View Full Version : ECW on SyFy Report for November 10th, 2009

11-11-2009, 09:26 AM
ECW on SyFy Report - November 10th, 2009
Report by Richard Trionfo, PWInsider

We start off with an early Veterans Day video package.

We are live on tape from Sheffield, United Kingdom and your announcers are Byron ‘Where is the Byron Saxton Show’ Saxton and Josh ‘this place looks familiar’ Mathews.

It is time for the show that needed a new country and Tony Atlas welcomes us to the Abraham Washington Show.

Abe says that the show is critically acclaimed and he says that tonight’s show will be monumentous because the show has gone international. Tony says the people talk funny and Tony lets out a few laughs. Abe makes the usual British dental jokes. Abe tries to talk over the crowd who are not big fans of Abe. Abe talks about the title match between William Regal and Christian. Since they will be wrestling tonight, he has Yoshi Tatsu as his guest.

Abe welcomes Yoshi and asks him how he is doing. Yoshi says that he does not speak English that well and he is nervous. Abe thanks Yoshi for being on the show and they go back and forth with thank yous while Tony laughs. Abe tells Tony to shut up and the crowd does not like it. Abe asks Yoshi who he thinks will win tonight and Yoshi says that Christian will win tonight. Abe wants to know what Yoshi was saying and we have a Rush Hour recreation. Yoshi mocks Tony’s laugh and Abe tells Yoshi that if anyone is going to insult Tony, it will be him.

Yoshi waits for Abe and Tony to leave and then he waves to the crowd.

Byron and Josh talk about the ECW Title match and we have a video package.

We go to commercial.

Match Number One: Paul Burchill with Katie Lea versus Goldust

Goldust with a side head lock and shoulder tackles for a near fall. Goldust works on the arm and then he hits a leg drop on the arm. Burchill with a knee to the midsection but Goldust with a leaping butt bump. Goldust wraps the arm in the ropes but Burchill with a kick to the leg and the ribs. Goldust with punches followed by an Irish whip but he misses a Stinger Splash into the corner. Burchill pushes Goldust against the ring post and then he hits a baseball slide to work on the ribs. Burchill with a body scissors. Goldust with elbows to escape the hold. Burchill with a forearm to the ribs for a near fall. Goldust punches Burchill and then hits the drop down uppercut and follows that with clotheslines. Burchill with a running kick into the ribs but he is interrupted by Hurricane’s music. That distraction allows Goldust to hit the Final Cut for the three count.
Winner: Goldust

We take a look back at last week’s match between Zack Ryder and Shelton Benjamin when Zack was distracted by Rosa Mendes applying make up at ringside. They will get a rematch on Thursday.

Zack Ryder is in the back and Rosa walks by. Zack mentions her ring announcing and then she starts to talk until Zack stops her. Zack says that he likes her and she has an open invitation to be in his corner. Rosa kind of maybe likes the idea. Time for a Zack Ryder dream sequence.

We go to commercial.

We are back and did you know that ECW was #1 on Syfy last week.

William Regal is with Tiffany and he wants to clear the air. Regal says that it will be wonderful to see a virtual god as the new ECW Champion. Tiffany says that she is looking forward to a fresh start whether he is ECW Champion or not.

Match Number Two: Vance Archer versus Jason Blackwell

Archer sends Blackwell to the mat and then he kicks him followed by a clothesline. Blackwell with a side head lock but Archer sends Blackwell to the mat and then Archer tosses Blackwell with a uranage throw. Archer with a belly-to-belly suplex. Archer with an inverted DDT for the three count.
Winner: Vance Archer

Christian is walking in the back and we go to commercial.

Match Number Three: William Regal versus Christian for the ECW Title

They lock up and Christian with a clean break. They lock up again and Regal works on the arm but Christian reverses. We go to commercial.

We are back and Christian with a shoulder tackle and snap mare that send Regal out of the ring. Christian with a baseball slide that sends Regal into the ringside barrier. Regal with a forearm to Christian. Regal with an uppercut but Christian with a shoulder and he sends Regal into the turnbuckles. Christian with an inverted DDT for a near fall. Christian with a reverse chin lock but Regal with forearms and a hard Irish whip for a near fall. Regal with a rear chin lock. Regal puts Christian on the turnbuckles but Christian pushes Regal off. Christian with a cross body for a near fall. Regal is in the ropes and Christian looks around before jumping on Regal’s back. Christian slingshots to the floor and then he punches Regal. Christian goes up top but Regal stops him with a forearm. Christian and Regal with the boo/yay exchange on the turnbuckles. Regal tries for a super butterfly suplex and he hits it but he can only get a two count. We go to commercial.

We are back and Christian tries for another baseball slide but Regal moves and Regal with an exploder suplex on the floor. Regal rolls Christian back in and he gets another near fall. Regal gets another near fall. Regal with uppercuts and a kick to the chest for another near fall. Regal with an arm bar on Christian but Christian gets to his feet and he punches Regal. Christian with more punches but Regal with a forearm. Regal with forearms in the corner but Christian with punches and kicks. Christian goes to the turnbuckles but Regal pulls Christian off the turnbuckles and gets a near fall. Regal gets another near fall. Christian tries for the sunset flip but Regal drops down and tries to use the ropes. The referee sees that and stops his count. Christian with a sunset flip for a near fall. Regal with a gutwrench suplex for a near fall. Regal with a full nelson. Christian tries to fight out of the hold and he succeeds. Regal with a forearm but Christian hits the Killswitch.

However, he is only able to get a two count because Christian took too long to make the cover. Regal with a near fall after a kick to Christian. Christian gets back to his feet and he hits a forearm and elbow drop for a near fall. Christian tries for the tornado DDT but Regal pushes Christian to the floor. Christian with a punch to Regal and then he hits a drop kick from the second turnbuckle and then he goes up top for a missile drop kick and he gets a near fall. Regal with a forearm but Christian kicks out at two. Regal misses the running knee but he connects with a kick. Regal gets a near fall. Christian tries for the Killswitch but Regal counters with the Regal Stretch. Christian gets out of the hold and he hits a drop kick. Christian goes to the turnbuckles one more time and he hits the back elbow. Christian tries for the Killswitch again but Regal counters with an exploder suplex. Regal misses the running knee again and Christian with a kick and the Killswitch for the three count.
Winner: Christian

We go to credits.

Kenpachi Zaraki
11-11-2009, 10:52 AM
who the hell are Vance Archer and Jason Blackwell???

11-11-2009, 05:17 PM
Vance Archer is Lance Hoyt from TNA, the other guy is a jobber lol