View Full Version : Borderlands DLC Already In Development

08-22-2009, 07:03 PM
In an era in which a popular release is immediately followed by expectations for downloadable content, it's prudent for developers to get started as quickly as possible. That's just what Gearbox is doing with Borderlands, with president Randy Pitchford saying that "people are going to be surprised when they find out how quickly we're coming" with the DLC. "We're going to watch and see what happens when the game launches, so we can have our plans affected by what our customers want more of," Pitchford told Eurogamer. "But we do have some plans for the initial stuff already in motion, and I'll be announcing that soon." As for the game itself, Pitchford said that Borderlands is currently being certified by Sony and Microsoft. He proudly proclaimed it "the best we've ever done, the best my studio's ever done. We're really proud of it." Borderlands is due October 20 in North America.