View Full Version : John Lydon reforms Public Image Ltd

Shane McMahon's Ass
09-07-2009, 08:52 AM

Reforming Public Image Ltd ... John Lydon,
now 51, who was Johnny Rotten in seventies
punk rockers the Sex Pistols.

AGEING punk rocker John Lydon, formerly Johnny Rotten, is reforming his second most famous band, Public Image Ltd, after 17 years.

Lydon, famous as frontman for the punk pioneers the Sex Pistols, said his PiL band would embark on a mini-tour starting in England in December, according to the Guardian newspaper in the UK.

PiL, an experimental band, was created in 1978, just 12 months after the disintegration of the Sex Pistols, and lasted eight years.

Although the Sex Pistols have successfully reformed twice, including in 2007 to mark the 30th anniversary of their iconic first album, the come back for PiL is a first.

"We'll see where we can go," the 53-year-old Lydon said.

"Some things may be quite similar, some may not."

PiL, said to have influenced bands such as Manic Street Preachers, had chart success with singles such as Public Image and This is not a Love Song.

The Sex Pistols spearheaded the 1970s punk movement in England and the US with singles including Anarchy in the UK, God Save The Queen and Pretty Vacant.

09-07-2009, 12:47 PM
Awesome .. thanks Kirst

Anger Is An Energy