View Full Version : WWE Smackdown/ECW House Show Results (11/15/09) - Belfast, Northern Ireland

11-16-2009, 09:17 PM
I attended the Smackdown & ECW in The Odysessy Arena, Belfast tonight. It was a fantastic show with a great atmosphere. I had front row seats and it was amazing to be that close to the action.

Matt Hardy vs Eric Escobar
Not bad match, very big crowd pop for Matt, Eric drew some heat but not a big lot. Hardy won with the Twist of Fate.

Dolph Ziggler vs R. Truth
Good match, Ziggler and truth both got a good reaction from the crowd, Truth won.

Katie Lea & Mickie James vs. Michelle McCool & Beth Phoenix.
These girls are gorgeous in real life. Usual divas match, Katie rolled Michelle up for the win.

Drew McIntyre vs. Finlay
McIntyre came out to big heat and took his time milking it. He then cut a promo talking about how the tour never went to Scotland and said the Northern Irish were scot wannabes. Finlay came out the roof near came off the place. It was amazing. Pretty good match, McIntyre tried to use the shillelagh and ended up winning with his feet on the ropes. Finlay then stayed around ringside and got an awesome applause from his hometown crowd.

Intercontinental Championship
John Morrison vs Rey Mysterio
Awesome match from these two, Mysterio arrived with an Eddie Guerrero I'm your papi t-shirt on, they put on a fantastic show with a lot of high flying moves. Easily one of the best matches of the night. Morrison retains after springboard kick. After they point to the sky as a tribute for Eddie.


ECW Championship
Christian vs. William Regal
Regal got huge heat after saying Belfast sucks, Christian got a massive response and he loved it. He played with the crowd and raised the camera mans arm to get a better response than Regal. The match was fairly short but still good, Christian won with the killswitch.

Ezekiel Jackson & Zack Ryder vs. Goldust & Shelton Benjamin
Bit of a random match I thought but was very good, Goldust & Benjamin win.

World Heavyweight Championship Casket Match
Undertaker vs. CM Punk
Punk got a very good reaction coming out. As the lights went out Punk beat the hell out of Chimmel thinking it was Taker. Taker's entrance was electric and something everyone should see in person. AWESOME. Lots of back and forth action, Punk used a chair. Taker won after a tombstone. Afterwards Taker got on the mic and thanked everyone for attending and said that everyone had just witnessed a "Belfast Casket Match" he posed a bit in the ring with the WHC and climbed out of the ring, took his gloves off, handed them to some kids in the front row and left.

Really good show and was my 1st time seeing Taker live and it didn't disappoint.