View Full Version : WWE Friday Night SmackDown Report for November 6th, 2009

11-07-2009, 05:01 AM
We are live on tape from Providence, Rhode Island and your announcers are Matt ‘Get Well JR’ Striker and Todd ‘Dunkin Donuts’ Grisham.

Undertaker’s music plays and he comes to the ring. Taker says that it seems like an eternity ago that the demons of hell unleashed a creature so powerful that the mention of his very name would send shivers down the spine of those who face him. At the Survivor Series, the Undertaker was born and all who have opposed him have perished at his feet. Year after year, they still come for this and he shows the title belt. He says they come to be World Champion. This is the holy grail for all who step foot in this ring. The Big Show betrayed an entire team for an opportunity to become World Champion. What he won was the opportunity to be terminated by the hand of the Dead Man. He turns his attention to Chris Jericho. He says that there are few things that bring joy to his dark heart. One is to fight alongside his brother Kane. The second thing is fighting against his brother Kane. Last week, Chris Jericho took that opportunity away from him so at Survivor Series, Chris Jericho’s fate, his health, and his soul will be his.

Chris Jericho’s music plays and he comes out to discuss a few things with his opponent at Survivor Series. Finally after ten years, what the WWE Universe has been waiting for happens. The two biggest stars in the WWE are face to face. The best in the world and the phenom. Jericho talks about the definition of phenomenon and wonders if the definition describes himself more than Taker. Jericho says that he is the true phenom of the WWE. He says that he is exceptionally talent and is the best at what he does. He says that he is the only one brave and bold enough to stand up for what he stands for. He says that Taker has been brainwashing the sycophants. Jericho tells Taker that he is not a dead man, but he is just a man. Just like Kane, John Cena, or Big Show. Those are men he has beaten in the last ten days. Jericho says that he can beat anyone he chooses at this time. He says that he will beat Taker at Survivor Series to become a six time champion. Jericho says that Taker does not intimidate him. The smoke and gong do not send shivers down his spine. He says that Taker is just a man and there is no man on the planet that he is not afraid of. He is not afraid of Taker. He says that he is the new phenom because he is the best at what he does.

Taker decides to respond by grabbing Jericho’s jacket. Jericho with punches to Taker but Taker with a big boot and Jericho goes to the floor.

Todd and Matt talk about what happened between Rey and Batista at Bragging Rights and then we look at what has happened since.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see footage of Dolph Ziggler’s victory over John Morrison by count out.

Match Number One: Dolph Ziggler, David Hart Smith, and Tyson Kidd with Natalya versus John Morrison and Cryme Tyme

Kidd and Morrison start things off and they lock up. Kidd misses a back spin kick but then he hits a side head lock take down. Morrison with a hip toss and Kidd backs into the corner. Ziggler tags in and we go to commercial.

We are back and Ziggler with a reverse chin lock on JTG. JTG with an arm drag to escape and he follows that up with a hip toss and a leap frog neck breaker. JTG with a jawbreaker and then he leaps into the corner but Smith drops JTG on the top rope and Ziggler gets a near fall. Smith tags in and he kicks JTG in the midsection followed by a European uppercut. Kidd tags in and Smith with a drop toe hold and Kidd with a drop kick for a near fall. Smith tags back in and Kidd with a back slide and Smith with a leg drop followed by an elbow and a reverse chin lock. Smith with crossfaces and he returns to the reverse chin lock. Smith runs JTG into the corner and Ziggler tags back in. Ziggler with punches to JTG and a snap mare followed by the leap frog neck snap. Ziggler returns to the neck with a reverse chin lock. JTG escapes a suplex attempt and JTG with a neck breaker and both men are down. Ziggler tries to keep JTG from making the tag but Kidd and Morrison tag in and Morrison with clotheslines and a back body drop followed by a leg lariat. Smith tags in and Morrison with punches. Morrison escapes a power slam attempt and Morrison with a springboard spin kick. Shad tags in and Morrison with a pescado onto Kidd. Shad with a clothesline to Smith followed by a back elbow.

Outside the ring, Ziggler hot shots Morrison onto the ringside barrier. Shad with a hot shot to Smith but Ziggler is able to make the blind tag and he hits the Zig Zag on Shad for the three count.
Winners: Dolph Ziggler, David Hart Smith, and Tyson Kidd

We go to commercial.

