View Full Version : TNA PPV 'Turning Point' LIVE Coverage! 2009

11-12-2009, 09:27 AM


TNA World Title Match
AJ Styles vs. Daniels vs. Samoa Joe

TNA Tag Team Title Match
The British Invasion vs. Motor City Machineguns

TNA X Division Title Match
The Amazing Red vs. Homicide

All Titles On The Line
The Beautiful People vs. Knockouts Champ ODB & Tag Champs Taylor Wilde & Sarita

Six Sides of Steel Match
Tara vs. Awesome Kong

Kurt Angle vs. Desmond Wolfe

Bobby Lashley vs. Scott Steiner

Hernandez, Matt Morgan, D'Angelo Dinero vs. Rhino & Team 3D



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11-12-2009, 09:32 AM

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Sunday, November 15th

Dark Match
Prior to the TNA Turning Point PPV going on the air, Hamada defeated Alissa Flash. The match will likely air on TNA Xplosion in the weeks to come.

TNA Turning Point opened with a video feature on the changes of late in TNA, focusing on Hulk Hogan signing on with the company, the TNA championship bout tonight and Dixie Carter's recent meeting with the TNA talent.

TNA X Division Title Match
TNA X-Division champ The Amazing Red vs. Homicide

Homicide began poking Red in the chest, but Red wasn't having any of that. Red leapfrogged over him and nailed an armdrag. Homicide went to the floor and shoved West as he passed him. Red kicked Homicide through the ropes. Back in the ring, Red nailed a high cross bodyblock for a two count. He went for a monkey flip, but Homicide landed on his feet. Red nailed a head scissors but was nailed with a lariat.

Homicide bit Red on the ear and went for a belly to back suplex. Red landed on his feet and nailed a series of strikes and a clothesline to the legs for a two count. Red went to the the top and went for a senton splash, but Homicide moved. Red averted his dive and rolled through, but Homicide caught him with a backbreaker. Homicide began ripping at Red's face in the ropes.

Homicide beat on Red as Don West began rallying the champ. Homicide nailed a hangman's neckbreaker for a two count. The crowd began chanting for Red. Red began mounting a comeback with a series of rights, but Homicide caught him with a thrust to the throat. He tied Red up on the mat with a submission but Red refused to tap out. Homicide thought Red tapped out and argued with the referee. Red made his way to his feet in the corner but Homicide bit him on the face.

Homicide continued beating Red in the corner. Red went to the top rope, but Homicide choked him and slapped him. Homicide was shoved off the ropes. Red came off with a Lucha style armdrag, dropkicked him in the corner, then flipped around into a DDT for a two count.

Red came off the ropes with a twisting DDT for a two count. The fans chanted, "That was three." Red began nailing several kicks but was caught with a Dragon Screw Legwhip. Homicide nailed the Bronx Bomber for a two count. Homicide went for the Gringo Killer but Red evaded it. Red missed a kick. Homicide caught him with a catapult into the corner. Homicide missed a charge and Red nailed a standing Shooting Star Press for a two count.

Red hit a big standing moonsault but Homicide nailed an Ace Crusher during the rotation for another two count. Homicide set Red up for a top rope hurancanrana but was shoved off. Red hit the Code Red and scored the pin.

Winner and still X-Division champion: The Amazing Red!

Taz and Mike Tenay discussed some of the other matches for tonight's card, including Desmond Wolfe vs. Kurt Angle. Taz put over Wolfe for being able to play mind games with Kurt Angle. They discussed the TNA title match and discussed how Samoa Joe has been manipulating his opponents of late.

TNA Knockouts Title Six-Person Tag Match
The Beautiful People vs. Knockouts Champ ODB & Tag Champs Taylor Wilde & Sarita

The titles will only change hand if a champion is pinned and if so, only that title, so ODB can't lose her title if Sarita is pinned, etc.

Velvet Sky and ODB opened the match. ODB caught her with a headbutt low early but Sky moved her into the BP's corner. Madison worked over ODB but lost the momentum. Sarita tagged in and schoolgirled her, then attempted a bridge for a near fall. Sarita worked her over with some technical wrestling, then hit a dropkick. She tagged in Wilde. Lacey tagged in and clotheslined her. Rayne caught Wilde with a front facelock, then a neckbreaker.

