View Full Version : Off-Air Bragging Rights Notes - Inside

10-27-2009, 03:56 AM
Thanks to Adam Lucidi for sending in the following:

Hey gang, just thought you'd like to know some of the stuff that went on after Bragging Rights went off the air and what happened outside of the arena.

After the Iron Man Match and the camera quit rolling, the crowd cheered for Orton once he stood up and slowly walked up the ramp. When he got to the top of the ramp, he stood at the top of it with his head down for awhile...it seemed like he was staying in character even afterward.

Outside one of the entrances to the arena, Kofi Kingston came out and didn't go straight to his car, he walked around acknowledging fans and went up to a certain kid (who was later approached by Chavo, who got out of his car to sign something for the kid and Kelly Kelly, who went to the kid first, then went down the gate and gave everyone high five.) Morrison and Melina came out and waved to everyone before leaving, Miz came out with The Bella Twins, Mark Henry rode with Chavo, Big Show sat in his car for about 20 minutes before he left alone, Yoshi, Tyler Reks and Drew Mcyintre all came out together and left.

An interesting note about Kelly Kelly, once she got in her car, she nearly hit another car (Rosa, Katie Lea, and another diva, I can't remember who) and when Kelly Kelly pulled out of the parking lot, she speeded down the street and went the opposite direction that everyone else did. Everyone else that pulled out went straight to the hotel across the street. Apparently, Jeremy Piven was in Pittsburgh last night (not sure if he was filming anything or what) but I would guess if that's true, then that's where Kelly Kelly was speeding off to.

Source: PWM

10-27-2009, 06:41 AM
wow thanks for this