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View Full Version : WWE PPV 'Breaking Point' LIVE Coverage 2009

09-10-2009, 10:50 AM


WWE Championship/"I Quit" Match
Champion Randy Orton vs. John Cena

World Heavyweight Championship/Submission Match
CM Punk vs. The Undertaker

Unified Tag Team Championship Match
Champions Chris Jericho & Big Show vs. Mark Henry & M.V.P.

Submissions Count Anywhere Match
D-Generation X vs. Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase

ECW Championship Match
Christian vs. William Regal

United States Championship
Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz

Singapore Cane Match
Kane vs. The Great Khali



http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/9339/11362152l.th.jpg (http://img29.imageshack.us/i/11362152l.jpg/) http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/4323/1024by768.th.jpg (http://img19.imageshack.us/i/1024by768.jpg/) http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/6606/1280by1024.th.jpg (http://img258.imageshack.us/i/1280by1024.jpg/)

09-10-2009, 10:53 AM

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Beware of possible spoilers past this post.

Dark Match

Evan Bourne pinned Chavo Guerrero with a shooting star press before the Breaking Point PPV went on the air.


WWE begins Breaking Point in very familiar fashion, with a video package highlighting the championship feuds going into tonight

WWE Unified Tag Team Title Match
WWE Unified Tag Team Champions Chris Jericho & Big Show vs. MVP & Mark Henry.

MVP now has a sleeveless bodysuit, and started off against Jericho. Jericho stalled outside the ring after MVP swung a kick by his head. They finally locked up, and MVP broke clean in the corner. They shoved each other, then MVP hit some right hands and a hiptoss. MVP took Jericho down, then Jericho stumbled into Henry, who popped him with a right hand. MVP hit some shoulderblocks in a corner on Jericho, who came back with a pair of right hands. MVP hit a drop toe hold, then a neckbreaker for a two count. Henry tagged in, and Jericho ran across the ring to tag out to Big Show.

Show and Henry circled each other, then locked up, with neither getting an advantage. The crowd actually seems to be favoring Big Show a bit. Show hit some right hands and went for an avalanche, but Mark Henry caught him, placed him in the corner and hit some shots. Henry hit an avalanche of his own and lifted Show for a slam, but Jericho clipped his leg and Henry went down with Show on top for a two count. Show worked over Henry in his corner, then Jericho got some shots in when the referee was distracted. Show choked Henry with his boot in the corner. Jericho tagged in and hit some shots, but Henry shoved him away. Jericho attacked again, and there was a "Y2J" chant from part of the Montreal crowd.

Show tagged in, but he and Henry collided with simultaneous clotheslines. MVP and Jericho tagged in, with MVP hitting a belly to belly suplex and clothesline off the ropes. MVP hit a facebuster to the knee, then went for the Ballin' elbowdrop, which he connected with for two. Jericho swept his legs and went for the Walls Of Jericho, but MVP rolled out of it. Jericho made a blind tag, and MVP hit him with a boot to the face, but Show blasted MVP with a spear. Now there is an "MVP" chant. Show clobbered MVP with a forearm to the back, then tagged Jericho, who kicked MVP on the mat. MVP managed to grab a small package for two, then hit a desperation clothesline. Jericho stopped MVP from making a tag and choked him in a corner with his boot.

Jericho went for a hiptoss, but MVP reversed into a DDT. MVP made the tag, and Henry knocked Jericho to the mat, then hit a headbutt. Jericho tried to jump off the middle rope at him, but Henry caught him and hit a press slam, then delivered a splash. Big Show broke up the cover. MVP ran in, but Show flung him out. Henry then knocked Show out of the ring and clotheslined Jericho, but Jericho got his foot on the ropes. Henry went for a backdrop, but Jericho kicked it away. Jericho went for a Codebreaker, but Henry grabbed him and just flung him away. Big Show, from the apron, punched Henry in the jaw. Jericho crawled onto Henry for the pin, and MVP tried to get in, but was too late to break up the cover at the thirteen minute mark.

Winners: Chris Jericho & Big Show.

Josh Mathews interviewed Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase. Rhodes said tonight would not be a technical match, it would be a fight. DiBiase said DX represented the past, and noted they were like the DX glow sticks in that they are fun for a while, then they just fade away.

United States Championship Match
WWE United States champion Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz.

