View Full Version : WWE Friday Night SmackDown Report for November 20th, 2009

11-21-2009, 12:12 PM
We have the opening WWE Video followed by the opening video to WWE SmackDown!

We have the normal pyro opening to the show and we are welcomed by Todd Grisham and Matt Striker. Grisham hypes the Brothers of Destruction vs. Jerishow tonight. Striker hypes Ziggler vs. Morrison for the Intercontinental Championship.

Batista’s music plays and he gets a mixed reaction. Batista comes down to the ring for the opening match.

Out next is Matt Hardy and he gets cheered by the fans in Philadelphia.

Match 1-Batista vs. Matt Hardy

Batista goes for a clothesline but missed and Hardy with some digs to Batista. They take it outside and Hardy gives Batista a few punches and brings him back in the ring where Batista gains advantage. Batista throws Hardy into the ring post. Batista gets a near fall. Batista with some punches. Batista with a headlock with his legs wrapped around Hardy. Hardy reverses and hits a few punches but Batista regains advantage and tosses Hardy into the corner where he meets Hardy’s boot. Hardy goes for the twist of faith but Batista reverses and then Hardy gives Batista a DDT for a near fall. Batista with an eye rake. Batista with a shoulder into the head and then a chop block. Batista hits the ring post after Hardy ducks. Batista regains advantage and hits a spinebuster. Batista gives Hardy a few kicks. Batista then hits a second spinebuster. Batista with a third spinebuster. Batista picks Hardy up and gives him a Batista Bomb for the win.

Winner: Batista

We see a replay of what just happened.

Todd Grisham and Matt Striker talk about the contract signing between Rey and Batista last week. Striker says that Batista will not be held responsible for any damage done to Rey.

We go back to last week’s contract signing between Batista and Rey Mysterio.

Backstage we see Batista. Josh Matthews walks up to him and asks him a question but Batista interferes. Batista said Rey made mistakes, he lost him the World Championship and signed a contract which meant Batista wasn’t responsible for any damage.


We are back and Todd Grisham hypes the reunion of the Brothers of Destruction.

We have a video showing the history of the Brothers of Destruction.

Tonight we will see Jerishow against The Undertaker and Kane.

Backstage we see Teddy Long in his office. Vickie walks in with Eric Escobar. Vickie says she never thought of putting Undertaker and Kane together. Teddy says it wasn’t his decision it was Vinces. Vickie says SmackDown! is getting out of control. Vickie says that he hasn’t even used Eric Escobar. Teddy tells them to get out of his office. Vince walks in and shakes hand with Escobar. Vince comes in and says that teaming up Kane and Undertaker is stupid. Vince says that the match could destroy the main event at Survivor Series. Vince says that Vickie Guerrero is a consultant for Teddy Long and SmackDown! to help him get off probation. Vickie Guerrero starts screaming in delight. Escobar looks really happy while Vickie dances.

Out comes Drew McIntyre, who will he crush next? Drew McIntyre and Finlay when SmackDown! continues.


We see a video package of Drew McIntyre attacking Finlay two weeks ago. We then see his match with Finlay from Last week.

McIntyre has a microphone and says that Finlay claims he loves to fight. McIntyre says that Finlay loves to cry. He says Finlay reminds him of a little old lady who was scared to death of Drew McIntyre. McIntyre tells Finlay to get out and fight and he does so. Finlay makes his way down to the ring and gets a good response from the crowd.

Match 2-Drew McIntyre vs. Finlay

Finlay takes down McIntyre and gives him a few digs. They go outside the ring and Finlay hits him some more. They go back inside and start brawling. Finlay gives McIntyre a few punches in two corners. Finlay gives McIntyre some kicks and knees. The Ref pulls Finlay away. McIntyre hits a jab on Finlay. McIntyre gains the advantage and hits a Double Underhook DDT for the win.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

We see highlights of what just occurred.

Backstage we see CM Punk walking and has a message of survival for the WWE Universe.


Did you know the WWE Superstars had a two week tour?

Tonight is The Brothers of Destruction vs. Jerishow

CM Punk comes out to the ring and gets jeered by the fans in Philly.

