View Full Version : The Porn Issue and Why I am Against It

07-13-2006, 03:11 AM
My Opinion first
I hate porn. Why? Honestly and religiously speaking, it defies the marriage bed and the spouse or husband. There is only one girl and one guy set apart from the entire world to be together. That means I have a girl to be my wife somewhere in the world but I don't have her right now b/c its not the right time. God only knows that. Now this is strictly my opinion but just to show you something to think about read the facts:

Pornography Industry Statistics

Size of the Industry $57.0 billion world-wide - $12.0 billion US
Adult Videos $20.0 billion
Escort Services $11.0 billion
Magazines $ 7.5 billion
Sex Clubs $ 5.0 billion
Phone Sex $ 4.5 billion
Cable & Pay Per View $ 2.5 billion
Internet $ 2.5 billion
CD-Rom $ 1.5 billion
Novelties $ 1.0 billion
Other $ 1.5 billion
Porn revenue is larger than all combined revenues of all professional football, baseball and basketball franchises.
US porn revenue exceeds the combined revenues of ABC, CBS, and NBC (6.2 billion)
Child pornography generates $3 billion annually

Internet Porn Statistics

Pornographic websites 4.2 million (12% of total websites)
Pornographic pages 372 million
Daily pornographic search engine requests 68 million (25% of total search engine requests)
Daily pornographic emails 2.5 billion (8% of total emails)
Average daily pornographic emails/user 4.5 per Internet user
Monthly Pornographic downloads (Peer-to-peer) 1.5 billion (35% of all downloads)
Daily Gnutella “child pornography” requests 116 thousand
Websites offering illegal child pornography 100 thousand
Sexual solicitations of youth made in chat rooms 89%
Youths who received sexual solicitation 20%
Worldwide visitors to pornographic web sites 72 million annually

Children's Exposure to Pornography

Average age of first Internet exposure to pornography 11 years old
Largest consumer of Internet pornography 12-17 age group
15-17 year olds having multiple hard-core exposures 80%
8-16 year olds having viewed porn online 90% (most while doing homework)
7-17 year olds who would freely give out home address 29%
7-17 year olds who would freely give out email address 14%
Children's characters linked to thousands of porn links 26 (including Pokeman and Action Man)

Adult Internet Porn Statistics

Men admitting to accessing pornography at work 20%
US adults who regularly visit Internet pornography websites 40 million
Promise Keeper men who viewed pornography in last week 53%
Christians who said pornography is a major problem in the home 47%
Adults admitting to Internet sexual addiction 10%
Breakdown of male/female visitors to pornography sites 72% male - 28% female

Women and Pornography

13% of Women admit to accessing pornography at work.
70% of women keep their cyber activities secret.
17% of all women struggle with pornography addiction.
Women, far more than men, are likely to act out their behaviors in real life, such as having multiple partners, casual sex, or affairs.
Women favor chat rooms 2X more than men.
1 of 3 visitors to all adult web sites are women.
9.4 million women access adult web sites each month.
These statistics have been derived from a number of different reputable sources including Google, WordTracker, PBS, MSNBC, NRC, and Alexa research.

Now all this shows is how much money is spent and has additional info toward the bottom of this list. Now can you believe this money is wasted on just wanting pleasure? That addicting mind ruining pleasure
Note: Everything I say I am entitled for being my opinion.

But then again things can get worse with porn

Sex Offenders' Use of Pornography

In 1983, Dr. William Marshall found that 86% of rapists admitted regular use of pornography, with 57% admitting actual imitation of pornographic scenes in the commission of a sex crime.*91

Michigan State Police Lieutenant Darrell H. Pope researched more than 48,000 sex crimes between 1956-1979, and notes that in 42% of the cases, pornography was used just prior to or during the act of sexual assault.*92

Dr. Sal Pellicano, veteran prison chaplain for prison systems in Florida, North Carolina and New Jersey, and currently the director of Beginning Again in Christ, a Christian prison ministry in Mississippi, reports that during his 15-year career, 100% of the inmates he has known who have been incarcerated for a sex crime have been pornography users.*93