Miz talked to the Montreal crowd in French, saying he is awesome. They locked up at the bell, and Kofi broke clean in the corner. They locked up again, and Miz kicked Kofi in the ribs on the break. Miz grabbed a side mare and took Kofi to the mat. Kofi got to his feet and shoved Miz off, but Miz hit a shoulderblock. Miz avoided a leapfrog and went for a legsweep, but Kofi blocked it and hit a kick to the body. Kofi mounted Miz for punches in the corner, then hit another kick to the body. Miz fought back with a vertical suplex, but missed a clothesline and Kofi hit a pair of cross bodyblocks. Miz tried to toss Kofi from the ring, but Kofi bounced off the ropes and hit a dropkick.

Kofi whipped Miz into the corner, and Miz backdropped Kofi onto the apron. Kofi tried to climb the ropes, but Miz kicked him down and then stepped on his chest. Miz gave Kofi a catapult into the bottom rope, then covered him for a two count. Miz drove his knee into Kofi's back, then applied a crossface chicken wing. Kofi battled out of it, then went for a bodypress, but Miz booted him in the face for a two count. Miz punched Kofi on the mat, then hit a kick to the head for a two count. Miz went back to the crossface chicken wing, and Kofi fought up, only to be given a flapjack for a two count. Miz delivered a knee to the back of Kofi, then kicked him in the chest. Miz choked Kofi against the middle rope.

Kofi battled up, and as Miz tried to grab him, Kofi shrugged him between the ropes and to the floor. Kofi teased a pescado, but landed on the apron when Miz moved. Miz knocked Kofi's leg out from under him, and Kofi hit the apron hard. Miz tossed Kofi into the ring for a two count, then covered him again for a second. Miz worked over Kofi with punches in a corner. Miz hit the between the ropes clothesline in the corner, then went to the top rope. Miz hit a double axhandle off the top for a near fall. Miz charged Kofi in a corner and hit some knees. Miz came in again and Kofi tripped him into the turnbuckles. Miz hit some body kicks, and soon the two were exchanging body kicks. Kofi got the better of it. Kofi missed a Trouble In Paradise kick, and Miz went for the Skull Crushing Finale, but Kofi blocked it and hit a variation of a legsweep for two. Miz came back with a knee to the body and a reverse DDT for two. Kingston hit a flying clothesline, but Miz blocked his double legdrop by getting the knees up and scored two.

The two traded reversals on a sunset flip attempt, then reversals on a cradle attempt. Kofi hit a side Russian legsweep, then nailed the double legdrop for two. Kofi went to the top rope and hit a flying bodypress, but Miz rolled through it for a two count. Miz hit a Hot Shot into the turnbuckles, then cradled him with the trunks pulled for a two count. Miz pounded Kofi on the mat, then went for a neckbreaker, but Kofi shoved Miz into the ropes and caught him with a Trouble In Paradise kick for the pin at the twelve minute mark.

Winner: Kofi Kingston.

The events leading to Legacy vs. DX were shown.

Submissions Count Anywhere Match
Triple H & Shawn Michaels vs. Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes

Positive response for DX. Maybe we have finally gotten past the events of.... nope, there's the "You Screwed Bret" chant. Triple H acknowledged the events of the past, and Shawn gestured for him to "zip his lips". Triple H then said it was all Shawn's fault, to a pop. To be fair, it really all came off more like Montreal having some fun with DX, rather than real hatred for Michaels. Legacy was roundly booed on their entrance.

The bell rang and all four men started brawling in the ring. Triple H choked DiBiase with a T-shirt. Cody was thrown from the ring, and Shawn clipped DiBiase's knee. Cody got in and Shawn gave him a shinbuster, then Triple H clipped his knee. They went to the floor, and it appeared DX were working on the legs of both members of Legacy. Triple H gave Ted a shinbuster on an announce table, and Shawn gave one to Cody on the ringsteps, then started fighting into the crowd.

DiBiase and Triple H followed, and soon all four men were slugging it out amongst the fans. They battled up the steps and into the stands. Shawn choked DiBiase against a railing at one point. Triple H and Cody fought into the concourse area, battling near a beer stand. DiBiase and Shawn joined them, and they were surrounded by fans, some of whom chanted "You screwed Bret". DX put Legacy in simultaneous figure four leglocks, but DiBiase raked Michaels' eyes to free Cody, who then freed DiBiase. The fans were doing soccer chants now.