Punk says that tonight he will do something that somebody who loves the fans should have done a long time ago. Punk says he knows the fans were sick and helpless. Punk says he will help them in the form of an intervention and a straight edge intervention. Punk says the first step to recovery is a confession. He says that the fans need to tell themselves that they have a problem. Punk tells everyone to stand up and tells people at home to put their hand on the TV Screen. Punk tells the world to admit they are all addicts. Punk calls them all addicts again. Punk says the fans are in denial. Punk calls the fans weak and powerless. Punk calls the fans nothing without their substances that control their mind and body. Punk is going to teach us how to survive. Punk picks up a bucket with an X on it which is on a table and a pack of cigarettes are underneath it. Punk says that the fans know nothing about it and says that the box claims Fags cause a slow and painful death. Punk says that even with a warning like that people still purchase it. Punk takes cigarettes out of the box and throws them in the bin next to the table.

Punk picks up the second bucket and picks up Medication underneath it. Punk says people eat them like candy and says fans should be ashamed of themselves. Punk says that it is failure in a bottle and says that whenever people take pills they are giving up and failing in life. Punk says that there should be printing
on every pill. Punk says everyone is probably under influence right now and gets some cheers from the fans. Punk throws the pills into the bin and then picks up the third bucket and underneath it is Whiskey and the fans go wild. Punk says that by the reaction the whiskey controls people’s lives and says it is sad. Punk asks how many people would like to see him drink it and everybody cheers. Punk says that they make him ill and says it will never happen. Punk mocks the whiskey even more and says it is the worse of all and says that fans are poisoning themselves and say like the whiskey their lives are going down the drain. Punk pours the whiskey into the bin and gets booed by the fans. Punk blocks his nose while he is doing it. R-Truth’s music plays and he makes his way down to the ring.

R-Truth asks the fans what’s up. R-Truth says that the truth is up.

*Note: My TV died so I missed a couple of seconds from there.


Tony Chimel announces the two out of three falls match for the Intercontinental Championship.

Out first is the champion himself, John Morrison who’s team will go against the Miz’ team at Survivor Series on Sunday.

Out next is the challenger, Dolph Ziggler.

Match 3-John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler in a two out of three falls match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship

Ziggler gets a near fall early on. Ziggler gives Morrison a few punches and gets another near fall. Morrison with a drop kick on Ziggler. Morrison with a side drop kick thing for a near fall. Morrison throws Ziggler into the ropes. Morrison goes for the Starship Pain but Ziggler goes outside the ring and then Morrison does a Shooting Star Press over the ropes onto Ziggler. Morrison brings him back in. Morrison goes for the starship pain but Ziggler gets the knees up. Morrison gets a roll up and wins the first fall. 1-0 John Morrison.


We are back and Ziggler gets a near fall. Ziggler with a headlock on Morrison. Morrison escapes by giving Ziggler a few elbows and then goes for a pin but gets a two. Ziggler hits the Zig Zag on Morrison out of nowhere for the win. 1-1 Dolph Ziggler.

Dolph Ziggler with a dropkick for a near fall. Ziggler with a punch and a kick and a few elbows to Morrison. Ziggler with an elbow drop to Morrison who is on the ground for a near fall. Dolph gets Morrison in another headlock and wraps his legs around Morrison’s waist. Morrison escapes again but Ziggler gives him a knee to the gut. Ziggler hits a move similar to the go to sleep where Ziggler’s knees connects with Morrison’s body. Ziggler gets a near fall. Ziggler uses the post to his advantage and hits a running dropkick to Morrison who is near the ropes. Ziggler with an X Factor for a near fall. Morrison counters a move from Ziggler and hits a super DDT and goes onto the ropes and hits the starship pain for the win.

Winner: John Morrison

We see highlights of the match.

Tonight we will see the Brothers of Destruction go against Jerishow.

We have a video hyping the Hulk Hogan DVD. Interesting to see that they are hyping a Hulk Hogan DVD even though he is with TNA now.

WWE thank Art of Dying for providing the theme music for WWE Survivor Series.

Out comes Mickie James for a Divas Match.

We see highlights of Mickie James vs. Natalya last week.

Out next is Layla.

Match 4-Mickie James vs. Layla

Mickie James with an Irish whip into the ropes and hits down Layla. Mickie brings Layla into the corner and hits some punches. Layla gets the advantage and goes on offence and gets a two count. Mickie James gets a bridge after an Irish whip into the corner and gets the win.