Dr. Victor B. Cline, clinical psychologist and Professor emeritus in the Department of Psychology at the University of Utah, has treated more than 350 sexually addicted men, and concludes that in about 94% of the cases, pornography was a contributor or facilitator in their sexual compulsions.*94

77% of those who molested boys were regular users of hard-core pornography, and 87% of those who molested girls were regular users of hard-core pornography.*95

The typical serial child molester will abuse more than 360 victims over the course of his lifetime. He is able to abuse 30-60 children before he is even caught for the first time.*96

In the shocking November 1998 event, where 11-year-old Josh stabbed 8-year-old Maddie Clifton to death, he had been looking at graphic violent pornography on the Internet for 20 minutes immediately before the slaying.*97 Similarly, with regard to the event on June 29, 1998, where a 13-year-old boy followed a 4-year-old boy into the library bathroom and asked the younger boy to give him oral sex, the teen had been viewing Internet pornography in the library.*98


As of 1996, it was estimated that 22% of men and 14% of women have had extramarital affairs.*99 That figure is much larger today.

The National Victim Center now estimates that at least one woman is raped in the U.S. every 46 seconds.*100

94% of men work in close proximity to women.*101

30% of all unsolicited e-mails, commonly referred to as SPAM, contain pornographic information.*102

Also I got this from a good site of Reasons why porn is bad (note: there is religious statements)

So what's so bad about pornography?
I spent 20 or so years pursuing pornography in its various forms. In the years since I was set free in 1998, God has been helping me see and understand his perspective on pornography. I created this page to share that perspective and answer the question, "What is so bad about pornography?" Overall, porn affects every viewer negatively, regardless of religious belief, creed, gender or age. Here is my list of reasons that explain why.

1) Pornography feeds lust of the eyes and lust of the flesh, which are never satisfied. It leaves the viewer craving more and more in order to achieve the same "sexual high." It easily enslaves people to their own cravings and opens the door to other forms of evil, like anger, abuse, violence, hatred, lying, envy, compulsiveness and selfishness. The power behind porn is revealed when the porn addict tries to stop their habit - its virtually impossible without help.

2) Pornography sexualizes the viewer's mindset. It warps and perverts their perspective such that sex is unnaturally elevated in their thoughts. Porn's images are stamped into viewer's brain with the aid of hormones released during sexual arousal. Even if a person decides to stop looking at porn, the past images can remain for years or even a lifetime.

3) Pornography promotes destructive practices and can lead to progressive addiction. For example, porn sites routinely link viewers to depictions of every type of sexual perversion imaginable, such as child porn, homosexuality, bestiality, necrophilia (sexual interest in corpses), masochism (pleasure from abuse or suffering), rape and sadism (gratification from inflicting physical or mental pain on others). The viewer's exposure to such themes naturally increases the likelihood that they may attempt to act out what they've viewed. This can lead to sexual crimes, a la the late Ted Bundy and Gary Ridgway (The Green River Killer).

4) Pornography intensifies an individual's drive to serve oneself, rather than serve others. For example, masturbation, which typically accompanies looking at pornography reinforces a self-centered sexual orientation (i.e. lust), which can detract from a person's ability to give and receive love.

5) Pornography addiction can lead to debt. The convenience of credit card transactions on the internet encourages covert spending without limit. Additionally, pornographers flood common internet areas with enticing banner ads ("teasers") and spam email, which bait potential viewers with free porn. Once lured by the free porn to the site, the viewers must then pay to see more.

6) By viewing and/or purchasing porn, viewers are supporting the porn industry and facilitating its growth. By viewing porn, the viewer is also contributing to the sexual exploitation of whoever or whatever is in the images he or she is viewing.

7) Looking at porn can damage the viewer's family relationships, not to mention increasing the chance of his or her spouse and children finding the material. Porn may also inspire the viewer to explore incest, which is a common porn theme. Other things porn may inspire in the viewer (which could in turn affect the family) include sexual frustration, lying, abuse, affairs, debt, violent behavior and irrational thinking. (see Testimonials on how porn destroys lives)

8) Looking at porn at work could damage the viewer's reputation, decrease his or her productivity and lead to job loss. It could also inspire unhealthy and/or inappropriate relationships with co-workers.

