View Full Version : Mega Indy News post 8/22

08-23-2009, 09:58 PM
IWC is proud to announce that Davey Richards will be making his return on October 17th at IWC "Boiling Point 4" when he challenges Shiima Xion for the IWC World heavyweight championship! Richards, currently one half of the Ring of Honor tag team champions with American Wolves partner Eddie Edwards, was last seen in IWC at Super Indy VIII weekend this past May. After competing in a classic battle with 2 Cold Scorpio the first night, Davey challenged Ricky Reyes for the WWC Puerto Rico Junior championship. Despite dominating the majority of the contest, Reyes used nefarious means to squeak out a victory. Now, Richards has focused his energies on a new target- Shiima Xion and his IWC World championship.

As was reported on IWCWrestling.com, the IWC heavyweight championship was successfully defended in Shinmaiko, Japan on August 12th when Shiima Xion defeated Shadow Phoenix for the Daiwa Entertainment Pro Wrestling organization. Xion has reportedly been stating that he would like to be refered to as the IWC WORLD heavyweight champion again, and IWC officials have agreed to do so. If Shiima retains the World championship on October 3rd in Clearfield, PA against Jon Bolen, this will indeed be a championship match.

Both Richards and Xion have become world-traveled competitors, and this potential classic takes place for the first time on October 17th at Court Time Sports Center in Elizabeth, PA, when IWC reaches "Boiling Point 4: A Cause for Alarm!"

IWC Clearfield Cataclysm
October 3rd
Clearfield, PA
Clearfield County Fairgrounds
7:00 PM belltime

$20 front row ringside reserved
$15 second and third row reserved
$10 general admission

-Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka vs "The Big Daddy of Destruction" J Rocc
-IWC heavyweight championship match: Shiima Xion vs Jon Bolen
-IWC Super Indy championship match: Super Hentai vs Clearfield County's own Sebastian
-IWC Tag Team championship match: The Irish Airborne (Jake and Dave Crist) v The Gambino Brothers (Mickey and Marshall)
-"Deeelicious" Jimmy Demarco vs "The Baddest Man in IWC" Ray Rowe
-Michael "the Bomber" Facade vs "The Whole Shebang" Johnny Gargano!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
IWC Boiling Point 4: A Cause for Alarm
October 17th
Elizabeth, PA
Court Time Sports Center
7:30 PM belltime

$20 ringside reserved
$15 general admission
$10 kids general admission

-IWC World heavyweight championship match (if Xion is still champion): Shiima Xion vs Davey Richards
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
IWC Newville Knockout 2009
October 24th
Newville, PA
Big Spring Community Center
7:30 PM belltime

$20 ringside reserved
$15 general admission
$10 kids general admission

"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan will be in the house!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-November 14, 2009 Court Time Sports Center, Elizabeth, PA "November Pain 5"
-December 11, 2009 Court Time Sports Center, Elizabeth, PA "Call to Arms 2009, Night One"
-December 12, 2009 Court Time Sports Center, Elizabeth, PA "Call to Arms 2009, Night Two"

4 Years of This?! Preview

After successfully defending his Inter Species Wrestling title in the States against Hallowicked, Player Uno returns to Montreal to defend his belt against perhaps his most difficult opponent to date, the Generic Luchador, El Generico.

Uno put himself through a grueling training regimen to prepare for Hallowicked, helping him beat the terror luchadore in Connecticut. As a result of this training regimen, Uno is in the best shape that he has been in nearly two years.

I could tell you that Uno has never beaten El Generico in a singles match and that would be true, but not the complete truth. Full disclosure would require me to state that astonishingly this is the first time that two of Canada's best masked wrestlers have ever faced each other one on one. Uno has the home advantage - the champion's advantage. El Generico has the advantage of being perhaps the best damn indy wrestlers in Canada. Either way, win or lose, it's going to be a show!