We are back and Josh Mathews is with Rey Mysterio for a sit down interview and he asks Rey how he is doing after last week’s confrontation with Batista. Rey says that he would be lying if he said he was himself. He cannot believe a family member would leave him over something so small. Rey talks in Spanish and addresses Batista. Josh asks Rey if he has a message for Batista about his match at Survivor Series. Rey unvelcros his mask and he tells Batista he won’t listen to logic and decided to throw away their friendship and the spirit of Eddie Guerrero. Rey says that he will get whatever is bother Batista out of him. It was a side that he never saw before. Rey says that he will show Batista a side that he never thought existed.

Match Number Two: Beth Phoenix versus Brittany Carter

Beth picks up Carter and runs her into the turnbuckles and then she runs her into the opposite corner. Beth with a running butt splash into the corner. Beth picks Carter up and hits a back breaker or two and then pushes her aside. Beth drags Carter around by the hair and then hits a back breaker on her shoulder after spinning around. Beth with the Implant Driver for the three count.
Winner: Beth Phoenix

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Smack of the Night: Drew McIntyre attacking Finlay last week.

Match Number Three: Drew McIntyre versus Jimmy Wang Yang

Drew attacks Jimmy before the bell rings while Yang does his pre match whooping up on the turnbuckles. The referee checks on Yang.

McIntyre gets on the mic and he says that this party cannot even get started until he gets some competition worthy of a future World Champion.

Yang wants the bell to ring to start the match and McIntyre cannot believe that Yang wants to continue with the match. Yang with chops and a kick but McIntyre with a short arm clothesline and punches. McIntyre with a double underhook DDT for the three count.
Winner: Drew McIntyre

After the match, McIntyre with a knee to the back before he leaves the ring.

Batista is walking in the back and Josh Mathews asks Batista why he is attacking Rey and Matt Hardy. Batista says that he is not here to make friends. He is here for one reason and that is to become World Champion. Rey robbed him of that right to be champion at Bragging Rights. Matt Hardy should have kept his big nose out of things because it is between him and Rey. Batista says that if he has to hurt people to become champion, he will do it.

Rey Mysterio is walking in the back and we go to commercial.

Match Number Four: Rey Mysterio versus Mike Knox

They lock up and Knox with a knee and forearm followed by a kick and more forearms. Rey goes through Knox’s legs but Knox with a kick and forearm. Knox with an Irish whip but he runs into Rey’s boots. Rey with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors and Rey sends Knox into the ropes. Knox goes to the floor on a 619 attempt. Rey tries for a splash onto Knox but Knox moves. Knox with a clothesline on the floor and then they go back into the ring for a second before returning to the floor for a bit. Knox with a near fall on Rey. Knox with a knee to the midsection. Knox with a hard Irish whip to Rey and then he drops another knee to the chest for a near fall. Knox with a bear hug on Rey and Rey with punches to get out of the hold. Rey with kicks to Knox and then Knox charges at Rey but Rey drops down and Knox goes over the top rope to the floor. Rey with a baseball slide to Knox. Knox returns to the ring and he hits a shoulder tackle for a near fall. Knox with an abdominal stretch to Rey and then he turns it into a back breaker for a near fall. Knox returns to the abdominal stretch. Knox tries for a pump handle slam but Rey counters with a DDT. Rey with punches to Knox. Knox pushes Rey away but Rey with a drop kick. Rey with a bulldog out of a wheelbarrow position for a near fall. Knox with a knee and then he catches Rey when Rey tries to float over. Rey gets to the apron and then he hits the springboard senton. Knox with a clothesline for a near fall. Knox misses a shoulder in the corner and he hits the ring post. Rey sends Knox into the ropes and Knox hits the 619 followed by the springboard splash for the three count.
Winner: Rey Mysterio

We go to commercial.

We are back we are told that John Morrison will get to defend the Intercontinental Title one more time against Dolph Ziggler.

We see footage from last week’s match against Scott Armstrong.

Before the match starts, Punk has a few words for the referee, Scott Armstrong.