DX and Legacy battled back to the steps, working their way down the stands. DX tried using front facelocks on the railings at one point, and eventually they made their way back to ringside. Rhodes backdropped Michaels at ringside and worked him over. Triple H grabbed a Breaking Point commemorative chair and hit Rhodes with it, then put Rhodes through the opening of the metal chair after setting it up and in a Boston Crab. Michaels grabbed a Camel Clutch on him at the same time, but DiBiase broke it up. DiBiase threw Triple H into the ring steps. DiBiase and Triple H got in the ring, and Triple H hit a spinebuster. Triple H applied a Crippler Crossface, but Cody broke it up.

Michaels got in the ring, but Cody tossed him out. Michaels skinned the cat and pulled Cody out of the ring. Michaels went for the move on DiBiase, but he kicked him to the floor. Cody put Michaels in an inverted backbreaker on the floor, but Triple H broke it up and threw Cody into the steps. Triple H got back in the ring with DiBiase, and gave him a crotch chop before kicking him in the head. Michaels and Rhodes fought into an equipment area near the stage. Michaels and Cody brawled up into the stairs again. Triple H and DiBiase fought up the aisle as well. Cody knocked Michaels out of the stands, and he took a big fall onto a carpeted stage. Triple H went to check on him, while Legacy regrouped on the floor. Triple H fought them two-on-one on the stage, backdropping DiBiase, then fighting Cody into the backstage area.

Triple H tossed Cody into an equipment case, but DiBiase hit Triple H from behind. Legacy double teamed DX backstage, yelling at him to quit. DiBiase put Triple H in a Million Dollar Dream, but Triple H fought out of it. Triple H gave DiBiase a spinebuster through a catering table, then put Cody in a Crippler Crossface. Michaels was finally getting near the stage in the arena.

DiBiase broke up the crossface by hitting Triple H with a cooler. Cody grabbed a chair and blasted Triple H in the head with it. Cody and DiBiase went back through the curtain, and started working over Michaels, slamming him on the stage. Legacy dragged Michaels back to ringside, and tossed him into the ring. The took turns pounding Michaels, who mounted a comeback, throwing DiBiase from the ring. Cody swept Michaels' leg and applied an ankle lock. Michaels managed to punch DiBiase while in the hold, and kick off the ankle lock. Michaels backdropped DiBiase out of the ring, then superkicked Rhodes. Triple H was shown starting to get up in the back.

Michaels and Cody got to their feet, then Michaels tripped Cody and applied the Indian Deathlock, but DiBiase broke it up. Michaels sidestepped a charging Rhodes, but DiBiase caught him. Legacy went for a spike piledriver, but Cody got kicked away and Michaels backdropped DiBiase. Michaels went to superkick DiBiase, but Cody tripped him and crotched him on the ringpost. Cody pounded Michaels at ringside with a flurry of punches and put on a ringpost figure four. DiBiase put Michaels in a Million Dollar Dream at the same time. Triple H was crawling down the aisle, but Michaels tapped out at the twenty-three minute mark.

Winners: Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes.

Josh Mathews interviewed Randy Orton, asking his thoughts on Legacy's win. Orton said he knew Legacy would win. Orton then gave Mathews a hard time for asking a second question. Orton rhetorically asked how John Cena can say he would "never" quit, without really knowing if he would or not. He cut a promo about destroying him

Singapore Cane Match
The Great Khali vs. Kane

Bins were attached to the ringposts, with several canes in each of them. Kane kicked Khali in the gut and immediately went for a cane, but Khali stopped him and hit some kicks and a chop in the corner. Both men grabbed canes, and dueled a bit. Khali stumbled into Kane, who dropped his Kane. Khali hit a shot, and Kane went to the floor. Khali went after him, and Kane dropkicked him in the leg. Kane then hit a cane shot, put Khali in the ring, and hit a series of cane shots. Kane stood over Khali, and Khali reached up and choked Kane. Kane broke the hold with a cane shot. Kane hit some cane shots to the leg, downing Khali, then dropkicked him in the face. "Boring" chants starting. Kane used a Singapore cane to put Khali in an armbar. Really.

