View Full Version : Details Motion Control Support...

09-24-2009, 10:19 PM
Courtesy of our friendly rival-pals at G4 who live-blogged the Sony CEJ Press Conference, we see that initially, it doesn't look like Sony CEJ has much in the way of surprise. Sure, the press conference outlined some features for Gran Turismo 5 (such as connectivity with Gran Turismo PSP where you can unlock cars faster in GT PSP and snag them instantly in GT5), and outlined the plans for the PSP Go launch in Japan (November 1, with pre-orderings getting one free game from the PSN). Heck, the company even announced a white PS3 with a 250 GB hard drive for 41,600 yen (that's the recently-announced FFXIII PS3 bundle), and the extra bonus of FFVIII being on the Japanese PSN now. But the big news is easily the early prototypes of Motion Controller support for future titles.

The first Motion Controller demo came courtesy of Jun Takeuchi, producer of Resident Evil 5. Imagine the normal RE5, but with a reticule in the middle; said reticule is your new focus. Movement and aim is now controlled (via the position of the reticule) by the Motion Controller, while activities are done by cradling the DualShock3 in the other hand and pulling triggers/pushing buttons. It looks like Japan will be getting a sort of "Resident Evil 5: Alternate Edition" release along with the Motion Controller next Spring.

SCEJ personnel also briefly demonstrated Little Big Planet with Motion Controller support. Initially, it looks similar to playing Super Mario Galaxy cooperatively (with one player progressing while the other player grabs stuff) but then the developers showed off some deeper motion control manipulation -- such as moving platforms around to get past obstacles. LBP will be getting a patch to add Motion Controller support, along with other titles like PAIN, High Velocity Bowling, Flower, and EyePet. We'll hopefully see more Motion Control in the days to come.