View Full Version : Shadow Complex Cheaters Facing...

09-16-2009, 08:11 PM
Chair does not look kindly on people using exploits to boost their score in Shadow Complex, and has announced some serious punishments for those caught red-handed. Those who are verified as having cheated will be removed from the leaderboard, but the punishment doesn't stop there. Microsoft will investigate the cheaters to consider resetting the players' gamerscore, which applies to their entire gamerscore. And of course, the players with a reset gamerscore will be dubbed a "cheater" on their gamer profile for the added public humiliation.
Note of course that this only seems to include cheating to boost leaderboard scores, not exploits like sequence-breaking. In a game like Shadow Complex, that's acknowledged and even encouraged by the developers. So if you haven't been boosting your kill count or slimming your clear time through dubious means, you don't have much reason to worry.