View Full Version : Zombie Apocalypse in XBLA, PSN Next Week

09-20-2009, 10:19 PM
Sick of mutilating the living dead yet? You better not be, because you can consider next week the official start of a very packed zombie hunting season. Developer Nihilistic has announced on their website that Zombie Apocalypse will release on Xbox Live Arcade this coming Wednesday, and the PlayStation Network the following Thursday. Looking like something of a cross between Smash TV and Left 4 Dead, Zombie Apocalypse is a top-down arcade-style twin-stick shooter where, as the name subtly implies, you do your best to ward off a zombie apocalypse. There are 55 levels, 11 different weapons, and the option for 4-player online co-op. The game will run you 800 Microsoft Points, or $10.