View Full Version : Melina Calls Other Heel Divas ''Slutty"

11-06-2009, 12:57 AM
This is an interview with Melina Perez (WWE Divas Champion on the Raw brand) via email.

1) How does it feel crossing over from SmackDown, coming to Raw, and winning the Divas Championship right away?

Many people have asked me this same question. I believe in all my abilities. It just adds another high point on my resume being the third woman to hold both the Women’s and Divas Championship. The win was astonishing because I am the first Latino to win the Divas Championship! I am in WWE to make my fans proud.

2) Do you have a “favorite” male superstar?

There is so much great talent in WWE. I have always been inspired by greats like Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho, Eddie Guerrero, & Christian Cage! They have all been major contributors to my WWE success. Chris Jericho is probably my favorite being that he can really “wrestle.” People see wrestling as just DDT’s and top rope moves, so it’s always great when you actually see those things along with incorporating natural wrestling ability!

3) Besides yourself, who do you think is the greatest diva in the business today?

Wow! All the divas are great. I am very fond of working with Mickie James, Beth Phoenix, and Trish Stratus. I do see Alicia Fox becoming so much more talented and helping carry on the divas division.

4) Which brand do you believe is the top brand at the moment?

Raw is the most dominant brand, of course! Mostly because I am on that show. LOL

5) Who is your favorite person to wrestle?

I have never had better wrestling matches than I have had with Mickie James. We have a lot of history and definitely showcased one of the greatest feuds ever.

6) Heel or face?

Well I am amazing at anything that I try but I think my heel character was very fun. It gave me a chance to be the “mean girl” without being slutty like all the past heel divas.

My heel character let me use all attitude as well as show my humor by doing things like making faces and making fun of the other divas.

7) Is it fun to do that exhilarating entrance of yours?

My entrance is historic and I know that for a fact. It’s always exciting to do my entrance and get the crowd’s reaction! They all love it. It helps define me. My split entrance has been with
me since the beginning of my career.

8) Greatest moment of your career?

I have had so many great moments in my career such as working with Eddie Guerrero, the Hardys, Rey Mysterio, Batista, succeeding as a manager and winning four WWE Championships.

9) Did you enjoy being a part of MNM?

Of course! I shaped MNM into one of the greatest tag teams of all time. Johnny was my best friend/honey and Joey was my brother. I would go back and do it again! It was such an amazing experience.

10) In the year 2005 there was a segment backstage with you and Batista. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hf4g1iVMwJY

What can I say? I was protecting my boys! Working with Batista was a thrill. I didn’t know what to expect at any time with him. We are very close friends and this was just a part of showing our love for each other.

11) Many people say you have one of the nicest personalities in World Wrestling Entertainment. That you are pleasant to be around. Comments?

Where did you hear that? I am pretty mild-mannered. I don’t go out of my way to hurt anyone but if I have to defend myself, I will do so as a mature adult. I like to think that I am a nice person and people enjoy my personality. It’s probably because I am very bubbly.

12) You are without a doubt considered by many to be one of the most beautiful divas in WWE. Comment?

I am glad to receive these compliments because I work hard for my perfect body! My body is a temple. I hate when people can not see beyond my looks, though.

13) Would you say that you have had everything you ever wanted to have in your career? Or is there more?

There has been so much accomplished in my career and I don’t regret any roads I have taken! I have worked for everything that I got and I have to say I have been to the top of the moutain! I would like to wrestle in some hardcore matches such as the steel cage and ladder matches before I retire.

14) How do you feel about all the fans that love and adore you?

Some celebrities don’t realize that without fans you are nothing! I am not one of those people. I see my fans as the support that keeps me going. I have the smartest, sexiest, and most charismatic fans in the world! They are my MELINA-MANIACS. I was blessed with the most beautiful fans in the world.

15) Got any hobbies you like to do in your free time?

I love the simple life. I like to sing, dance, party, shop, and workout. I am an amazing cook so I like to bake as much as possible. People wouldn’t see me as that type, I’m sure.

16) Is there a diva that you do not want to work with in the near future? Or at all? Like is there someone out there that you just can’t stand?

I have had a lot of issues with several divas. I don’t want to mention any names, but I see it as jealousy! They can’t stand that I work hard and earn everything I get rather than take shortcuts.

17) Many people say Raw is going down the wrong way when it comes to quality? Agree or disagree?

RAW is a great show. I am rather disappointed that we can’t have bra-and-panties matches anymore,but RAW has been around for a really long time and it’s only getting better.

18) Who do you think will be your next No. 1 contender for the title?

I think it will eventually come between Jillian Hall and Maryse. I know I could put on a great show with either one of them. I am eager to show the world that I am still the Most Dominant Diva in WWE.

19) Around what age are you planning on retiring?

I do not have any recent plans on retiring! I plan on being in WWE until I don’t feel passion when I walk to that WWE ring! Then I will retire gracefully rather than stay and look unprofessional at something I’m not happy with anymore.

20) Is there a certain diva in mind that you would like to pass the torch to after you are gone?

This may sound a little weird but I see myself in Maryse. When I got into WWE I had so much attitude and when I look at Maryse. I say to myself that she will be the future Melina and I’d be glad to pass the torch to her. Of course no one could ever take my place. :P

21) Favourite storyline that you have been involved in for your career?

My storylines with Mickie James and Beth Phoenix are legendary. I have been involved in so many great matches with very talented women. My 07-08 feuds with Mickie James are probably my favorite.

22) Expect on appearing in the HOF?

It’s not up to me to decide if I’ll be inducted into the HOF. I can only hope that all my hard work and dedication pays off. I would love to be recognized with the greats of wrestling history! I hope that I have paved a way for other women in the world, especially women with Latino heritage.

Source: RR

11-06-2009, 07:34 AM
thanks for the post Eel

A Blissful Ass
11-06-2009, 11:48 AM
Good read thanks Eel

11-06-2009, 07:21 PM
ironic knowing that when she was a hell she wore a skirt and did splits