View Full Version : J.R on CM Punk's title loss, Swagger's push, and more

10-06-2009, 07:37 PM
Jim Ross is back with two new blogs on jrsbarbq.com. Some highlights:

- The “Dinner Impossible” episode we shot at Summerslam will air on The Food Network on Wednesday November 11 at 9/8 central time. I want to make it clear that I did NOT burn the chicken! That was a joke. Working on this show was a blast and I hope that you will check it out. Chef Robert Irvine and his crew are cool dudes and know their stuff. I did make some mean BBQ sauce if I do say so myself. No, I wasn’t allowed to use JR’s Original BBQ Sauce due to legal mumbo jumbo.

- HIAC was an interesting event from my perspective at ringside. I found out somewhat later than usual that the Punk-Undertaker was going on first which changes one’s dynamic as the biggest match SD had to broadcast was that particular one. I actually enjoyed the wresling side of the World Title bout and “felt” the story that was being told. I assume that Punk will get a return match in the future but don’t know the official date.

- Orton vs. Cena in an Ironman Match is my kind of party. I just wish I could help call it. I love time limits and the scoring system. Makes the contest feel more like an athletic event of which I personally like. IF this is this pair’s last dance then I expect them to rock it for the duration and provide us fans with a compelling story. This match could be a great way to end this rivalry if that is the objective.

- Crazy email….CM Punk lost the World’s Title because of a “dress code” violation. Please, stop the pain.