View Full Version : Jim Ross Comments On The 'j.r. Is Overrated' Sign At Raw And More

11-11-2009, 02:22 AM
Here's a little BBQ'ed random thoughts...

RAW from Sheffield was an interesting show. I honestly expected more hype for Survivor Series but what I heard was not offensive or overkill and seemed to work. I kept waiting on some issues to pop up between Cena, HHH, and HBK as they prepare for their Triple Threat Match for the WWE Title at Survivor Series. By it not happening, it leads me to believe that something could be up someone's sleeve come this Monday from Madison Square Garden. Or not. The question is, when will the proverbial shoe drop? Or will it?

It was obvious that Ricky Hatton is beloved by his countrymen which came through clearly on TV Monday night. Hatton is a "blue collar" guy which is a likable and genuine quality.

Rowdy Roddy Piper will add plenty of sizzle as RAW's guest host next week from MSG. Hopefully, Hot Rod will get the standing ovation that he has earned from the Garden faithful. You can bet that if Roddy has his way that he will be extremely "hands on" when it comes to running RAW from the Big Apple.

I would give a case of our HOT BBQ Sauce to be in NYC next Monday night but that doesn't seem to be in this particular hand that I've been dealt. Broadcasting a variety of events in "The Garden" is one of the coolest experiences I have had in my tenure in WWE. Every trip to the "World's Most Famous Arena" is full of memories for me.

As many of you trivia buffs will recall, I actually have a very "tainted" victory in the Garden over the Game after bleeding like a stuck pig compliments of the right hand of HHH. Thanks to Batista I was spared, somewhat, but did have to have the cut glued shut nonetheless.

Yes, I took a mighty fine ass whipping ala a Government Mule that night in Madison Square Garden much to the chagrin of the Mrs.

Speaking of HHH, his return from quad surgery and coming back to TV at MSG was one of the loudest ovations I can recall hearing and there have been many "Garden Moments."

Have you checked out our "Red Hot Tag" offer in our store here on the site? I suggest that you try this one.

Monthly PPV's in wrestling are dependent on one key element, long term creative planning. I like the fact that themed events are being utilized, also. However, too many specialty bouts can start to run together and lose their identity. Great PPV revenue is generated by "stars" being engaged in personal issues. Two guys or four guys inside a cage doesn't guarantee success simply because it's a cage match. If one sees only a handful of cage matches a year that's one thing but if they become a regular diet then the novelty of the cage looses its effectiveness. Adding new talents into the mix is also marketable as fans are curious as to how the younger guys will do in an elevated environment. PPV's are essential to the overall success of the business and will be constantly re-evaluated and strategized as time goes on.

We have updated our Q&A Section of the site so if you want to read some nuggets of information then that's the place you should check out. I will assure you that some wrestling web sites will read the latest Q&A's and create their own headlines.

Actually our Q&A's are getting much better with better questions being asked and some folks even using spell check. When a email stars off with, "I have 5 questions for you." They generally hit the floor. Too long, too convoluted. I suggest that you just ask one or two questions as succinctly as you can. Now, if you want to make comments that's great but please don't re-write "Gone with the Wind." Make your point and I will do my best to address it. Thanks.

I got several emails about a sign on Raw that said "J.R. is Overrated." Hey, I like freedom of speech. That person had their opinion and took the time to make a sign, bring it from home, and display it for the world to see. I guess that's one way to get "JR" back on Raw. However, it did look like Michael Cole's handwriting or maybe an ex-wife's, but I can't be sure.

People have done worse signs by far such as the time I had Bells palsy and this dude's sign said, "JR has lost his smile." That one was colder than the other side of the pillow which, by the way, is a cliché that I've been using much longer than ESPN's Stewart Scott.

No harm...no foul...write what you choose on your signs. Have fun. And remember, sign makers, that BBQ is spelled B-B-Q.

Perhaps Monday Night the "Sign Police" was on a donut break and did not see the sign in question or perhaps they did....could be a new conspiracy brewing...one never knows.

Anyone who puts exact physical requirements on any prospective new wrestler is never going to be class Valedictorian from where I sit. Stars come and have for decades come in all shapes and sizes. Stars have many intangibles that cannot be measured in an 8X10. Stars have to be athletic, in shape, have a wrestling aptitude, and an overwhelming work ethic. They must be students of the game. No one should be disqualified from consideration just because they are less than 6 feet tall and don't weight north of 230 or so. If I started listing all the HUGE stars that were under 6 feet tall, we would assemble one of the greatest rosters of all time.

To another emailer...no, I do not "hate" Fedor. I have great respect for the athlete and feel badly that he will apparently be out due to injury for 4-6 months. That won't do CBS/Showtime any favors but it will force them to create "new stars" where have we heard that term before? How much money is Gina Carano worth to the promotion now with Fedor on the shelf?

My "inside sources" tell me that Friday Night Smackdown is a strong show and one that the new SD broadcast team of Grisham and Striker should really be able to sink their teeth into. I saw the lineup and it looks potentially strong but, as always, it's up to how well the talents execute especially the bell to bell aspect.

Remember that if you buy our Beef Jerky that you can ship it to our servicemen and women overseas. It is light to ship, 1.75 ounces per bag, and has a long shelf life plus it's the best Beef Jerky out there made from eye of round and seasoned with with J.R.'s seasonings for a great taste of Americana.

I had a positive visit with an eye specialist today and my eye issues are stabilizing as long as I keep doing what I've been doing. I still have blurred vision and it's not a "Happy Hour" issue.

Thanks for stopping by and hurry back.

Boomer Sooner!


11-11-2009, 05:54 PM
even jr admits wwe unfairly censors their ''fans''

11-12-2009, 07:22 AM
^ very good point