View Full Version : Gately's partner Doesnt want 'a penny'

10-24-2009, 02:23 PM
Mr Cowles, 32, an internet entrepreneur, has told lawyers to divide the £10 million fortune amongst Stephen's loved ones and several good causes.

He told The Mirror: "I don’t want a penny. I was never with Stephen for his money and don’t need it now."

The couple who met in 2003, tied the know in a civil ceremony in 2006.

A large amount of the money will go to Stephen's mother Margaret, father Martin, sister Michelle and brothers Mark, Alan and Tony.

Mr Cowles will continue to live in the couple's north London home but will sell the apartment they shared in Majorca where Stephen died two weeks ago.

Boyzone's manager Louis Walsh, who was left "completely broken" by Stephen's death, will return to his judging role on The X Factor this weekend after a two-week absence.

Westlife are expected to perform their comeback single on the results show.