View Full Version : My Novels Epilogue

09-19-2009, 12:06 PM
So we go back in time to the time of Gaius Marius, the man who revolutionised how the Romans saw war. Now imagine that Julius Caesar never existed so, now this is the story, of a general in these times and his sons.


Gaius Andromeda led his fellow warriors. A former infantry captain himself becoming a general. Someone for them to look up to. He raised his arm for the flagmen to call for a faster pace, forcing him forward, a slight breeze behind them as just one Roman Legionary of 5000 men slowly moved forward. Marching towards there enemies. The paved road beneath his horses hooves clanked as the Romans were marching, making double time towards the city they were after. Gaius looked down at the shield as it hung off of the horses shoulder, a deep red with parts of gold, a standard for legion generals. He looked back to see men marching fast and he smiled seeing them disciplined enough for the road ahead. His men knew he was one of the most strategic generals out there, and also that he would keep them alive. If he could at least.

His mare began to pant as it got close to the end of the day but he insisted on continuing, no matter how dark, or what the circumstances. He knew he would have to stop soon and make camp but that thought exited as quickly as it ended. In the distance, he saw a horse coming towards them. Being younger then most of his veterans he saw the man first and he then raise a small banner which identified him as a Roman messenger. Gaius then began to ride hastily to meet the messenger.

“Speak your news Messenger.” The messenger looked nervous as he looked into the sharp green eyes of the general, who had no clear look on his face. Gaius' hair stood on end as he waited for this unknown messenger just stood there. “I said speak messenger!” Despite saying it calmly, Gaius was getting more angry as the seconds passed.

“Consul Marius has asked that you advance further into the West towards Gaul, to take the head of the man that befouled him.” The messenger waited for acceptance from the General who looked into his eyes. He waited for the General to dismiss him, in which he did with a quick wave of his hand. He took this as his notion to head back to the Roman walls.

Gaius was just getting used to the way this new Legionary system worked, as he ordered for a fort to be built. He knew this would take less then an hour and delayed the process, knowing that it would be done quickly before the darkness dawned. At least 2,000 well trained man were working in forest while the rest bound the logs together.

The Sun set as the fort had been built and many in the camp begin eating their daily rations of meat and cheese. Gaius and his officers met in his tent, discussing the plans for the next day and the orders that he had been given. He knew every man in the tent by name, not a skill that many held. None wore their standard armor, instead in a red tunic. Guards had been set up at the outside of fort watching for any site or sound of an attack. They discussed the land they had to make up the next day as the maps used had been very useful to this small raiding party.

Gaius just layed down to sleep when he heard the loud scout horns from the scouts he had set out, within two miles of where they set the fort in place. This signaled an incoming attack. Gaius leaped to his feet off his bed and then put on his tunic. He followed with his armor as he stepped out of his felt tent.

After stepping into his stirrups he through over his other leg and rode out before facing the army that had been assembled quickly in the middle of the night. He yelled for the gates to be opened as dawn came over the earth. He kept a stone face on as he looked back and rode into the field. He saw the mountains he had planned on the east and then sent his cavalry running to the eastern hills. He rode to the front of the infantry legion. Gaius saw them in position before looking for the first site of the enemy force. His officers were briefing there men on the plan and it would have to be a quick battle in this light before the sun came out in it's full strength. A light breeze blew in from the west as he began to trot further.

He saw the banners of the now opposing army, the Legion was ready, spread into a tactical formation in which would be easy. A scout, the one that blew the horn came running to Gaius, breathing heavily after the long ride. He bowed in his saddle before looking at his general, his stone face staring blankly. “I put the estimates at 20,000 General.” The General nodded before gesturing for him to leave. The scout did briskly as he galloped back to his post.

Gaius waited patiently as he went through the plan of attack in his head. His hand sitting on the back of his horse calmly waiting. Ready for the moment to strike. The army was approximately 1000 paces away as his army was preparing themselves.


Naownin walked forwards, his army behind him, he knew not to expect an easy fight but after capturing a Roman scout, he knew he had a good 15,000 more men then the Roman force. This was his first time going up against a Roman legion but for what his scout had told him, he had little to worry. He would plow through these men and continue on his way to Gaul. He called for his officers to get their men into some sort of order, but none of these men from various tribes, had a lot of discipline

Naownin, continued his march, his army had no horses and few archers but there bulk was in infantry. Various men had questioned him as the leader of the tribes but he was destined to prove it. He was one of the older men at 36 so he did not have as long as half the boys in his army. He had played this over time and time again as he began to catch a better view of the Roman army, who waited. What fools, went through his mind as he saw they had no cavalry with them. His scout had lied to him as it looked that their were less then 4000 but from this angle, it was not very accurate.


It had taken years for these manuevers to become perfect but they were finally coming into their own as Gaius began his army marching, his banner man gesturing to the cavalry to keep their ground until told. He began to guess the distance, it was about 1000 Paces and it would not be long now. He ordered his archers to prepare as looked back as his men had drawn their spears and were ready to throw.

Gaius raises his sword, waiting for the right moment to strike, to early and he would miss. Too late and it would not give them enough of an advantage. He through his sword to down as spears began to rain down on the barbarian enemy. Arrows followed striking down the enemies as they infantry started March forward, as the cavalry came in from the east flank using the hill for more momentum.

Gaius began to trot his horse as the men behind him pushed him forward before he meets the first rank, swooping down using his sword to cut through the enemy. Blood spatter over him as he fills his horse shoulder a man with next to nothing on to the ground. He feels his horses hooves step over the man, the bones crunching. He moves forward, the men behind him covering his back yet opposing men were still coming out of the mountain pass. Gaius hears the pounding of Horse's hooves as the cavalry comes running in from the east as it crashes into the Barbarians.


Naownin watched as his men got cut down, helpless from where he is, he did not plan on this happening. The cavalry getting the flanks knocking him off guard. His rounded shield pushing the soldier in front of him forward knocking him into the thick of things, he was just one step closer to certain death. He pushed again which forces the soldier in front of him to look back and snarl at his general. Naownin then slams his sword in the kidney of the soldier putting him to the ground for disrespect. He steps over him and then nearly gets beheaded until he ducks and swings his sword in the back of the man that just swung his sword at him. The air began to blacken as arrows came in and begins taking out his tribes men.


A searing pain come over his leg as Gaius feels a sword slash against his legs. He reaches down with his sword and beheads the man who caught his leg. His horse then catches a gash to the chest which forces it to drop from blood loss. Gaius leaps off before the horse hits the ground, trying not to get his leg caught in the stirrups. He walks through as his army continues to peel through the Barbarian Army.

The Opposing army had been finished by the time noon rolled around, about 2000 of them had surrended as Gaius walked down the lines of those that had been bound and shackled. He ordered the death of all, knowing that they may try again, revolt.


Thoughts and Opinions would be appreciated.

09-21-2009, 01:48 AM

09-23-2009, 12:56 PM
Another Bump, someone READ PLEASE!