View Full Version : Hulkamania In TNA: Good Or Bad?

Black Widow
10-28-2009, 02:52 PM
Yesterday, Hulk Hogan dropped the bombshell announcement that the most famous wrestler of all time would be working for TNA. Some have praised this as the move that will turn TNA into a serious competitor to WWE. Others, remembering Hogan's last attempted run in TNA, are taking a "wait and see" attitude. There are also those who see Hogan as the "poison" that will kill TNA, given Hogan's infamous reputation for demanding creative control when working for a company.

Forget about the "wait and see" attitude for a moment, and give us your gut reaction to the following question:

Hulk Hogan: Good or Bad for TNA?

11-01-2009, 01:30 PM
Huge...HUGE mistake IMO!
look what happened to WCW after signing Hogan!Yeah they made a GREAT run at WWF/E during the "Monday night wars",BUT,in the end it(WCW) didn't have any control left because of guys like Hogan and Nash(who is also a big part of TNA backstage politics!).
Hogan IMHO opinion is only doing this because he is flat broke,and needs the publicity for his new book that is coming out.
The sad thing is,is that he probably brokered a deal worth millions of dollars,as well as a heavyweight title run,backstage/booking power,and he gets to choose who&when he will wrestle,just like he did when he went to WCW!

Now this is just me...I know Hogan put wrestling on the map!I know Hogan "made" wrestling what it was back in its heyday,as well as what it is today!
BUT,I've NEVER been a Hogan fan(with the exception of the start of the N.W.O. run!!!!after that it became a joke again!).His "wrestling skills" are worse than those of John Cenas',and his "selling" capabilities aren't any better!
TNA is relying on Hogan giving them the push they need to make them a formidable challenge to WWE,I just hope they aren't making the same mistake WCW did all those years ago,because they have ALOT of great young talent in that orginization that deserve to have their own run at glory,instead of being pushed aside for "old,no talent has beens" like Hogan!!!!

11-01-2009, 05:39 PM
The little hulksters are grown w/ little hulksters of their own . This fan base shows up in droves when he wrestles . It will be good short term but all know Hogan will work with vince again . long term hogan might hurt tna

11-01-2009, 08:18 PM
It depends if Hogan is actually in it to help the business, or just promote his new book. This could go either way imo.

11-03-2009, 01:55 AM
the only good thing about hogen going tna is Eric Bishoff going as well. Hogan is washed up and only intersted in himself. He may help tna short term with rating but it will hurt in the end. In my oppinion Eric maybe able to keep his ego in check short term. yes he made wrestling what it is. yes he is a true icon in this sport. but like brett farve he should just retire and stay that way.

11-03-2009, 11:47 AM
it'll be bad... TNA is slowly turning into WcW

11-03-2009, 01:20 PM
I loved WCW, I loved the monday night wars, nWo all that, they made me become a wrestling fan, and I mean Sting brought me to tna as well, when I first heard he was signing with them I watched Turning Point 05 I think it was and from what I saw, tna was so much more exciting than wwe at the time.

I began watching more of the original famous TNA matches like SSS Triple X vs. AMW, SSS Abyss vs. AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy vs. Abyss, Barbed Wire Massacre, matches like those, match types like Ultimate X, KOTM all those exciting innovative match types and I was 100% impressed with what TNA was doing, how exciting it was to watch, seeing things like Skipper run across the top of the cage and hurricarana, Storm or Harris off the top of the cage, and I mean wrestlings 'fake' to an extent but shit like that is still highly risking and entertaining but I feel TNA gets bigger, it's lost the unique aspects. It's got more popular and the 'professionals' have sat up and gone hey heres somewhere new, somewhere I can 'dominate' cause I'm an established wrestler

Don't get me wrong I love seeing all my past favourites from the WCW days active again but it's slowly destroying what TNA means to everybody. I'm really looking forward to the main event at Turning Point this year and it has a lot of potential and a lot to live up to after the last Daniels/Styles/Joe triple threat, but this must be the first time in three years a TNA PPV's main event is headlined by TNA Stars and I mean real TNA stars.

I think TNA should stop aiming for the big stars heading into the future and bring back guys like Johnny Divine, Skipper, Bently, Sonjay Dutt. Basically the real talent that they've let go in the process of establishing a name for themselves. Because these guys did establish TNA for TNA and now the pro's are coming in to put TNA 'across the line' and basically destroying the foundations leading up to the 'line' and I think the line has to be drawn at Hogan, they've got more than enough 'stars' to get them across that line and not one more name will get them over that line.

The only thing they can do to really get them across the line is pure, explosive, excitement, some creative genius, and exciting wrestling and lets be honest the bigger stars only offer excitement through their gimmicks, the stars should have been brought in to mentor the younger guys promo skills rather than steal the product, because the stars don't wrestle exciting matches, consistent exciting matches is WWE's weakness and TNA needs to focus on exploiting that like they use to, rather than putting the rosters side by side and seeing who has the most impressive names

11-04-2009, 02:11 AM
good for ratings, bad for business imo

12-20-2009, 04:43 AM
good as long as he doesnt turn it into the hulk hogan show