View Full Version : Man leaves love note for nurse he fell in love with after stabbing her

Shane McMahon's Ass
09-22-2009, 11:29 AM
Man leaves love note for nurse he fell in love with after stabbing her in bungled robbery

A MAN, 22, who stabbed a nurse during a bungled robbery last week has been arrested after returning to the crime scene to profess his love for her, police said yesterday.

The unnamed Taiwanese suspect stabbed the 18-year-old once in the back late last week but decided against robbing her when she cried out and begged him not to take her belongings. He even escorted her to hospital.

"When I noticed how lovely you look, I changed my mind," he said in the love note, according to police in central Maoli county. "I hope I have a chance to apologise to you and compensate you. Please contact me."

After leaving the message on the nurse's motorbike, he waited for the victim, who was not seriously injured, to return. Unfortunately for him, she was accompanied by a group of police officers who promptly arrested him.

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"The suspect was caught as he tried to express his love for the victim. It wasn't a routine case," a police officer told AFP.