9) Looking at porn can damage the viewer's current or future marriage sex life. Porn viewers may find that it's difficult to enjoy true intimacy with their spouse when they're fantasizing about somebody else! Additionally, porn builds an unrealistic perception of sexual relations. Porn sex is a portrayal or an act made for the viewer's enjoyment. It takes what God intended as a private expression of love between a husband and wife and prostitutes it for entertainment. When a person has been looking at sexual pictures of other people for entertainment, he or she will have a downgraded value of sex. This in turn will detract from their appreciation and value of sex with their spouse.

10) Looking at porn will increase the viewer's tendency to lie, because he or she will have a natural desire to keep it secret to avoid criticism, embarrassment, shame and/or having to surrender their habit.

11) Looking at porn can lead a person into masturbation addiction.

12) Looking at porn brings serious spiritual consequences (see consequences page). For example, it opens the doorway to spiritual oppression and confusion in the viewer's life. The power behind pornography is inherently evil. It seeks to control and dominate the viewer's life, while allowing other forms of evil to gain influence in that person. Once a person starts looking at the porn, their eyes become the gateway for the evil power to enter them. As it gains influence, the evil can numb the viewer's ability discern right and wrong. As traditional moral values are blurred, confusion sets in.

13) Looking at porn helps you start to believe the lies it promotes. Examples lies include:

Sexual freedom = happiness
Perverted sex (homosexual sex, incest, BDSM, etc) is more enjoyable than "normal" heterosexual sex
There are no consequences to sexual promiscuity
Sexual expression is a right, not a God-given or God-defined gift
You can live a healthy life with the porn images floating around in your mind
Porn doesn't harm anyone
Sex is something to be done primarily for self gratification
The porn stars are the happiest people on earth
Adults can view porn without any lasting side effects
Porn will help your sex life
Porn is just a harmless thing that everybody looks at
More lies...

Now I must say I do agree with him. And I will say this only once, I believe in God. No one get on my back about that and please I dont see the case of arguing about whether or not there is a God. Its my opinion and please do not pursaue me otherwise. Thank you.

Getting back to the subject: Porn. Why do you look at it? Frankly to point it out to you, you do it because you want to masterbate and have something to look at when you do. I know Im right. And heck I have troubles with it too honestly. I wanted to look at the hardcore forum but I kinda changed my mind because number one I do get embarrassed when ppl know I look at it. Number two its against my religion. I can keep going on and on with reasons why its bad. Its not good at all. So why going back to it? Addiction. Just like drugs and drinking. (which im not addicted to those). You can show everyone your the best person but what happens when you are alone. By yourself. No one around to watch you. Do you do the right things you know of or sit in front of your computer, waste your money and your "hand-virginity"??

there is a way out.....there is a light at the end of the tunnel If you have an addiction to porn and want to stop you can and if you need help please feel free to private message me. I hope someone gets help from this. I know some will completely destroy me. But at least one person might get help.


07-13-2006, 03:42 AM
Just goes to show how many sick bastards are out there. I am against it too. I also believe that it violates a man/woman bond. I am only 13 and I am not one of the stupid teens who give their info online.

Sunshine Acid
07-13-2006, 03:58 AM
Nothing wrong with porn. If people wish to look at it what is the big deal? If someone is addicted to it then sure thats bad but people occasionally looking at porn is fine by me. Especially with your boyfriend/girlfriend as a fun way to spice things up or get in the mood. It can be used well.

Adam Copeland2
07-13-2006, 07:06 AM
^^^^^I totally agree with her. I do admit that porn addiction is bad but watching porn once in a while is not that big a deal. IMO, ppl shud never close the door to porn completely, coz sex & such stuff is an invincable part of our lives, and porn promotes the mood, but u should always keep viewing porn to a certain level. It is only when that level is crossed, is pornography bad 4 u.