Kane swung at Khali and Khali grabbed the cane, then hit Kane with a series of shots to the body. Kane ran into a Khali clothesline with the cane. Khali hit a big chop to the head for a two count. Khali put Kane in the vice grip, and Kane picked up a cane and swung over his head to hit Khali and break the hold. Kane went to the top rope and hit a jumping cane shot for a two count. Kane called for a chokeslam. Runjin Singh ran in and hit Kane with a cane shot. Kane no-sold it and choked down Singh. Kane then charged Khali with a cane, but Khali hit him with a chop. Khali checked on his brother, and Kane, from the ring apron, grabbed Khali around the throat with a cane and yanked him neck first across the top rope. Kane then delivered a chokeslam for the win at the seven minute mark.

Winner: Kane.

Eve Torres interviewed CM Punk, who cut a promo about how no one gave him a chance last month against Jeff Hardy in a TLC match, but he won. Punk then said Hardy proved him right this weekend, and that is why his name is all over the news. Punk said you would never see his mugshot online, because he lives a clean life. Punk then said he wasn't easily scared, and the lights went out, startling Punk and Eve. The lights came back on, and it was Jimmy Wang Yang. Yang said he was just messing around, and wished Punk luck on his match. Punk shook his hand, and then headbutted Yang and beat him down. Punk said he was not afraid of the Undertaker before leaving.

The Summerslam "match" between Christian and William Regal was reviewed.

ECW Championship Match
Christian vs. William Regal.

Regal was accompanied by Vladimir Kozlov & Ezekiel Jackson. It was then announced that ECW General Manager Tiffany was banning Kozlov & Jackson from ringside, and if they did not leave, Regal would have to forfeit the match. They grappled in a collar and elbow tieup, then Regal hit a forearm and Christian responded with a slap and a Killswitch attempt, which Regal shoved away. Christian grabbed Regal's arm, applying a hammerlock, but Regal reversed into a backdrop and Christian grabbed a sunset flip for one, then hit a dropkick for two. Christian grabbed a side mare, and applied a headlock. Regal threw Christian out of the ring, but Christian rammed Regal into a turnbuckle from the apron, then hit a flying bodypress for a two count.

Christian hit some chops in the corner, then went for a tornado DDT, but Regal blocked it and knocked Christian off the ropes and to the floor. Regal hit a forearm and a kick on the floor, then put Christian back in the ring for a two count. Then put Christian in a cross armed chinlock. Christian got out of it and monkeyflipped Regal in a test of strength. Regal bridged up, then kipped up and hit a headbutt. Regal hit a half nelson Exploder suplex for a two count, then a series of forearms to the back of the head. Regal applied a surfboard, then pulled back Christian's head. Christian elbowed out of it, hit a back kick, and springboarded off the middle rope for a sunset flip. Regal rolled out of it, hit a running knee, then a kneedrop, then another running knee for a two count.

Regal put Christian in a full nelson, and he broke out, but Regal hit an Exploder for a two count. Regal put Christian in a shoulder choke, then pounded him in a corner. Regal put Christian on the ropes, but Christian hit some shots and hit a tornado DDT. Christian got a two count, then ran into a Regal forearm. Regal dropped on Christian for a two count, then rubbed his forearm across Christian's face. Christian battled back with punches and went for a Killswitch, but Regal blocked it and hit a trapped leg back suplex, aka the Regalplex, for a two count. Regal and Christian slugged it out, with Regal using forearms and Christian using body blows. Christian hit a running forearm and a back elbow from the middle rope. Christian slammed Regal and hit a diving forearm for a two count.

Christian hit a dropkick off the middle rope, then went to the top rope. Regal charged, and Christian leapfrogged him, then hit a clothesline. Christian jumped off the top rope for a dropkick, but Regal caught him with a forearm. Regal hit a rolling senton for a two count. Regal charged Christian, but he caught him with a knee. Christian went for the Killswitch, but Regal shoved him off. Regal went for the running knee, but Christian dodged it and hit the Killswitch for the win at the eleven minute mark.

Winner: Christian.

