View Full Version : No early release for boy, 14, who raped boy, 4

Shane McMahon's Ass
09-18-2009, 04:49 AM

A BOY who was aged 12 when he raped a four-year-old boy and later tried to rape a three-year-old has been denied a chance to appeal his three-year detention.

The boy - who cannot be named for legal reasons - was sentenced in June at the District Court in Townsville and ordered to serve 70 per cent of his three-year detention.

He was also given a three-year probation order with convictions recorded.

The Queensland Court of Appeal today refused the now 14-year-old's application for leave to appeal the sentence on the grounds it was manifestly excessive.

Court papers state the boy raped his four-year-old victim underneath a house in May 2007 and later tried to rape a three-year-old boy under a house but was stopped by another child.

Questioned by his father, the boy told him he had been molested himself, papers said.

The judgment referred to a psychiatrist's report which diagnosed the boy with a disorder and found he did not have the capacity to fully understand what he had done was wrong or feel remorse.

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"For these reasons I believe he is quite likely to become a very dangerous young man,'' the report said.

A report by a different psychiatrist noted the boy would masturbate in the company of others despite being told not to.

Another psychological assessment found the boy had a "moderate to high'' probability of committing another sexual offence in the future.

"These reports unhappily present a bleak picture of the applicant and his prospects for rehabilitation,'' the Court of Appeal judgment said.

"He represents a considerable risk to young children with whom he might come in contact.''

09-18-2009, 07:14 AM



What the hell is wrong with people these days.

09-18-2009, 07:28 AM
good dont release him