View Full Version : Nazi gnomes invade Germany

Shane McMahon's Ass
10-15-2009, 10:27 PM
You wouldn't normally think of garden gnomes as being leading advocates of fascist ideology, given that they're mostly concerned with sitting on logs in gardens, wearing hats, and fishing in small ponds.

But these gnomes are a bit different - and 1,250 of them just appeared in a public square in the German town of Straubing, all with arms raised in the Nazi salute.

They're the work of Ottmar Hörl, a professor at the Nuremberg Academy of Fine Arts, and far from being an insidious attempt to spread far-right ideals through the medium of novelty garden ornaments, the art work is actually intended as a warning about the manipulation of the masses through fascist politics.

You'll be surprised to learn that it's attracted a certain amount of controversy.

Glorifying Nazism or Hitler - by giving the salute, saying 'Heil Hitler', displaying Mein Kampf in a shop window or using the swastika - are criminal offences in Germany, carrying up to a three-year jail term. A previous art work by Professor Hörl, which featured just a single Nazi gnome in an art gallery, attracted complaints and an investigation by the local prosecutor, although the case was eventually dropped.

Hörl insists that his artwork, entitled Dance With The Devil, is satire which mocks fascism. However, in anticipation of the controversy the piece will attract when it opens today, all police leave in Straubing has been cancelled.

10-16-2009, 01:29 AM
i saw a pic of it . its cool kinda

10-16-2009, 06:34 AM
wow thanks for the post Krist

10-16-2009, 03:17 PM
That artist is gonna get arrested for this I reckon