4 Years of This?!
Card Quick and Dirty

Inter Species Wrestling Title Match: ISW Champion Player Uno vs. El Generico

Inter Species Wrestling Other Title Match: ISW Champion Moohammad the Terrorist Cow vs. James Stone

Fans Bring the Lego Weapons Death Match: Stinky the Homeless Guy vs. Flip

Number One Contender Match: Twiggy vs. Kevin Steen

Three Way Dance: Beef Wellington vs. Sexxxy Eddy vs. Viking

Quebec Co-Ed Match: Addy Star vs. Steve

Zombie vs. Panda?!: Izzy Deadyet vs. El Hijo del Bamboo

Most Valuable Zombie Match: Zombiefied vs. Michael Von Payton

Badd Challenge: The Badd Boys vs. Whoever has the balls to face them

Giant Tiger Match: Giant Tiger in a match of his own choosing.


4 Years of This?! Detailed Preview

Giant Tiger backed up an armored car to extort Inter Species Wrestling into paying for him to travel to Connecticut and then after getting a contract with everything that he wanted, childishly decided that he didn't want to travel that weekend. Fortunately, Giant Tiger made more reasonable demands to appear at the ISW 4th Anniversary show.

Or did he?

One of Giant Tiger's conditions to appear was that he got to pick his opponent and his match at 4 Years of This?! The only problem is that it appears that Giant Tiger has chosen as his opponent, Inter Species El Presidente, Mike Rotch. Nothing good can come of this. There is no way that Rotchy should ever be involved in a wrestling match. Rotch has refused to respond publicly to GT's challenge, but we know from e-mails and Private Messages that Rotchy sent to Giant Tiger (that GT immediately copied and put online) that Rotchy has been trying desperately to talk GT out of this nonsense.

Speaking of talking someone out of (or into) nonsense, somewhere in this country a tag team wrestler is trying to persuade his partner that it would be a GREAT idea to accept the Badd Challenge and get in the ring with the Badd Boys, Chad and Brad Badd. I don't need to know who this tag team is. I am sure that I will meet them on Sunday and tell them that they are Boys trying to defeat Men.

In a match that might be described as a Boy(pleaser) trying to defeat a Man(of sorts), Addy Starr - coming off a victory against the wrestling Porn Star Sexxxy Eddy - will be trying to turn that victory into a winning streak against a different kind of porn star as Addy tries to beat the She-male called Steve. Can Addy avoid Steve's deadly sodomy submission?

The other cuddly ISW star (other than Addy Starr) facing deadly peril this Sunday is crowd favourite El Hijo del Bamboo. Having just recovered from a neck injury that left him sidelined for several months, Bamboo Jr. will be facing the deadly Izzy Deadyet. Both ISW competitors are on winning streaks, with the Great Panda of Sumatra boasting clean pins of M.V.P. and Damian while Izzy Deadyet has run rough-shod over the competition beating Dan Paysan (and eating his brain to eliminate Dan from ISW), Zombiefied (in a body-bag match), Viking and Pinkie Sanchez. Izzy has been blitzing his opponents, overpowering them, while El Hijo del Bamboo has been capitalizing on his opponents' mistakes. The question is can the Puroreso Panda capitalize on an Izzy mistake? Or will ISW start its fifth year of existence with an undead panda on the roster?

The other ISW Zombie in action on Sunday will be facing a long-time enemy of El Hijo del Bamboo as Zombiefied squares off against Michael Von Payton. Compared to Izzy Deadyet, Zombiefied is a bona-fide hero, but that does not mean he is not a monster. Michael Von Payton is one of ISW's strongest and smartest wrestlers, but can strength and skill help you defeat the living dead, especially when the undead are as fast as Zombiefied?

Three men on ISW losing streaks will meet during Inter Species Wrestling's Fourth Anniversary show. Beef has suffered losses to PCP Crazy F'N Manny and Twiggy; Viking lost to Izzy Deadyet and Player Uno. Sexxxy Eddy's losing streak only stands at one, but Eddy's ego took a terrible beating when he lost his match to Addy Starr. These three men know each other very well. Frankly, each of the three has a less than tenuous grasp on their sanity. Viking brings a beer-fuelled violent kind of crazy; Eddy supplies a hard liquor and sex streak of insanity; and Beef brings a sober mean kind of mad. Three crazy men, all tired of losing, but only one can win. Sounds like fun!