Pat Patterson came out and spoke French to the crowd, and talked about starting his career in Montreal. Dolph Ziggler came out, and Patterson joked that as he walked around Montreal last night, "no one" asked about Dolph Ziggler. Patterson said he was just having fun, and said someday he could be Intercontinental Champion. Patterson wished him luck. Ziggler got on the mic, and said between Bob Barker and Pat Patterson, he was wondering when WWE got "taken over by senior citizens". Ziggler made a bunch of old-age jokes about Patterson, then said he was just having fun. Ziggler said until he saw Patterson come out, he "thought he was dead". Ziggler wondered why they were wasting PPV time on Patterson. There was a "Shut The F*** Up" chant. Family entertainment, people! Ziggler kept making jokes, then apologized, saying he was just kidding. Fans were giving him the "What" treatment now. Ziggler started up again with the jokes. Ziggler then called Patterson a coward and kicked him in the gut. Why? I do not know. Ziggler left the ring, then got back in, but John Morrison ran out and ZIggler bailed out.

I Quit Match for the WWE Title Match
WWE Champion Randy Orton vs. John Cena

Both men got mixed reactions, but far more boos for Orton. They stared at each other at the bell. For quite a while. Then they locked up and Cena pushed Orton in a corner. Cena hit a belly to belly suplex, then a cradle suplex. Cena hit a right hand, but missed a shoulderblock attempt. Orton knocked Cena off the apron, sending him into the announcers table. Randy Orton grabbed a TV monitor and hit Cena in the head with it. Orton put Cena on the ring apron, then pulled him in for the hanging DDT off the ropes. Orton told the referee to ask Cena if he quit. Cena said no, and Orton dropped him with the DDT.

Orton went to ringside and grabbed a chair. Orton set it up in the ring and went for the RKO on the chair. Cena shoved it off and hit a shoulderblock, then a second. Cena hit a back suplex into a powerbomb. The referee tossed the chair out of the ring. Cena did the "You Can't See Me" and hit the Five Knuckle Shuffle fistdrop. Cena went for an Attitude Adjustment, but Orton floated out of it onto the apron, then yanked Cena throat first across the top rope. Orton went for a punt, but Cena avoided it and went for an STF, but Orton kicked it away. Orton rolled to the floor, and Cena went after him, but Orton reversed a whip and sent Cena into the steps.

Orton picked up a section of the steps and hit Cena in the head with it. Orton then pulled Cena onto the larger section of the steps and stomped Cena's head against the steel. The referee asked Cena if he quit, and Cena said no, so Orton stomped his head again. Cena refused to quit again. Orton tossed Cena into the ring, then pulled out a back from underneath it. Orton pulled out a pair of handcuffs, along with a chain with the keys on it. Orton put the chain around his neck. Orton cuffed Cena to the top rope. Orton stomped Cena repeatedly and had the referee ask him again. Cena said no again.

Orton got on the mic, but instead of saying anything, he just hit Cena with it. Orton, to boos, uncuffed Cena from the ropes, then cuffed his hands together. Orton used the handcuff chain to hang Cena from the ringpost outside the ring and pound him with body blows. Orton then hit some punches to the face. Orton grabbed a bottle of water and threw it at Cena, saying "You ain't passing out on me". Cena responded by spitting water back at Orton. Orton reached under the ring and pulled out two Singapore canes. Orton hit Cena in the gut and legs with the cane. Orton then caned him in the head. Cena refused to quit again.

Orton choked Cena with the cane, and Cena kicked Orton in the nads. Cena got unhooked from the ringpost, but his hands were still cuffed together. Cena had some nice welts on his midsection now. Cena got to his feet, and Orton hit him in the head with a chair. Orton uncuffed Cena, then cuffed him to the turnbuckle connector on the bottom rope. Orton picked up the chair and hit Cena across the back. Cena screamed, and Orton had the referee ask him. Cena refused again. Orton went for a chairshot, but Cena ducked and Orton hit the ringpost. Cena backdropped Orton, then grabbed the key from around Orton's neck. Cena uncuffed himself from the connector, then cuffed himself to Orton.

Orton punched Orton and rammed him into the ringside tables over and over, then rolled him into the ring. Cena hit a back suplex and pounded Orton on the mat. Cena pulled Orton to his feet and went for an Attitude Adjustment, but Orton wriggled out and hit an RKO. Orton saw that the keys were on the mat, and dragged the unconscious Cena towards them. Cena woke up and pulled to keep Orton from reaching the key. Cena put Orton in an STF variation, using the handcuffs to pull Orton's own arm around his neck. Orton quickly said "I Quit" to end the match at the twenty minute mark.

Winner and new WWE Champion: John Cena.

The events leading to the main event were shown.

