View Full Version : Stupidest Thing you've ever done

07-17-2006, 05:47 AM
Ok so we all do things without thinking...

I'm infamous for the stupid things that I've done, usually in an attempt to get something lame from the person daring me to do it.

1) My most recent was at the wrestling a friend told me that if I saw Ric Flair to say that Pussy Galore says hi... I told the people I went to the wrestling with this and was dared to scream it out during Flair's match, if I did it and it was heard on TV she'd buy me the Wreckless Intent CD... It wasn't heard.

2) On September 28 I will feel the full affects of one of my most recent 'stupid things'... When my wrist is surgerically repaired having torn tissues and such when I put it through a brick wall in April.

3) My friend and I were at the Park at the Mall of America (a big indoor themepark) and went on a ride in attempt to get dry after having a water fight on the Log Ride... The guy started chatting us up and dared us to ride it 20 times... We reached 13 before the park closed... The ride: Tree Top Tumbler a ride in which you get spun around and up and down and everything for about 5-10minutes...

So what is the stupidest thing you've ever done.

07-17-2006, 01:28 PM
well I think it was more fun than stupid but the opportunity to jump out of a two story window was presented so I took it because I've always wanted to do that to see what it was like. Luckily I landed right after having time in the air to think how I was going to land :)

There should be more to follow.

Death Before Dishonor
07-17-2006, 01:39 PM
The other day at school, someone said they would pay me 100 dollars to get kicked in the nuts 20 times. I got kicked in the nuts 21 times and didn't get any money.

07-17-2006, 02:15 PM
taking bets for money. ive bet on the steelers winning the super bowl, licking my shoe, etc. I think im owed about $50 and never seen a cent of it.

also, I enjoy, let me repeat that, ENJOY banging my head, arm, or any bodypart into walls (mostly the concrete one down in the gym at school) for no reason. and yes thats why i always have a headache. I now its stupid, hell, its downright retarded. but its fun.

07-17-2006, 02:26 PM
I am pretty much known for the mischief I get up to... But in my defence, I don't go looking for trouble... It knows where to find me...

Some of the most memorable:

- I was 7, and I was jumping on my parents bed, and my mum walked in and scared the living daylights out of me... I banged my head to hard on the back of the bed that I knocked myself out and split my head open. I still have the scar under my hair.

- When I was in year 10, in high school, we were in science class using these big old batteries, and we were doing an experiment using a low current. Anyway, I flicked the switch for the currents, cranked it right up and next thing I know, there was a big bang and smoke billowed out of it, and all the lights and power in the school was out for 2 days

- In England, at one of the places we visited (my sister and I), met these guys and we were the 4 youngest out of everyone, and we decided to head to the pub a 40 minute walk away, and none of us thought to take a torch or anything. We just took cash and some ID, and nothing else. Anyway, we were in the middle of nowhere country side England, and the sun was setting as we left the place we were staying for the pub, so we had some light. Anyway, 4 hours later, we leave the pub, and it is pitch black outside, there are no streetlights and you literally cannot see your hand in front of your face. So we started walking back along the road to the place we were staying, and the 4 of us are drunk as can be and cannot walk in a straight line, the footpath is uneven, the road quiet with no cars for miles and miles to be seen and we had to try and make our way back in the pitch black. We all walked along the middle of the road trying to follow the white line!