The ISW bringer of fun Twiggy had one title match against Player Uno during CHIKARA's King of Trios. He lost that match but came heart-breakingly close to winning the ISW belt. Twiggy would like nothing better than one more shot at that gold, this time at home, in front of a Montreal audience at Foufounes Electriques. Only one thing stands in his way. A man-sized brick wall named Kevin Steen. I know for a fact that Kevin Steen likes Twiggy (as much as Kevin likes anyone that he isn't married to or related to) I know for a fact that Kevin Steen respects Twiggy, but when the bell rings for this Number One Contender's Match, liking and respecting won't matter a damn - because Kevin Steen wants that ISW belt just as badly as Twiggy and if hurting Twiggy is the price that Kevin has to pay to get another title shot, that is a sacrifice that Kevin is prepared to make.

The crazy thing is that Twiggy wouldn't have it any other way.
Another wrestler that has sacrificed for a title shot is Rock Star James Stone. During the Vans/Warped Tour Show, in a steady rain while fighting Moohammad the Terrorist Cow for the ISW Other Title, James went up top. Always a risk to go up top, normally a carefully calculated one, but when the ropes are slick with water and you are facing a man beast who would almost rather than kill you than beat you. Well, let's just say that James is lucky that he isn't parking in handicapped parking spots right now. Only natural for James Syone to demand a rematch indoors away from the rain. Maybe a little alarming and unnatural how quickly Moohammad agreed to the rematch.

You could call Moohammad the puppet-master of Inter Species Wrestling. Pulling James Stone's strings with one hand hoof, holding Flip's leash with another and yanking Stinky's chains with a third, and if I am honest about it Moohammad used his free hoof to manipulate me.

As the ISW Commissioner, I wrote an e-mail calling for the match between Flip and Stinky. Here is that e-mail in full and verbatim.


Fans of Inter Species Wrestling.

Like many of you, I was shocked and saddened to see the wrestler - formerly known as Flip D. Berger - now known simply as Flip - viciously attack his former best friend and tag team partner (from the greatly missed tag team Lady and the Tramp) Stinky the Homeless Guy during The Worst That Could Happen. For the second Inter Species Wrestling show in a row, Flip filled Stinky's hat with Lego, taped the hat to Stinky's head and pile-drove Stinky into a toy-induced concussion.

This is the only reason that Moohammad the Terrorist Cow is the current and reigning Inter Species Wrestling Other Champion. I don't need to remind you that Moohammad (cheated to) beat Flip in a "Winner Eats the Loser" match, but since Moohammad is a strict vegan, instead of eating Flip, the Terrorist Cow settled for brainwashing Flip - turning him into a Vegan PETA drone, Moohammad's human pet.

Flip may have been brainwashed, but he is still reponsible for his actions and at the next Inter-Species Wrestling show, 4 Years of This?! at Foufounes Electriques on Sunday, August 23rd, I am ordering Flip to face Stinky and resolve their feud in the only way that it can: In an old fashioned Montreal Death Match.

But not just any old fashioned Montreal Death Match.

I have received an Inter-Species Wrestling fan mail from one Steve Wilson suggesting that the Flip vs. Stinky feud can only be resolved by a 50, 000 thumb-tack Death Match. Well Steve, if that is your real name, here at Inter Species Wrestling we believe that thumb-tacks are for pussies. I have woken up the day after some Montreal wrestling shows and picked thumbtacks out of the weirdest places without ever feeling them pierce my skin, but if I step on one piece of Lego left out by my nephew, I can wake the whole house up cursing fit to wake the dead.

So, I have decided that at 4 Years of This?! Flip will face Stinky in a Lego Death Match, but I don't just want a few scattered pieces of Lego. I am calling on the fans to make and bring Weapons made out of Lego. Instead of hats filled with Lego, I want a hat made out of Lego. I want Cookie pans made out of Lego. I want Barbed-Wire bats made out of Lego. I want a Light-Tube Log Cabin made out of Lego. I want the great fans of Inter Species Wrestling to think of the most God-Awful Wrestling Weapons that you can dream up and make them out of Lego and bring them to our Fourth Anniversary show.