Submission Match for the World Heavyweight Title
CM Punk vs. The Undertaker

Punk pointed at the belt during the introductions, saying "it's mine" to Undertaker. At the bell, Punk bailed out to the floor and stalled. He got back in the ring, but avoided getting close with Undertaker. Punk threw some kicks, punches and elbows in a corner, then Taker grabbed him and just flung him over the top rope and to the floor. Taker chased after him, and back into the ring. Undertaker hit a clothesline, then decked Punk. Undertaker hit a body blow, then a headbutt. Undertaker worked over Punk in a corner, kicked his leg and head.

Undertaker tossed Punk to the floor, but when he went out after him, Punk landed a kick and a forearm. Taker returned fire with a punch, decking Punk. Undertaker went to throw Punk into the ringpost, but Punk avoided it. Taker hit a knee to the gut and kicked Punk in the head. Undertaker whipped Punk into the security wall, then Taker went for a running boot, but Punk moved and Taker crashed into the wall. Punk hit a running knee and stomped Undertaker on the floor. Punk grabbed a chair and hit Taker in the gut, then the head. Undertaker crawled back into the ring.

Punk hit a jumping knee in the corner, but had hit bulldog attempt pushed off. Undertaker hit some short arm shoulderblocks, then yanked on the arm and hit another. Undertaker went for the Old School ropewalk, but Punk crotched Taker in the corner. Punk went for a superplex, but Undertaker headbutted him to the mat. Punk got up and hit Undertaker with an enzugiri, then went for the superplex again, this time hitting it. Punk hit Undertaker with some kicks, but Undertaker responded with punches. Undertaker decked Punk, then whipped him into a corner and hit a clothesline.

Undertaker hit Snake Eyes, then a running boot, and followed with a legdrop. Undertaker called for a chokeslam, but Punk used a kick to the head to escape, knocking Undertaker to the mat. Punk crawled over to Undertaker, and Undertaker immediately trapped him in Hell's Gate. CM Punk tapped out at the nine minute mark.

Smackdown General Manager Theodore R. Long came out and said that since Vickie Guerrero banned the Hell's Gate "a long time ago", the match had to continue.

The bell rang, and Undertaker gave Punk a boot to the face. Undertaker went for a Last Ride powerbomb, but Punk floated over it and clipped Undertaker's knee. Punk put on an Anaconda Vice. Referee Scott Armstrong immediately called for the bell.

Winner: CM Punk.

After the match
Armstrong and Punk rolled out of the ring, Armstrong gave Punk the belt, and Armstrong ran out of the building. Punk ran up the stage, and stood next to an emotionless Teddy Long. Undertaker stood in the ring, looking angry, and Jim Ross made it clear, while they showed replays, that Undertaker did NOT submit.

09-11-2009, 02:42 AM
They better put Morrison/Ziggler back on the card. How is Khali/Kane a ppv quality match but Morrison/Ziggler isn't?

A Blissful Ass
09-13-2009, 11:23 PM
^same i agree the US title match should be scrapped

09-14-2009, 01:29 AM
^^They can't do it and have them both come out credible. They can't have Morrison lose it this soon after winning it or he will lose all of his momentum and Ziggler can't go 3 ppv's without a win and keep the momentum he had.

Truth is Ziggler should have won it last PPV and then we wouldn't be in this position

A Blissful Ass
09-14-2009, 01:37 AM
I knew Jericho/Show would win

Kenpachi Zaraki
09-14-2009, 01:40 AM
So did I dunno where they are going with this tbh

Kenpachi Zaraki
09-14-2009, 01:47 AM
Another correct prediction w00t I am on fire

A Blissful Ass
09-14-2009, 01:48 AM
IMO WWE should of teamed Jericho with Christian Again instead of that loser Show

A Blissful Ass
09-14-2009, 01:51 AM
How did i know Kofi was going to win:shifty:

09-14-2009, 01:58 AM
Incredible I Just Pridict Miz Won .

09-14-2009, 02:10 AM
Holy Freedom Fries!! Legacy won!!!

09-14-2009, 02:10 AM
Did they just say this is huge for Legacy?

09-14-2009, 02:11 AM
I M Sure This Time Khali Wins The Match.chak Da Pattay Khali..

