View Full Version : The Miz Talks Working with Cena, His New Look & More

08-22-2009, 08:56 AM
The Miami Herald has an interview up with The Miz. Here are some of the highlights.

On JBL knocking him down on commentary during his start: "I deal with it like I do everything. I ignore it. You've got to have thick skin in this business. You have to understand not everyone is going to like you, and that's fine because I have enough confidence in myself that I don't need people having to cheer me or like me. Fact is I'm going to do my best. All I want people to do is to watch what I'm going to do next. I want people to understand that I am the most entertaining and charismatic person on that brand."

On how working with John Cena both hurt and helped him: "I think in some ways working with John Cena helped me, and in some ways it hurt me. In the biggest way, it helped me realize certain things. It helped because I said things about Cena that everyone else was thinking about but afraid to say. I said things everyone wished they could say but never did. The way it hurt is I got beat. Cena is the poster child of the company. He is our No. 1 guy. I guess to get beat by him is OK. It kind of made me realize I need to gain more experience to be at that level, and that's where I'm going to now, to build my way up to the level, so I can be that main event star and be the poster child of WWE. Let's face it. John Cena isn't going to be it forever."

On changing up the look of his character: "I've come to the realization every since I got banned, fired from Monday Night Raw, SummerSlam and Staples Center, that I need to do something more with myself. I need to be taken more seriously by the WWE superstars, by the fans. So I decided to change the look. People aren't going to take me seriously wearing Capri pants with sparkles all over them. I decided I needed to change the look, change the attitude and learn to build my way up instead of just thinking I should be at the main event level -- maybe go after a person who is at my level right now, the U.S. champion [Kofi Kingston], and then work my way up to the main event level, like all the guys did who are at the main event level right now."

On Jeff Hardy and CM Punk main eventing SummerSlam: "I think it will be an absolutely incredible match. These two are definitely extreme and know exactly what they're doing and know how to do a main event level match. It's also two new guys in the main event. We've seen the same five people in the main event for so long now. It's a breath of fresh air to see these two there