Sunday, August 23rd, 2009 at Foufounes Electricques
4 Years of This?!
Stinky the Homeless Guy vs. Flip
Fans Bring the Lego Weapons Death Match


IWS DVD & Ticket Special

I now have copies of the IWS Tenth Anniversary show X in my office. They are $20, or you can get the DVD and a VIP ticket to Hardcore Heat for $30 (or you can get a ticket for the ISW show 4 Years of This?!. Special is good until August 23rd. You can pay by paypal: Llakor@hotmail.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or contact me at that e-mail address for more details.


Inter Species Wrestling returns with 4 Years of This?! on Sunday, August 23rd, at the Foufounes Electriques, 87 Ste-Catherine East, Montreal. Doors open at 7:30PM, Bell rings at 8:00PM. Tickets are $15.00. 18+ Card and Times subject to change.

International Wrestling Syndicate presents Hardcore Heat on Saturday, August 29th, at the Just For Laughs Museum Studio, 2101 Saint-Laurent, Montreal. Doors open at 8:00PM, Bell rings at 9:00PM. VIP Tickets are $20, Regular Tickets are $15.00. 18+ Card and Times subject to change.

IWS Hardcore Heat
Card To Date

IWS Title Match: The Challenger El Generico vs. IWS Champion Beef Wellington

IWS Tag Team Title Match: The Challengers (EXesS and Heavy Maxx Fury) vs. IWS Champions The Untouchables (Dan Paysan and James Stone)

IWS Canadian Title Match: The Challenger Sexxxy Eddy vs. IWS Canadian Champion Shayne Hawke

Six Man Scrmable Match: The Rookie Urban Miles vs. The Bouncing Brawler Mike "Speedball" Bailey vs. The Air Guitar Hero Twiggy vs. The Tag Team Specialist Jagged vs. two opponents TBA

For the latest news about Quebec Wrestlking News and Notes, the IWS, ISW and other things, read my blog: www.Llakor.Blogspot.com

Independent Wrestling Federation

Desperate Measures Weekend Live Event Day 1
This Saturday, August 22, 2009, 7:30 pm
IWF Centre, 32 Willow Way, West Paterson, NJ

Double Main Event: Public Workout & In-Ring "Marathon Match" Training Session
* Featuring Hi-Definition Chris Steeler (IWF Champion) w/ Commissioner Rich Ross
* Featuring Kevin Knight

Double Main Event: IWF American Title Match
Stellar Travis Blake (Tag Team Champion) vs. Franciz (American Champion) w/ Commissioner Rich Ross

Non-Title Match
Bright Lights Jarrett Foster (Junior Champion) vs. Bruising Bookworm Frank Scoleri

Fady "Arabian Bull" Madani vs. German Menace Kraig Stagg

Mad Dawg Jenkins vs. Entrepreneur Evan Schwartz

Ladies Triple Threat Elimination Match
Jennifer vs. Desirre vs. Jana

Mr. Casino Frankie Amantea vs. Chachi

************************************************** **********************************

Desperate Measures Weekend Live Event Day 2
This Sunday, August 23, 2009, 4:00 pm
IWF Centre, 32 Willow Way, West Paterson, NJ

Double Main Event: "Marathon Match" for the IWF Heavyweight Title
Kevin Knight vs. Hi-Definition Chris Steeler (IWF Champion) of The Ross Family
* Most pin-falls in 30-minutes wins!

Double Main Event: IWF American Title Match
Fady "Arabian Bull" Madani vs. Franciz (American Champion) of The Ross Family

IWF Tag Team Title Match
Stellar Travis Blake & Juicy Justin Corino (Tag Team Champions)
vs. Bruising Bookworm Frank Scoleri & German Menace Kraig Stagg

IWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match
Bright Lights Jarrett Foster (Champion) vs. Mr. Casino Frankie Amantea

Mad Dawg Jenkins vs. Chachi

Jamel "Hush" Holiday vs. Entrepreneur Evan Schwartz

Also Appearing: Jana, Jennifer, Desirre

Watch the IWF Eruption Webcast event preview at www.WrestlingIWF.com

CZW presents:

The Chris Ca$h Memorial Doubleheader
Saturday, September 12th -
Afternoon Show - 230PM
Night Show - 730PM
The CZW Arena - 7 W. Ritner St - Philadelphia, PA

DJ Hyde's first interview as owner of CZW now available online!