Match Number Five: CM Punk versus R Truth

They lock up and Truth with a clean break. Punk yells at the referee for what Truth did. They lock up again and Truth with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Truth dances around while Punk yells at the referee again. Punk with a waist lock into a side head lock and take down. Truth with a head scissors but Punk escapes the hold and puts Truth in a double underhook. Truth backs Punk into the corner and Punk with a kick and forearm to the back. Punk with a forearm and head butt. Truth with a hip toss and clothesline that sends Punk over the top rope to the floor. Truth with a pescado onto Punk and both men are down on the floor as we go to commercial.

We are back and Punk with a back kick as they are back in the ring. Truth with a suplex and Punk rolls to the apron. Punk drops Truth’s throat on the top rope and Punk hits the springboard clothesline. Punk with kicks. Punk with a suplex for a near fall. Punk with a bow and arrow. Punk with an elbow to the back of the head followed by a forearm to the face. Punk with an Irish whip but he misses the running knee into the corner and he crotches himself. Truth with punches and clotheslines. Truth with a split and leg lariat. Truth with a splash into the corner but Punk with a leg lariat for a near fall. Punk argues with the referee and Truth gets a rollup and a three count.
Winner: R Truth

Punk goes after Scott Armstrong who left the ring as soon as he made the three count.

Punk throws a tantrum in the ring.

Mickie is stopped in the back by Michelle McCool and Layla and they talk about Survivor Series. Michelle tells Mickie James that she should pack her bags and never come back. Mickie tells Michelle that she has a big ego. She says that after her team wins at Survivor Series and she will go after Michelle’s Title.

We go to commercial.

We see footage from last week’s attack on Matt Hardy by Batista because he did not like Matt’s texting prowess.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Raw Rebound.

Josh Mathews is in the interview area with Matt Hardy. Josh asks Matt about his involvement in the Rey/Dave BFF breakup. Matt says that he realizes that everyone makes mistakes and he figured that he should try to stop Rey and Batista from doing the things that Matt and Jeff did. Matt says that he wanted to talk to Batista and reason with him. He says that Batista has changed and Batista needs a reality check. He is not here to talk to Batista or be his friend. He came to fight Batista.

Match Number Six: Matt Hardy versus Batista

They lock up and Batista backs Hardy into the corner and they push each other. Batista with a shoulder but Hardy with a knee and punches. Hardy with a kick but Batista responds with a clothesline. Batista with a hard Irish whip and back elbow for a near fall. Hardy with punches but Batista with a knee and a suplex for a near fall. Batista with an Irish whip and he misses a charge into the corner. Hardy tries for a rollup but Batista holds on to the ropes. Batista with shoulders in the corner. Hardy with a punch but Batista pushes Hardy back into the corner and Batista punches Hardy. Batista pulls Hardy off the turnbuckles and Hardy goes down hard. We go to commercial.

We are back and Batista continues to work on the back with a camel clutch. Batista with a forearm to the midsection followed by a forearm to the lower back. Batista with a slam and a near fall. Hardy with punches but Batista with a drop toe hold. Batista with a hard Irish whip and a near fall. Batista with a chin lock and a body scissors and then he just goes with the body scissors. Batista returns to the chin lock too. Batista with forearms to the back of the head. Hardy with elbows to the leg and head. Batista with a forearm to the back and then he tries for a power slam but Hardy gets out of the hold and hits a neck breaker. Hardy with a kick to a charging Batista and Hardy with more punches and a drop kick to the knee and a DDT. Hardy pulls Batista into the corner and he tries for a moonsault but Batista moves. Hardy with a Twist of Fate but Batista gets his hand on the ropes to stop the count. Hardy tries for another Twist of Fate but Batista with a spinebuster and then Batista kicks Hardy and chokes him but he does not stop and the referee threatens to disqualify him. Hardy rolls to the floor and Batista sends Hardy into the ringside barrier. Batista then sends Hardy into the announce table and Batista decides to take the monitor and he hits Hardy in the back with it and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Matt Hardy by disqualification

After the match, Batista sends Hardy into the ring steps before returning to the ring. Batista with a Batista Bomb set up but he pushes Hardy to the mat.

We go to credits as Batista poses on the ramp.