View Full Version : 9/26 ROH results from NYC with Bret Hart and Jim Cornette

Shane McMahon's Ass
09-27-2009, 05:54 AM
- Bret Hart is here signing autographs. They just announced that Dragon and Nigel McGuinness are doing a meet and greet as well.

- Rumor here has it Eddie Edwards has a broken arm. They haven't said anything about the ladder match.

- Just heard Homicide is in the house. A big "F*** TNA" chant went up.

(1) Colt Cabana defeated Rhett Titus in 6:24 with a reverse Boston Crab.

(2) The Dark City Fight Club of Kory Chavis and John Davis defeated Up in Smoke of Cheech and Cloudy in 9:43 after a combination powerbomb and neckbreaker.

- Prince Nana cut a promo against the fans. He brings out Claudio Castagnoli.

(3) Claudio Castagnli defeated Kenny Omega in 9:36 after a Swiss roaring elbow. Awesome match. Omega used a tiger suplex and countered a ricola bomb into a small package. Castagnoli got Omega into a reverse fireman's carry and turned it into an airplaine spin and at one point did it with no hands.

- Bret Hart came out to a big pop and talked about his dad, Owen, Curt Hennig, Jim Neidhart, Bulldogs, Stampede, ROH, the fans and wrestlers.

(4) Roderick Strong won a 4 way over Sonjay Dutt, Grizzy Redwood and Delirious in 11:53 when Strong pinned Dutt after a Tiger Driver. Awesome match with tons of counters and near falls. Final battle 2009 announced for December 19th.

(5) The American Wolves (Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards) defeated Kevin Steen and El Generico in a ladder war match in 25:05. The match was brutal throughout with various chair and ladder spots. Richards did in fact wrestle with a broken arm as indicated by a cast. Richards got cheered throughout the match.

(6) Chris Hero defeated Eddie Kingston in 16:09 after pulling an elbow pad out of his trunks and hitting Kingston with a roaring elbow and getting the pin.

- Austin Aries came out and talked about the Lethal Lottery match. He pulled out hat and picked Bret Hart. He then called Bret Hart a coward for not coming out. Canadian Destroyer Petey Williams comes out (with out blond hair) and called Austin Aries a coward for trying to leave. Williams challenged Austin Aries to a title match which Aries accepted after sneak attacking Williams.

(7) Austin Aries defeated Petey Williams via count out at 19:52 after Aries hit Williams with a brainbuster on the floor and Aries beat the count into the ring.

- Jim Cornette came out and said "I had some free time so I thought I'd drop by." Cornette discussed his release from TNA and said he did not curse out Vince Russo. Cornette said Dixie Carter and Terry Taylor told him he was released because he was not 100 percent behind TNA and creative and Cornette said if you mean Russo then I am not behind him and he wished them the best in their future endeavors. Cornette asked the fans if we were sick of certain angles in wrestling and ROH makes stars, not buys them. Cornette then stated as of the afternoon he has accepted the executive producer position of the ROH TV show on HDNet. Austin Aries comes back out and said Cornette came to ROH because Cornette can't get along with anyone. Aries then said Cornette has never been good with politics and he would make Cornette famous by getting him fired from WWE, TNA and ROH. Aries said Cornette was power hungry. Cornette said the fans wanted a champion who faced the best competition.

(8) The Young Bucks (Nick and Matt Jackson) defeated The Briscoe Brothers at 17:04 after a 450 splash by Nick and a moonsault by Matt.


09-27-2009, 05:40 PM
Lol thanks for posting wow promotion fan's still chant f tna etc? Wow lol so 5 years ago.

09-30-2009, 06:20 AM
thanks for the update Krist

A Blissful Ass
09-30-2009, 08:45 AM
Looked like a good Show thanks Kirst

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