View Full Version : Disrespect: Workers Roll Their Eyes At Dixie

11-08-2009, 11:06 PM
As seen during the start of the Thursday's iMPACT! broadcast, TNA President Dixie Carter addressed the talent roster by noting the numerous changes made in recent weeks by the company. For those wondering, it was a legitimate speech and not something put together to further storylines. Furthermore, her comments were her own and not at all scripted. A number of wrestlers have been creatively frustrated in recent weeks and it is believed that this was her way of showing who's in control.

One TNA wrestler has gone on record with his thoughts regarding her speech. Here is what he told Mike Aldren: "I have no idea why Dixie wanted that to air. She sounded terrified. After the meeting there were a lot of guys rolling their eyes. This locker room isn't one big happy family as [Dixie] wants us to portray publicly. Everyone is divided over the idea of Hogan coming in, and not in a good way."

Source: WI

11-09-2009, 05:32 AM
WCW all over again?? :S Cheers for this

11-09-2009, 07:18 AM
just have to wait a see

11-11-2009, 12:26 AM
Hogan will fail to do anything more than screw TNA up. This is not 1992...nobody cares about Hogan anymore.