The BP double-teamed Wilde. Sky began peppering her with right hands. She snapmared Wilde over then kicked her in the back. Sky followed up with a dropkick to the face. The BP choked Wilde in their corner. Von Erich tagged in and choked Sky with her boot. The crowd chanted, "You can't wrestle." Sky locked on an Octopus on Wilde. They actually pulled out an Antonio Inoki reference during that move.

Wilde finally made the hot tag to ODB. ODB clotheslined everyone and their mother. ODB caught Sky's attempted bodypress and nailed a Fall Away Slam for a two count. Von Erich broke up the pin. Pandemonium broke out. Lacey tossed Sarita out of the ring. Wilde was tossed as well, leaving ODB in a three on one situation. ODB kicked Von Erich and laid out Rayne and Sky. ODB scored the pin on Rayne.

Winners and still Knockouts champions: ODB, Taylor Wilde & Sarita!

Jeremy Borash interviewed Desmond Wolfe. Borash said Wolfe's impact has been great. Wolfe said it started with a simple handshake and ended it with a closed fist. He promised that Kurt Angle will never forget his name again. He said that he would devour whatever was left of Kurt Angle after the last four weeks. He said he was a gracious and accommodating fellow. He said he's been studying Angle since day one and he knows Angle better than he knows himself. Angle, however, knows nothing about Wolfe. He said tonight Wolfe 101 was in session and he would end Angle's career.

TNA Tag Team Title Match
The British Invasion vs. Motor City Machineguns

Lots of back and forth wrestling early involving all three teams. Alex Shelley caught Roode with a series of deep armdrags. The story early was the Invasion were letting the other two teams beat each other down but at the same time, wanted to make sure they didn't lose the belts. The Guns worked over Roode with a number of tag moves. Sabin used several strikes but Roode came back with a running forearm.

Williams blind tagged in but was rolled up by Sabin for a two count. Williams and Sabin had a beautiful series of counters, ending with Sabin drilling Williams with a kick to the face. The Guns doubled on Williams with stereo kicks. Shelley used his knee as the base for a surfboard style submission. He legdropped Williams for a two count. Sabin tagged in and leapfrogged over Shelley, coming down on Williams' arm.

Magnus was able to tag in and used several right hands on Sabin in the corner. The Invasion used a wrap around necktie for a two count. The crowd began chanting USA to rally Sabin. Storm blind tagged himself in and scored a uranage into a backbreaker over the knee on Magnus. Beer Money nailed Williams with a suplex. They hang Williams in the corner and whip Magnus into him. The Guns then pull Magnus' legs, crotching him into Williams' face.

The Guns and Money worked over The Invasion in the corner with a series of hard hitting moves. Sabin came off the top with a splash as Shelley nailed a neckbreaker. Sabin went for a slingshot off the ropes but was shoved to the floor. The Invasion took out Shelley as well. Beer Money jumped right in and nailed a catapult DDT on Williams, then the DWI. Magnus broke up the pin at two.

Outside, TNA Global champ Eric Young pulled Storm off the apron. The Invasion rolled up Roode and hooked the tights for a two count. Earl Hebner threw Young out of ringside. Young refused to leave, so Kevin Nash came out and snatched the former TNA Legends title belt from him. James Storm went to grab Young but Nash drilled Storm with the title belt. Young seemed as shocked as anyone.

Roode went for a tag but Storm was out on the floor. He was caught with a double team clothesline by the Invasion and pinned.

Winners and still TNA Tag Team champions: The British Invasion!

Taz and Mike Tenay wondered what Kevin Nash's motives might have been.

They showed footage of Impact this past Thursday with Raven throwing a fireball in Mick Foley's face. Mike Tenay said that while doctors have told Foley to stay away from TNA while he's recovering, Foley has promised to be at the Impact Zone this Thursday.

They noted they've got Kevin Nash. Jeremy Borash said everyone was confused and asked him, "What the hell was that?" Nash said that he does everything for a reason. Nash said that he was told to do it by Hulk Hogan. Nash said that's all he has to say. He said that if Hogan tells him to explain to the world why he did it, then he'll tell everyone on Thursday. If not, then he won't. He gave Hogan a shout out and lifted the belt, saying, "Hulk, we did it!"

