View Full Version : Rashad Evans Tries to Play Peacemaker

Shane McMahon's Ass
09-27-2009, 05:35 AM
Although there is no UFC event coming up this weekend, this has been one of the busiest seven days in MMA history. Kimbo Slice gets his first assignment on “TUF 10,” Roger Huerta un-retires and Mirko “Cro Cop” Filipovic and Quinton “Rampage” Jackson have pulled the plug on their careers, one of them prematurely, and you would be shocked as to who is helping mend the fences.

“He’s jumping the gun a little bit. I think that him coming out and saying [he was going to retire] was a bit premature,” Evans said of his bitter rivals decision to walk away from MMA. “Rampage is a very emotional person, and he just let his emotions take over his rational thinking. I think that him and [UFC president] Dana White just probably need to talk it out, and get past it. I think it’s just a breakdown in communication.”

In case you didn’t know, Rampage is coaching opposite Evans on this season of “TUF.” They were slated to duke it out at UFC 107 in December, however Rampage pulled out after he was awarded the role of playing B.A. Baracus in the move remake of The A-Team.

White got pissed that his homie betrayed him for a movie deal, and Rampage fired back stating that the UFC has been mistreating him and forced him into take fights when he wasn’t ready.

It’s been game-on between the two since.

“Dana’s the kind of guy who is going to say what is on his mind, maybe without thinking it through all the way … Rampage is a hothead, as well,” Evans added. “You get two tempers like that, go at each other like that, it makes the situation hard to work through.”

It’s interesting to see that Evans has a better grip on the situation than White and Rampage, however that may be because he is still holding out for a shot at socking Rampage dead-smack in his big mouth.

“I would have loved to punch him in the face . . . I’d be disappointed not to fight him,” Evans said of his true intentions of wanting Rampage back in the UFC. “It would be a good fight, a fun fight, but mostly because he talked trash. He got me really angry, and I want to fight him just because of that alone. It’s a fight that people want to see. You get your mind wrapped up, and you get your mind so psyched up about fighting a fighter, and then it doesn’t happen, it’s disappointing.”

And what if the two buddies can’t kiss and make up, and your only shot to battle Rampage just went out the window?

“I saw him in the club one time, and I walked by his table. He jumped down, and was running his mouth, and he got a shove in on me,” Evans said. “I think now, he’s trying to make it a thing every time he sees me, to jump down and try to get in a shove.

“I hate making a fight personal. At the end of the day, we’re professional athletes, and we get paid to do a job. I try to stay professional. I don’t want to fight for free, but if I have to …”

If Rampage doesn’t come back to the UFC, the good news is that we still might get a chance to see this scrap as these two are down anytime and anywhere. However, they would have to go Kimbo-with it.

There’s plenty of room in my backyard …