazing when you meet someone you grew up listening to and they are incredibly nice that it makes you love their music that much more.

Seeing these two legendary bands live would be amazing especially since I love going to concerts. I used to go to about 2-3 concerts a week, but ever since I moved to LA I've slowed down. And when I do go I head directly to the mosh pit, and in about 1 minute, I'm gasping for air. It never used to be like that. Guess I'm out of shape, plus, I look at who is in the mosh pits and it's usually younger kids still in middle and high school makes me feel old. haha ... whatever. I don't think there will be too many mosh pits at an Aerosmith concert more singing with the band and playing air guitar.

I've always enjoyed Aerosmith's music. My favorite top 5 songs would have to be....

5. Angel

4. Walk This Way Featuring Run DMC

3. Living on the edge

2. Dream on

1. Janie's got a Gun

It sucks I had to leave off so many, but hey, top 5 is top 5. What's your top 5?

Does anyone remember the music videos? OMG...I remember watching MTV everyday just to watch Janie's Got a Gun.

I was a kid and that music video had such an impact on me because my parents had to explain the story which they weren't too happy about it. They banned me from watching MTV because of it. And just like a kid as soon as they said no it became my favorite video and any chance I got, I'd turn it on. I guess an 8-year-old kid learning about a girl killing a man isn't a great video to watch at that age.

Then Aerosmith started putting movie stars in their videos which made it that much better. Remember the Alicia Silverstone videos? Those were so good.

I was a teenager by then and the movie Crush just came out. Remember that movie? She played a great psycho, but I'd totally forgive her back then because she was hot. I think every guy was drooling over her at that time.

Then Living on the Edge with Eddie Furlong (I think that's his name) had a really cool story to it.

These are all the reasons Aerosmith has been so successful for 30+ years from numerous hit cds with dozens and dozens of great songs, to these impactful, creative music videos all this has made them legendary in my mind.

If you disagree or have opinions of your own or have a topic you want me to talk about let me know. As Ross Perot once said "I'm all ears."

Just always remember that I'm The Miz and I'm Awesome.


08-08-2009, 06:38 AM
thanks for the post John