Just a few days ago, new CZW owner DJ HYDE appeared on the first installment of HybridEnt.TV's ULTRAVIOLENT RADIO, to give his first inteview as the boss of Combat Zone Wrestling. In the interview, which was conducted by former CZW commentator John House, Hyde answered all the important, and tough questions regarding the current, and future status of CZW. Many of the questions he answered were posed by you the fans.

What direction does DJ plan to lead CZW in? Will DJ be making any major changes to the CZW product? What's next for the Combat Zone? What is Nick Gage REALLY like on the road? All these questions and more are answered in the first installment of Ultraviolent Radio, streaming now 24/7 on HYBRIDENT.TV!

Stay tuned to CZWrestling.com in the coming days for all your breaking news and updates on September 12th's big CZW return, including more exclusive videos from the CZW roster, and more matches in the build to CZW's Summer finale!

Already signed for the Ca$h Doubleheader:

The Best Around vs. Adam Cole and HD Tyler Veritas
The Spanish Armada (LJ Cruz and Alex Colon) vs. Team Macktion

For more:

It won't be long before CHIKARA returns to Massachusetts after an absence of nearly a year! This time, we're hitting West Springfield with 8 titanic contests, including a main event that sees our Campeonatos de Parejas (Ophidian and Amasis) return to action! Already announced for that card:

~Tag Team Title Match!~
The Osirian Portal (campeones) vs. F.I.S.T. (retadores)

~One on One!~
Steve "the Turtle" Weiner vs. Grizzly Redwood

~In Pursuit of Three Points!~
Mike Quackenbush & Jigsaw vs. Hallowicked & Frightmare

Tickets for our upcoming events are available here! The wait for "Never Kneel at the Altar of Conformity" (from Reading) is over - the official DVD is up at Smart Mark Video right now for you to own! Complete with a new, original cover, plus backstage interviews, these are great collectors items for CHIKARA fans new and old! Support CHIKARA by getting your official DVD's through our exclusive distributor, Smart Mark Video.com!

Man Makes Plans, and God Laughs
9.12.2009 - Saturday Evening
Live @ The Elks Lodge!
429 Morgan Lane
in airy West Springfield, MA!
The action starts @ 7:00 pm!

Hiding in Plain Sight
9.13.2009 - Sunday Afternoon
Live @ The Boys & Girls Club!
47 Grand Ave.
in heavily-regulated Nashua, NH!
The action starts @ 4:00 pm!

Our homebase: www.chikarapro.com - Now in Japanese!
For our free, weekly video podcast: www.chikarapodcast.com
Get free updates on your mobile device: twitter.com/chikarapro
Join our official fan club: www.chikarmy.com
On Facebook! www.facebook.com/chikarapro
On MySpace! www.myspace.com/chikarapro


From www.Luchacore.com:

"What's up American Luchacore Fans? If you're reading this right now, that means you've managed to make your way to the brand new AMERICAN LUCHACORE (ALXC) website! That's right, the company that's moving east to provide you with the most dynamic combination of hard-hitting, high flying, fast paced intensity in a 18x18 foot wrestling ring, is now officially ONLINE!

So, while you wait for our explosive east-coast debut in Washington Township, New Jersey at "Back from the Dead" on Sunday, September 20th, feel free to 'kill' some time here on our sweet new website. While you're here, you can check up on all the upcoming ALXC EVENTS, order TICKETS, watch exclusive hype videos and comments from ALXC in our MEDIA section, learn a little more about our ROSTER, or if you're new to Luchacore, you can catch up on a little ALXC RESULTS. And last but not least.. feel free to spend a little cash in our awesome (and being updated daily) SHOP section, where you can get all the latest (and classic) ALXC DVD's, shirts, and assorted other cool stuff!"


Tickets for "BACK FROM THE DEAD" on September 20th in Turnersville, NJ are NOW AVAILABLE! Purchases through PayPal are available!


INCLUDES: 1 Front Row Ticket, Early Entry into the "Back from the Dead" Event, and a LIMITED EDITION Luchacore Poster! (Advanced purchases only)

INCLUDES: 4 General Admission Tickets, which saves you $10! (Advanced purchases only)


If you have any questions regarding tickets, please email us at luchacore@luchacore.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

We hope to see you there!


