View Full Version : JR - A Sweet, Little Road Story..

08-15-2009, 08:59 AM
I have just updated our Q&A section and it covers a variety of topics. They include: Johnny Eagles aka Roy Boyd a legit tough guy with Wigan training, Johnny Powers and the personal challenges he had in wrestling because he was gay, Jim Cornette's future, why I don't want or need to "slap" Michael Cole, Nailz, Alabama football coach Nick Saban, 7/11 stores and the Summerslam promotion, the UFC's view on competition and much more. Check out our Q&A section today.

This is a mini blog....sort of like our "sliders" for kids at J.R.'s Family BBQ that feature delicious chopped brisket and succulent pulled pork.

Sorry to hear of the passing of lady wrestler Gladys "Killem" Gillem who many of us got to know in the film "Lipstick and Dynamite." She was one of the toughest wrestlers of any gender of her era. I have heard stories of her toughness since I got in the biz in 1974. I am fascinated with many of the stories regarding the inner workings of women's wrestling back in its heyday of touring from territory to territory by car. Either the promoter was doing his best to sleep with the talent or the women were encouraged to have relationships with other women wrestlers so that they didn't fall in love with a man, leave the biz, become pregnent, live happily ever after and not come back to the servitude of which they had previously endured in their workplace. I encourage you to read about Mildred Burke, June Byers, Elvira Snodgrass, etc and the era of the 40's and 50's of this genre and you will be fascinated. Why someone hasn't made a feature film on this such as "A League of Their Own" is beyond me. Likely the "wrestling bias" that still exists with some. "Lipstick and Dynamite" however is one of my favorite documentaries.

Come to think of it, perhaps Rosie O'Donnell would be good casting in a movie about old school, women's wrestling after her role as a 3rd baseperson in "A League of Their Own" which was a great movie.

Ideas for potential Raw hosts: Mike Ditka, Michael Irvin, selected WWE HOF'ers, Dr Drew, Dr. Phil, Nancy Grace, Bill O'Reilly, Siegfried and Roy, along with all those that will actually host because they have something to plug other than the plugs in their scalp....not that there is any thing wrong with that Jeremy. However, it's gonna take someone special to out perform our man Shaq.

Quick road story....Monday night I order room service in Edmonton at our hotel, not a national chain, near the airport. For those of you who may care and to provide the little geeks who may read this with more cannon fodder for the feedback they like to provide on message boards,etc, I ordered grilled salmon, steamed vegetables and rice. The young woman brings me the food but she can't come into my room, "hotel policy." For the record, I am fully clothed and did not pull an old, wrestler's trick and open the door while nude to room service or house keeping. "Hotel Policy." Alrighty then. So I take the tray and of course tip it over spilling much of my food off the plate and onto the tray and the floor. I finally got control of my dinner and put what had spilled onto the tray, not the floor mind you, back on to the plate. Now the concoction now looks like a drunken casserole or a casserole made by a drunk. I then sign the check take it back out to the hall way where the young woman was stoically awaiting. I finally sit, ready to chow down on something other than freeway, fast food and realize that I have no eating utensils; there's not a knife, fork, spoon in sight nor do I have any salt or pepper and no ice for my warm Diet Pepsi. I call back down to room service and ask them to send me up what is missing of which they do...25 minutes later. My food is now nice and cold. I then asked the room service person, who can't come into my room and is standing out in the hallway at attention, to take the old plate of cold food back and to bring me a new plate of, gasp, warm food. Novel concept, right?

However the plot continues to thicken, but it doesn't get warmer, as she said that they couldn't because room service was now CLOSED!

This goes right along with my TV issues during the same stay. I can live through food trials and tribulations while on the road but don't screw with my TV or the remote! The timer on my TV was out smarting me as my TV would automatically turn off every 40 minutes and I wasn't astute enough to figure out the remote. Plus, when I asked, I found out that hotel engineering had GONE HOME. It was not even midnight!

Upon check out I was asked how my stay was by the front desk clerk. I told them that every thing was "great" especially having to watch TV in 40 minute intervals and that I actually preferred cold food. She thought I was being serious and said, "That's great to hear Mr. Ross. Would you need another reservation?"

Not in this millennium, lady.

I did have a great, warm sandwich today at J.R.'s BBQ....accurately called "J.R.'s Favorite." It's our 12 hour, slow smoked pulled pork, with a hot link and cole slaw on a toasted bun. I added a little HOT BBQ sauce and I was rocking!

We are close to working out a trial run with our sauces and Chipolte Ketchup with a grocery chain we shop at here in Oklahoma called Homeland. I'll keep you posted.

I will soon start writing for www.ouinsider.com where I will write my thoughts on college football and specifically the upcoming OU Sooners game of the week. I think it will be something like J.R.'s 7 Things to Ponder or something like that. It will, hopefully, be a quick, entertaining, and informative read for CFB and sports fans in general.

Thanks for stopping by and for those of you that have the time and inclination to visit our store and actually fill that shopping cart. The best sauce and ketchup you ever tasted is a click away.

Boomer Sooner!


08-17-2009, 06:28 AM
thanks for the post John