07-15-2006, 07:34 AM
Porns fine with me, everyone has to admit they look at it once in a while.

07-15-2006, 09:51 AM
Porn is sex education

Its good

Death Before Dishonor
07-16-2006, 01:46 AM
Dude, Im jacking off right now. So what? Stare at my sig. Go on, just do it. Is the indian ghost that lives in your ass pitching a tent in your crotch? GO PORN!

07-16-2006, 06:19 AM
I find it interesting, given your beliefs, that you would choose to participate in any aspect of a website that includes specific soft and hard core forums within its auspices. I'm guessing your rationale is that participation fulfills the requirement of "Mission" (aka prosetyltizing) woven into the fabric of your faith.

07-27-2006, 01:07 AM
Nothing wrong with porn. If people wish to look at it what is the big deal? If someone is addicted to it then sure thats bad but people occasionally looking at porn is fine by me. Especially with your boyfriend/girlfriend as a fun way to spice things up or get in the mood. It can be used well.
IM ALOUD 2 MAKE FUN OF U HEAR SO... like u said ur in about ur 20s or 30's or later i bet i got 2 words for ya...


Neo Corey
07-27-2006, 01:20 AM
we have to look at porno in health class because that teaches use stuff......

07-27-2006, 05:40 PM
IM ALOUD 2 MAKE FUN OF U HEAR SO... like u said ur in about ur 20s or 30's or later i bet i got 2 words for ya...


So you say everyone who looks at porn is a virgin?

Sunshine Acid
07-27-2006, 10:36 PM
IM ALOUD 2 MAKE FUN OF U HEAR SO... like u said ur in about ur 20s or 30's or later i bet i got 2 words for ya...


I'm 18...:eek: ...and I am not a virgin I've been in a relationship for nearly two years. If you aren't a virgin then I pitty the prostitute that had to have sex with you. :rolleyes:

And BME don't mind abbott he's a moron.

07-28-2006, 06:03 AM
So you say everyone who looks at porn is a virgin?
well i look at porn im a virgin CAUSE i am 13 but most people like sunshinedaydream dont get chicks if he is NOT a virgin i bet he has got the fatest ugliest girlfriend ever lol but really TRUE, HIPPIES DONT GET HOTTIES

Sunshine Acid
07-28-2006, 06:07 AM
well i look at porn im a virgin CAUSE i am 13 but most people like sunshinedaydream dont get chicks if he is NOT a virgin i bet he has got the fatest ugliest girlfriend ever lol but really TRUE, HIPPIES DONT GET HOTTIES

uhhh first get my gender right moron and then TRY to insult me. :rolleyes:

the phenomenal sid
07-28-2006, 10:16 AM
well i look at porn im a virgin CAUSE i am 13 but most people like sunshinedaydream dont get chicks if he is NOT a virgin i bet he has got the fatest ugliest girlfriend ever lol but really TRUE, HIPPIES DONT GET HOTTIES
is he the weirdest bloke i have seen or what?check your senses dude.sunshine is a gal and i believe a cool one at that so fuck off:stfu: :stfu: :mad:
and on topic i feel religion has nothing to do or interfere in sex or porn.its just a few dickheads who dont like and think of it as perverted.you dislike it then avoid it but dont stop others from seeing it.

Kevin Idol
08-02-2006, 12:52 AM
Ironically, while I was reading this rant, I had midgets fucking horses porn in my other window. :O

08-20-2006, 06:00 AM
Ok, there are a few things in this post that really caught my attention.

7-17 year olds who would freely give out home address 29%
Haha! What!? Why would you even do that? I did not know that there were some people that stupid out there.

94% of men work in close proximity to women.*101
What does this have to do with porn? It just shows that there is more gender equality in the workplace.

Sexual expression is a right, not a God-given or God-defined gift
I'm pretty sure it is isn't it?

And finally! 4.
You can live a healthy life with the porn images floating around in your mind
I seem to be doing pretty good ;) Hahaha.