American Luchacore presents:
Sunday, September 20th – 5pm Bell (4:15 Doors)
“The Alley” at Legends Xtreme (Unit A - Located behind Future Fitness)
505 Route 168
Turnersville, NJ 08012

Already Announced:

In addition, now is as good a time as ever to catch up on the history of American Luchacore by visiting our friends at Smart Mark Video (www.smartmarkvideo.com). There you can order the entire ALXC catalogue, including the soon to be released “Best of American Luchacore – Year 1”, featuring stars like Tyler Black, Mike Quackenbush, Drake Younger, Sami Callihan, Jon Moxley, Arik Cannon, Jimmy Jacobs, Vin Gerard, Johnny Gargano, Josh Raymond, and more!


Chaotic Wrestling returns to the Polish American Veterans Club in Lowell, Massachusetts this Friday, August 21st at 8PM with the show of the Summer - Summer Chaos!

WATCH THE SUMMER CHAOS PREVIEW VIDEOS ONLINE NOW! Check out our exclusive previews on YouTube for more on this Friday night's big event!

http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=uB0uzOG9dsg
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=p_qgLE1utA4

CW Heavyweight Championship

Chase Del Monte (champion)


"Straight Edge" Brian Fury (w/ Sean Gorman)

Since his shocking turn on former tag team partner Mikaze, "Straight Edge" Brian Fury has had his eye on one man. That man is current CW Heavyweight Champion Chase Del Monte. Del Monte has been sitting on top of Chaotic Wrestling since capturing the top prize in all of New England at COLD FURY 8, turning back the challenges of some of the best competitors around. Now, heading into SUMMER CHAOS, the charismatic champ from the Jersey Shore faces quite possibly his toughest challenge. This Friday night, August 21st at the Polish American Veterans Club in Lowell, Del Monte will not only have to deal with number one contender Fury, but he'll also have to deal with his manager Sean Gorman. The Manager of Champions has lead his charges to the CW New England Title as well as the CW Tag Team Titles, but the one thing missing from Gorman's resume is the coveted Chaotic Wrestling Heavyweight Title.

Gorman has been an everlasting thorn in Chase's side, as he first sent current CW New England Champion Scott Reed after the champ. After Reed was dispatched, the mastermind behind The Empire sent his man-monster Sledge. Del Monte was able overcome overwhelming odds and defeat the beast at BREAKING POINT. In "Straight Edge" Brian Fury, Sean Gorman just may be looking at his last chance to dethrone Del Monte and you better believe that this diabolical duo will pull out all the stops to walk out of Lowell this Friday night with the CW Heavyweight Title! Reserve your tickets now and be there live when this intense rivalry explodes!

No DQ Match

Big Rick Fuller


Brian Milonas (w/ Agents Starr & Magic)

After causing one of the most chaotic scenes in CW history, will the PAV be able to contain Big Rick Fuller and Brian Milonas when these two behemoths battle in a No Disqualification Match this Friday night August 21st at SUMMER CHAOS? The two biggest men in Chaotic Wrestling have been battling it out for months and last month in Lowell their scheduled match was scratched after a wild brawl broke out and order was restored only after the entire locker room intervened to pull these monsters apart. Since COLD FURY 8 Milonas has been running a "campaign" to become the next CW Heavyweight Champion and has seemingly been looking for the support of Chaotic fans. Big Rick hasn't bought anything that the Political Powerhouse from Pittsburgh has been selling and is looking to not only shut Milonas up but end his campaign once and for all. The one thing Fuller needs to keep in mind however is Milonas' personal security team (Agents Starr & Magic) that follows him everywhere. So who will come out on top when these two gigantic former CW Heavyweight Champions collide with the rulebook thrown out the window? Be there in person to witness this true battle of the titans!

