View Full Version : *Exclusive* Lilian Garcia is assaulted - Fills report!

11-09-2009, 08:24 AM
Former WWE ring announcer Lilian Garica wrote on her official Twitter page that she was assaulted recently. She posted: "OMG!! I just had a punk kid try & steal my phone!! Luckily I held on tightly & he didn't get it but not before he threw me 2 the ground!!!! It was indeed assault! Filed report. Apparently there has been a few doing this. 2 have been caught so far! I'm ok. Hold on 2 ur iPhones! Took officer back to scene of the crime & low & behold there is a camera mounted rt above! Cops going to look @ it & try & find him now!!" For more visit twitter.com/LilianGarcia.

11-10-2009, 03:38 AM
Guess the Headbangers didn't save their money...

11-10-2009, 07:05 AM
thanks for this John