Six Sides of Steel Match
Tara vs. Awesome Kong

They begin slugging out in the ring. Kong missed an Earthquake splash. Tara grabs Kong's hand and begins slamming it into the cage after Kong misses a spinning back fist. Tara climbs the cage but Kong comes from behind and slams her backwards with the Electric Chair.

Kong goes to the top rope. Tara follows but is shoved off. Kong nails a missile dropkick off the top - yes, KONG. Tara kicked out at two. Kong slammed her into the turnbuckles. Kong braced her against the cage face-first and charged her into the cage. Kong grabbed Tara's legs and swung her into the cage. Kong used her boot to smother Tara against the cage. So far, so good.

Kong began unleashing a number of chops, then flung Tara across the ring. Kong suplexed Tara into the cage, bounces her off and dropped her facefirst on the mat. The fans began dueling chants. Kong tried for another but Tara turned it into a DDT. Kong went for the Implant Buster but Tara escaped and began unloading with a series of rights.

Tara dragged Kong around the six sides of the cage, slamming Kong's head into it. She dropkicked Kong. Tara nailed a standing moonsault press for a two count. Tara began scaling the cage as Kong followed. They battled while standing on the top rope. Both slipped and crotched themselves, then continued exchanging punches.

They continued battling and Tara powerbombed Kong off the ropes. Awesome. Kong kicked out. Tara got the better of her, went to the top and hit a flying bodypress off the top of the cage for the pin. Great stuff!

Winner: Tara!

Lauren interviewed Tara afterwards. Tara was nearly in tears as she said he promised to beat the best female wrestler of all time, Kong and did it. She said she was coming after ODB and was going to become the next TNA Knockouts champion.

They aired a good video feature on Hulk Hogan's partnership with TNA President Dixie Carter. Mike Tenay said there are a lot of questions left to be answered, including Hogan's role in the company.

Hernandez, Matt Morgan, D'Angelo Dinero vs. Rhino & Team 3D

Whatever happened to Dinero's feud with Suicide? Hell, after that bump last month at Bound for Glory, where is Suicide? Didn't they start a program where Homicide knew his identity?

Devon and Hernandez started off with Hernandez getting the better of a shoulderblock exchange. Dinero tagged himself in, missed a clothesline and scored with several kicks and a shoulderblock. Ray tagged in. He and Pope went back and forth. Ray shoved him down. Dinero took him down with a killer double leg takedown.

Ray retreated to the floor to kill his momentum. They locked up and Ray attacked his back. Ray began slapping and chopping Dinero. Ray did his clubbering routine but Dinero cut him off and drilled him with his own version. Dinero is showing a ton of fire. Ray cut him off with a sit down Bubbabomb.

Rhino tagged in and whipped Dinero into the corner. Morgan was able to tag in. Morgan got the better of their exchange. He clotheslined Rhino in the corner. Rhino missed a punting kick and was chopped down. Morgan missed a charge in the corner. Rhino goes for his own charge but is drilled with a discus clothesline. 3D hit the ring to break up the pin. 3D went to drill Hernandez with 3D but Dinero shoulderblocked him to get him out of the way. 3D attacked him instead but whether Hernandez realized what Dinero was doing wasn't obvious as he threw up his arms.

3D worked over Dinero. Rhino tagged in and continued the beating. Rhino choked Dinero against the ropes. Ray locked on a bear hug. Ray hit a back bodydrop on Dinero, then knocked Morgan and Hernandez off the apron. 3D and Rhino continued working over Dinero. Devon splashed him but Dinero got his shoulder up. Devon cinched in a rear chinlock on Dinero, who eventually made his way to his feet. He attempted a schoolboy for a two count. He went for a tag but went to the wrong corner and Devon cut him off.

Rhino tagged in as the fans chanted that her sucked. They brought Dinero into their corner. Dinero was tossed to the floor where Ray dropped an elbow on him. Bubba went for a senton back splash but Dinero moved. He made the hot tag to Morgan, who cleaned Rhino's clock. 3D backed off rather than get involved. Morgan hit the series of back elbows and a running splash in the corner for a two count. Devon interfered. Morgan nailed a double clothesline on Devon and Rhino.

Hernandez tagged in and nailed all three with lariats. He picked up and slammed Ray, then scored a two count on Rhino. Hernandez hit a huge running dive over the top rope onto Rhino and 3D on the floor. He tossed Rhino back into the ring and scaled the top rope. He nailed a big splash for a two count. Everyone began hitting big moves. Dinero powerbombed Rhino out of the corner. Hernandez hit an elbow for a two count. Ray grabbed Dinero and crotched him in the corner. Hernandez went for the Border Toss but Devon nailed him in the chest with a chair. Rhino gored Hernandez and pinned him.

Winners: Rhino & Team 3D!

Lauren interviewed Scott Steiner. She claimed he was stalking Bobby Lashley's wife in recent weeks, so TNA has made it a Falls Count Anywhere No DQ match. Steiner claimed he was trying to be Lashley's friend by telling him his wife is in love with a better man. He said Lashley's muscles were all show and no go. Steiner said that since Kristal knows he beat Wilt Chamberlin's record, she knows he can go and wants Steiner to "bust her out." Steiner said he was going to cover Bobby Lashley for the win, then cover Kristal later and make her a "big winner." I guess now we knows why the 3D six man wasn't a brawl!

No DQ, Falls Count Anywhere Match
Bobby Lashley vs. Scott Steiner

Lashley looked furious, but still posed for his pyro. I hate when wrestlers do that. They brawled into the crowd immediately. Lashley tossed Steiner into the crowd near the announcers. Lashley nailed him with a weak chair shot, then tossed him back into the ring. He began kicking and punching Steiner in the corner.

Lashley whipped him into the corner and shoulderblocked him. Lashley nailed a suplex for a two count. Lashley nailed a spinebuster and charged him but Steiner got his boot up. Steiner was still caught with a T-Bone suplex for a two count. Lashley nailed a running clothesline, sending Steiner over the top to the floor.

Lashley followed Steiner to the floor, but was kicked low. Steiner covered him for a two count on the floor after another low blow. Lashley's head was slammed into the guard rail. Steiner hit him with a chair across the back for another two count. Steiner brought him back into the ring and nailed a belly to belly suplex for a two count. Steiner drilled him with another overhead release suplex, then another for a two count.

Steiner placed Lashley on the top rope and hit the top rope frankensteiner. He slammed Lashley and went to the top. Lashey caught him with a slam, then press and dropped him over the ropes. Steiner went to the floor in a scary moment. Lashley followed him to the floor and slammed him into the apron. They made their way to the announcer's table. Steiner was drilled with another chair as they made their way backstage.

The cameras followed Lashley stalking Steiner backstage and then they lost the shot. When they returned, Steiner was bloody. Lashley nailed him with a trash can and tossed him into a guard rail by :"the TV Production area." Lashley cleaned a table and suplexed Steiner through it for a two count.

Lashley grabbed a 2x4. Taz yellled, "Hooo!" Lashley drilled Steiner with it twice. Lashley went for a spear but Steiner moved and Lashley crashed into a wooden pallet. Steiner began choking Steiner with an electrical cord. Steiner covered Lashley, who kicked up at two.

Steiner returned to the Impact Zone. Lashley made his way to his feet and returned. They made their way towards the Spanish announcing team. Steiner kicked Lashley off the stairs, then pulled a metal rod from the scaffolding behind the announcers. He drilled Lashley in the head with it and scored the pin.

Winner: Scott Steiner!

After the match
Lashley made his way to his feet and looked furious about the loss.

Jeremy Borash interviewed Kurt Angle. Angle said Desmond Wolfe is trying to act under prison rules - by taking out the biggest badass in the yard, you make your reputation. Angle said that Wolfe wanted him and now he's got him. He said he doesn't need to know Wolfe to beat him. He said that he's going to beat him and he's the best wrestler in the world. Angle had a nice, serious intensity, as opposed to a scripted delivery.

Grudge Match
Desmond Wolfe vs. Kurt Angle

This will be Wolfe's first-ever live PPV appearance, as his ROH bouts were on taped PPVs.

They had some awesome technical mat wrestling early. Angle caught him with a pair of hiptosses and locked in a top wristlock. Wolfe made his way to his feet and locked in a keylock while cranking Angle's neckbreak. Wolfe maneuvered Angle into a corner, then kicked his arm. Wolfe continued to work on Angle's wrist and arm. Taz did a good job explaining that would hinder Angle's grip during moves including suplexes.

Angle caught Wolfe with a slam and then drilled an over the knee backbreaker. Angle drilled him with a European forearm and shoulderblock in the corner. Wolfe began nailing Angle with a series of suplexes, using the arm as a focal point to continue the strategy.

Angle went for a sunset flip but Wolfe attacked the arm to escape it. Wolfe began using European style matwork and submissions. This is awesome. Taz said it was like watching Billy Robinson. Taz is awesome. Wolfe charged Angle into the corner and drilled him with a European uppercut upon impact.

Wolfe went to charge out of the corner but Angle caught him with a belly to belly suplex. Angle lariated Wolfe with a series of clotheslines. Angle nailed a flying forearm off the ropes. Wolfe continued with several headbutts but Angle ducked a clothesline and began hitting a series of six German suplexes. The audience chanted, "TNA."

Angle went for the Angleslam but Wolfe countered with the jawbreaker lariat for a two count. Wolfe set up Angle for the Tower of London but Angle escaped and rolled him up for a two count. Wolfe yanked Angle's bad arm then locked on a keylock while on Angle's back. Angle escaped and locked in the anklelock. Wolfe thought about tapping but reversed it, cinching Angle in a figure four hammerlock. Angle escaped and it was back to the anklelock in the center. He pulls himself to the center as Wolfe gets to the ropes. Wolfe finally gets back to the ropes.

The fans are chanting "This is awesome" and it sure as hell is.

Wolfe drills Angle down. Wolfe drills the Tower of London for a two count. Wolfe is shocked Angle kicked out. Wolfe went for the jawbreaker lariat but Angle clotheslined him first. Angle went for a standing moonsault off the top rope but Wolfe escaped and went back to the London Dungeon.

They battled their way to to top and exchanged headbutts. Angle got the better and hit a frog splash off the top onto Wolfe for a two count. Angle went for a tombstone. Wolfe reversed but before he could snap it, Angle grabbed the anklelock. Wolfe kicked him off but Angle grabbed it. Angle went into a side triangle choke and Wolfe finally tapped.

Winner: Kurt Angle!

After the match
As he left, Wolfe warned Angle he hasn't seen the last of Desmond. I certainly hope not. TNA made a star tonight.

Jeremy Borash interviewed Samoa Joe. He said all the manipulation being Joe's fault was a false perception. Joe said he only shined the light on the truth that was already there. He said when you put your faith into someone else, you end up getting screwed. Joe said that it's all inconsequential because no one has beaten them more than him and no one has sent them to the hospital more than him. He said that tonight, he only has to beat one of them, and that's exactly what he's going to do. Good promo. It's so good to see this version of Samoa Joe back. I hope we never see the Nation of Violence era version again

TNA World Title Match
AJ Styles vs. Daniels vs. Samoa Joe

Daniels punched Styles right in the face at the bell. Joe and Daniels went at it. Styles clubbed both with right hands, then shoulderblocked Joe in the corner. Styles hit a flying forearm smash in the corner on Joe. Joe came back with a charge and enziguiri. Joe unleashed a series of kicks and chops to Styles but Daniels nailed a leg lariat. Styles covered Joe for a two count. Daniels ducked under a leapfrog from Styles and evaded a dropkick but was caught with one. Styles then drilled Joe with one.

Joe punted Styles, then hit a running high knee on Daniels. Joe cinched in a legbar on Daniels. Styles came off the ropes with a big knee drop for a two count. Styles worked over Joe and Daniels. He cinched the Mutalock on Joe, but Daniels dropped a double axehandle over Styles' exposed stomach. Daniels caught Styles with a drop toehold, then dropped a knee across the back of the head. Daniels cranked Styles' neck.

