View Full Version : Layoffs Hit Raven Software

08-27-2009, 07:57 PM
The developers of Wolfenstein's multiplayer component over at Endrant Studios recently had to axe a few of its staff immediately following the release of the game last week, and now it sounds like single-player developer Raven Software may have had to do the same. Shacknews is reporting from multiple sources that between 30 and 40 people have been let go from the studio this morning.
We're still waiting on official word from Raven or Activision, but one of Shacknews' sources described the layoffs as an "unprecedented" step for the company. They also claimed that displaced staff members are being offered severance packages and job placement services.

As soon as we get a response from people in the know, we'll be sure to update this story. Until then, we'll just have to hope for the best for anyone at Raven who might've been affected by the rumored restructuring.