View Full Version : Update: Jeff Hardy Tells WWE Leaving

Kenpachi Zaraki
08-22-2009, 12:09 AM
According to a new report from PWInsider.com, Jeff Hardy has told WWE officials that he is leaving the company after the SummerSlam PPV. The reason he is citing is "scheduling conflicts," as he no longer wants to work as many dates for WWE as the company is requiring, and he wants a break from the road and time to explore other interests. The WWE creative team has been informed to scrap any future plans that may have included Jeff Hardy and immediately begin working on a story line return for The Undertaker. WWE plans to use 'Taker to fill the void that Hardy will create.


08-22-2009, 12:18 AM
Use Matt damnit! The Punk/Matt feud will flow perfectly after Jeff leaves.

08-22-2009, 02:35 AM
yeah the whole undertaker plan will work for about a month until undertaker goes out again

08-22-2009, 04:46 AM
O.k....heres Whats Gonna Happen....jeff Is Going Back To , T.n.a.....it's Going To Be Revealed That He Is Really Suicide!!!

08-22-2009, 07:34 AM
We can now confirm that Jeff Hardy will be leaving the WWE within the next month or so. Jeff Hardy gave his notice and informed the WWE that he was leaving due to scheduling conflicts, mainly wanting to work less days. Vince McMahon has informed the creative team to scrap future plans with Jeff Hardy and to create an angle for the Undertaker's comback who will fill in for Hardy.

Hardy will have his last WWE appearance at either SummerSlam or next weeks SD! tapings on Tuesday.

08-22-2009, 10:58 AM
Jeff Hardy will WIN & then vacate the title on the following weeks SMACKDOWN due to retirement & CM Punk & Matt Hardy will fight for the title!!

08-22-2009, 04:51 PM
that sounds like a better storyline god u people write write better shit than the WWE creative team. I like the stuff u guys came up with an 90% the fans come up with better storylines than the creative team.

08-22-2009, 11:03 PM
This explains why Matt Hardy has changed all of a sudden and is back in the picture. I will miss Jeff Hardy but if he goes back to TNA, that will be another reason for myself to watch it. TNA has been much better than WWE the last month, it is like how WWE was in the late 90s.

08-22-2009, 11:36 PM
I say vacate it, have the usual controversy thru September over who's the real champ and then have a six-man Hell in a Cell match in October. CM, Matt. Taker, Jericho, Morrison, Rey. If Jeff actually leaves.

Shane McMahon's Ass
08-23-2009, 03:11 AM
This explains why Matt Hardy has changed all of a sudden and is back in the picture. I will miss Jeff Hardy but if he goes back to TNA, that will be another reason for myself to watch it. TNA has been much better than WWE the last month, it is like how WWE was in the late 90s.

I totally agree, TNA has indeed been better than WWE as of late. And i hope Jeff goes back to TNA. I would love it soooooo much if he did :D

08-23-2009, 06:12 AM
Hopefully they will have Jeff win and then vacate the title, then they can have some kind of tournament for the belt - and give both Matt & Morrison a push in the process.

In saying that - WWE will probably just have Hardy lose to Punk... Yech :shifty: