View Full Version : Update on WWE's Possible War Games PPV

Kenpachi Zaraki
10-14-2009, 05:41 AM
The Figure Four Weekly Newsletter is reporting that although WWE is considering bringing back the idea of the War Games PPV, it most likely will not be done in the same manner that WCW ran the gimmick. In the past few years, the idea of running a War Games match or PPV has come up from time to time in WWE creative meetings, but for one reason or another the idea is consistently shot down. This time around, management has told creative to go back and watch old War Games style matches and then take aspects of the match style to incorporate into a new version of War Games for WWE to use. WWE is also toying with the idea of using the War Games match for another Raw vs Smackdown bout. Nothing has been confirmed at this point, and the idea is only in the discussion phase.


Do it Do it Do it

Y0UR Messiah
10-14-2009, 02:34 PM
I hope they bring it back. War Games is one of the main reasons I liked WCW.