Kenpachi Zaraki
09-14-2009, 02:16 AM
woohoo I guess I am the only 1 who saw Legacy winning :kellie:

A Blissful Ass
09-14-2009, 02:16 AM
HBK Tapped out thats stupid

09-14-2009, 02:19 AM
Big Evil 82 YEAH HBK SUCKS .....

09-14-2009, 02:19 AM
Legacy Is incredible, why did Michaels have to tap HHH should of freaking jobbed.

09-14-2009, 02:30 AM
I Think Taker Also Tapped .

09-14-2009, 02:33 AM
The Kane and Cane kept getting me confused. lol

they really need to end this feud though

A Blissful Ass
09-14-2009, 02:36 AM
Nice boring match lol

09-14-2009, 02:46 AM
If Punk Gets Victory Over Taker Then It Was Really A Shocking News..

Kenpachi Zaraki
09-14-2009, 02:51 AM
Man 2 wrong ones Regal should hv won

A Blissful Ass
09-14-2009, 02:56 AM
Yes Christian Won woot

09-14-2009, 02:57 AM
Methinks Punk is gonna lose since they're having the Orton/Cena match first.

09-14-2009, 03:14 AM
NO I THINK CENAS MATCH LAST BECAUSE SOME 1 INTERFare in this match .or possible title stripped.and their match turn in to h.i.a.c match.

09-14-2009, 03:26 AM
impressive start .cena i think wins..

09-14-2009, 03:31 AM
another year long Cena reign...awesome

Shane McMahon's Ass
09-14-2009, 03:32 AM
Stupid Cena :hmm:

A Blissful Ass
09-14-2009, 03:36 AM
Does this mean there keeping the Spinner belt?

09-14-2009, 03:36 AM
Thanks Its Has Been Soooooo Long Congrants Cena. The Champ...:dukenukem:

A Blissful Ass
09-14-2009, 03:38 AM
another year long Cena reign...awesome


09-14-2009, 03:51 AM
Teddy Long is the best Gm in Wwe history :D

09-14-2009, 03:53 AM
I am officially done with smackdown, sweet

A Blissful Ass
09-14-2009, 03:54 AM

09-14-2009, 03:56 AM
I am officially done with smackdown, sweet

Have fun with the three ring circus known as Raw then.

Shane McMahon's Ass
09-14-2009, 03:57 AM
YAY!!! :love: TAKER :D

09-14-2009, 03:57 AM

sarcasim not too thrilled about Cena as champ.

09-14-2009, 03:58 AM
Have fun with the three ring circus known as Raw then.

at least they didn't use a 12 year old plot device

09-14-2009, 04:01 AM
at least they didn't use a 12 year old plot device

Yea, they just use the same three main eventers every ppv. And now they've got Cena as champ. But that's cool if you like really boring versions of Saturday Night Live, who am I to judge?

And lol @ the people who thought Taker won.

09-14-2009, 04:03 AM
Kellie, you might want to fix that lol, Taker kinda lost.

09-14-2009, 04:04 AM
Yea, they just use the same three main eventers every ppv. And now they've got Cena as champ. But that's cool if you like really boring versions of Saturday Night Live, who am I to judge?

And lol @ the people who thought Taker won.

And smackdown wasn't using the same people all year? Raw may put forth the same week after week but they haven't done something like this since Bischoof was around

09-14-2009, 04:08 AM
Long Makes History Lol

09-14-2009, 04:10 AM
Kellie, you might want to fix that lol, Taker kinda lost.

Thanks, stupid site and their stuff ups

09-14-2009, 04:19 AM
hey this makes hell for cm punk .how clever he is ....still the champ disscussting..

09-14-2009, 05:41 AM

09-14-2009, 11:40 AM
Taker got screwed :furious:

09-14-2009, 11:47 AM
Decent PPV. The DX match was maybe the best on the card, good to see Legacy win I think, the promo beforehand was great.

Cena vs Orton was pretty good, rushed finished maybe but pretty brutal.

Punk vs Taker was.....short. It was alright but I think it should have gone longer.

Solid if unspectacular PPV.

Kenpachi Zaraki
09-14-2009, 12:29 PM
Montreal Screwjob II these bastards lol Punk wons I lost my bookie though put it down as other :shifty:

Y0UR Messiah
09-14-2009, 12:48 PM
I bet everything on Cena...knowing there was no way he would lose...and I'm happy. Money, money, yeah, yeah, money, money, yeah, yeah.