Daniels tripped Joe and then slammed Styles atop of him. He locked on a Boston Crab on Styles at the same time he cinched a camel clutch on Joe. Joe bit his fingers to break it. Daniels punched Styles in the corner. He charged Joe but was caught with an uranage. Joe began killing Styles with boots to the face before unleashing the facewash. Joe drilled Daniels with a chop/kick combination. Styles charged but Joe tossed him aside to the floor and senton splashed Daniels.

Joe went for a running dive through the ropes but Styles kicked him in the face. Joe went to the floor. Styles whipped Daniels, but who pulled short and forearmed him. Daniels was caught with a suplex. AJ went to the outside after Joe but Joe kicked his legs out from under him and Styles smashed into the apron in nasty fashion. Daniels hit a dive to the floor.

Daniels went for the Arabian Press but Styles grabbed his legs. Joe was able to cinch in the choke on the floor and Styles hit a great twisting dive to the floor on both. Back in the ring, Styles got a two count on Daniels and nailed a great headscissors. Some fans began chanting, "Screw Hulk Hogan!"

Styles hit a springboard into a hurancanrana on Daniels for a two count. Styles peppered both with punches. Daniels maneuvered Joe and Styles into the same corner and chopped them both. Daniels hit a monkeyflip on Styles, who went right into Joe's arms. Joe powerbombed Styles atop of Daniels. He covered Styles for a two count, but AJ kicked out. Joe locked in a Boston Crab, then turned it into an STF. Styles finally makes it to the ropes.

Joe nailed a snap powerslam for a two count. Joe clobbered Daniels as he rebounded off the ropes. Daniels grabbed Joe and hit an inverted DDT at the same time he nailed Styles with a uranage onto Joe. This is awesome. Daniels caught Styles with a running high knee in the corner, then a death valley driver. AJ and Daniels fought for position with a suplex, ending with Styles catching Daniels with something of a neckbreaker.

Joe returned to the ring. Styles and Joe began punching and slapping each other. Joe got the better of the exchange. Daniels and Joe went back and forth. Daniels caught him with a palm thrust. Styles catches Daniels with a boot and the Pele Kick. The fans chanted TNA. AJ went outside. Joe charged and was caught with a shoulderblock. Styles jumped in and hit a discus clothesline on Daniels.

Styles backdropped Daniels to the floor, then hit a springboard leaping forearm smash on Joe. Styles covered him for a two count. Styles hits the flip into an inverted DDT for a two count. He went for another, this time on Daniels, but it's caught and turned into Last Rites. Joe went for a Samoan Drop but Daniels used elbows to break free and hit a German suplex on Joe. He leaped at Joe but Joe crotched him and hit the muscle buster,. Styles broke up the pin at two.

Daniels and Styles went back and forth with some incredible moves and pinfall combination. In the end, Daniels went for the Styles Clash but Joe hit a superkick on him. Styles rolled up Daniels but Joe broke it up. Daniels and Styles used the old Midnight Express double goozle to take down Joe. They showed respect to each other and Daniels immediately went to hit AJ who was smart to him. Styles and Daniels battled on the rope, trying to suplex each other to the floor. Joe came in and chopped Styles off the top to the floor.

Joe went for a muscle buster but Daniels avoided it and hit a STO. Daniels went for the Best Moonsault Ever but Styles hit a springboard 450 splash and covered Joe for the pin.

Winner and still TNA champion: AJ Styles!

A Blissful Ass
11-16-2009, 02:08 AM
Great Dark Match can't wait for the PPV

A Blissful Ass
11-16-2009, 02:22 AM
woot i won some more money

Kenpachi Zaraki
11-16-2009, 02:23 AM
Damn it lost bookie :(

why the hell is Red being pushed without any background?

11-16-2009, 02:38 AM
They let Lacey Von Erich on a PPV?:no:

A Blissful Ass
11-16-2009, 02:59 AM
Damn it i lost money :(

Kenpachi Zaraki
11-16-2009, 03:11 AM
I lost money on Victoria's match :no:

A Blissful Ass
11-16-2009, 04:22 AM
Angle won doesn't that defeat all the Purpose of him signing with TNA

11-16-2009, 11:26 AM
awesome, won some bookie and kurt won!

Kenpachi Zaraki
11-16-2009, 11:49 AM
Angle should not have won this