Six-Man Tag Team Match

The Logan Brothers (Bryan, Matt & Nick)


The Blowout Boys (Danny E., Antonio T. & Frankie A. w/ Alexxis)

The Chaotic Wrestling Tag Team Championship will NOT be on the line this Friday night August 21st at the PAV as the current champions, Matt and Bryan Logan will join forces with their little brother, Nick to take on all three Blowout Boys, Danny E., Antonio T. and newest member, Frankie A., in a Six-Man Tag Team Match. The Blowout Boys and their manager, Alexxis, have been fuming since Danny and Antonio lost the CW Tag Team Championship to Matt and Bryan Logan in a mere 40 seconds at BREAKING POINT. Danny and Frankie challenged the Logans for the title on July 24th. As Alexxis distracted referee Mike Crockett, Antonio snuck into the ring to attack the fallen Matt Logan. To his dismay, and the surprise of everyone at the P. A.V., Nick Logan charged the ring and stopped Antonio dead in his tracks with an inverted powerslam. The Blowouts were so upset about Nick's surprise return that they actually asked for this six-man tag to hopefully eliminate the third Logan brother from Chaotic Wrestling completely. Is blood thicker than hair gel? Find out when Bryan & Matt Logan, the current CW Tag Team Champions, are joined by their younger brother, collegiate wrestling prodigy Nick, to take on all three Blowout Boys (Danny E., Antonio T. & Frankie A., w/ Alexxis) in six-man tag team action this Friday night at SUMMER CHAOS!

"Enforcer" Max Bauer & Mike Nice (w/ Psycho)


Dr. Reginald Heresy & Orlin Goodspeed III (w/ Joey Eastman)

Also this Friday night, August 21st in Lowell, fans will finally see the long-awaited in-ring return of Mike Nice. The self-proclaimed "Nicest Wrestler... Eva!" has been out of action for a year now, and would have returned earlier had it not been for a vicious attack suffered at BREAKING POINT. Last month in Lowell, Dr. Reginald Heresy and Orlin Goodspeed III came out to address the situation. No, it was not Heresy and Goodspeed who perpetrated the act, they said, but they were aware who it was and they had the video evidence to prove it. Rather than providing Mike Nice with the information he was looking for, they decided to taunt the sharp-tongued New Yorker. When Nice took exception they saw fit to attack him and, in a surprising moment, the returning Psycho. Having no love lost for the tandem of the Good Doctor and Goodspeed, "The Enforcer" Max Bauer stormed from the back and cleared the ring. Nice joins forces with Bauer to face Heresy and Goodspeed at SUMMER CHAOS this Friday night, August 21st at the Lowell PAV. Friday night shaping up to be a great night of action. Reserve your tickets now and be part of the Summertime tradition that is SUMMER CHAOS!

Biff Busick Makes His Chaotic Wrestling Debut!

Months have passed since Chaotic Wrestling fans first heard the name Biff Busick. His overwhelming machismo and condescending attitude have gotten him tons of attention - before ever appearing in a Chaotic ring. It started with a visit to the gym, where he flaunted his bench-pressing skills to a local "sissy-nancy". Then, he helped a "broad" with a broken-down vehicle get her engine running. Now, in his latest video, Biff shows how to barbeque like a "manly man".

VIEW VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=z_KhH0Sq_0I&feature=related

The question most asked by fans has finally been answered. When will Biff Busick finally stop talking and start wrestling? The date is set for this Friday, August 21st in Lowell, at SUMMER CHAOS, "The Manliest Man" makes his in-ring debut. Can the mouthy alpha-male back up his talk when he enters the squared circle? Reserve your seats now and find out! Biff Busick makes his Chaotic Wrestling debut LIVE at SUMMER CHAOS!

Also at Summer Chaos this Friday night at the PAV in Lowell:

Rookie sensation Elia Markopoulos looks to keep momentum rolling in a rematch with former CW Triple Crown winner "Golden Greek Alex Arion (w/ Cherry Payne)
Former CW Heavyweight Champion Demon Ortiz takes on "Hot Shot" Mike Reed
Former two-time CW Tag Team Champion "Mighty Mini" Mark Bourne will be in action!
... and much, much more!

See all the stars of Chaotic Wrestling live at the Lowell PAV this Friday, August 21 at 8PM. As the weather heats up so does Chaotic Wrestling and you won't want to miss the premier show of the summer - SUMMER CHAOS. Reserve your discounted tickets before it's too late! See you in Lowell!

08-24-2009, 06:52 AM
wow thanks for the post Jman