Winner: Mickie James

Layla gets a microphone and tells Mickie to celebrate. Layla shows Mickie James a video of a chicken with Michelle McCool. Michelle calls Mickie, Piggy and sings a song and shows a picture of a pig with Mickie James head on it and then calls her Piggy James. “That’s All Folks”. Mickie James starts crying as she leaves the ring.

Up Next is Rey Mysterio vs. Tyson Kidd.

We have a video package hyping The Undertaker vs. Chris Jericho vs. Big Show at Survivor Series this Sunday.


We have a video hyping WWE Shop.com

The Animal Batista joins commentary.

Rey Mysterio’s music plays and he comes down for his match. Rey gets cheered by the fans.

Out next is Tyson Kidd accompanied by Natalya. No David Hart Smith.

Match 5-Rey Mysterio vs. Tyson Kidd

They lock up to start and Kidd with a few punches on Mysterio. Kidd throws Mysterio into the corner but meets Mysterio’s boots. Mysterio goes to the top but is pushed down by Kidd and Kidd gets on offence. Kidd tosses Mysterio into the opposite corner. Kidd kicks Mysterio into the back and gets a near fall. Kidd locks Rey in a submission and then gives Mysterio a kick and hits a flying elbow on Mysterio from the ropes. Mysterio throws Kidd into the corner and then kicks him in the face and gets a near fall. Kidd tosses Rey into the corner. Rey with a hurricanrana and sets Kidd up for the 619 but Kidd goes outside the ring. Batista moves Kidd away from Mysterio and the ref calls for the bell.

Rey Mysterio hits a seated senton on Batista and Batista gets angry and chases after Mysterio but Rey runs up the ramp.

Backstage Jericho is talking to Show. Jericho says that they need to team to beat The Brothers of Destruction. Show says all he is thinking of is walking out of Survivor Series with the World Title. Jericho calls Show selfish and says they might not make it to Survivor Series because they are against the Brothers of Destruction. Show says he has been in the ring with Kane and Undertaker and knows what it takes. Y2J says he has done it as well. Show says he will not hesitate to knock Jericho out at Survivor Series. The Lights go out and Jericho is scared but it turns out it was Big Show who turned off the light. The Crowd start laughing at Jericho.


We have a video package hyping Survivor Series this Sunday on PPV.

We see the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia.

Todd Grisham and Matt Striker talk about Raw in Madison Square Garden.

We have a video showing historic wrestling moments in Madison Square Garden including Hogan winning the world title, Austin stunning Vince McMahon and Triple H returning in 2002. We see highlights of the main event of Raw last week.

WWE hype Jay Z’s new album.

WWE Unified Tag Team Champions Big Show and Chris Jericho make their way down to the ring for our main event match.


Undertaker’s music plays and then Kane’s plays right after one bell. It then switches to Taker’s music again. The Undertaker and Kane come out together . There are two crucifixes at the stage.

Match 6-Jerishow (Chris Jericho and Big Show) vs. The Brothers of Destruction (Kane and The Undertaker)

Chris Jericho starts off with Kane. Jericho gives Kane a few kicks. Kane then gets the advantage and hits Kane and then tosses him into the corner and hits the Stinger Splash. Kane tags Undertaker and Taker gives Jericho a few punches. Taker gives Jericho an Irish whip into the ropes. Jericho tags Big Show. Show goes face to face with The Undertaker. Big Show missed a punch and then they trade punches. Show throws Undertaker into the corner but connects with Taker’s boot. Kane and Taker team up and get Show out of the ring.


We are back and Jericho has Taker in the corner and he is giving Taker some kicks and punches. Taker regains advantage and hits Old School on Chris Jericho. Taker with a near fall. Taker tags Kane and they give Jericho a double big boot for a near fall. Kane with a big punch and a chop to Jericho. Jericho quickly tags Show and Show gives Kane a big spear and gets a one count. Show with a headbutt. Show brings Kane to the corner where he gives him some kicks and punches. Jericho does the dirty work on Taker when the ref isn’t looking. Show with a knee to the face of Kane and then he tags Jericho. Jericho with a kick to the ribs and a kick to the head. Jericho gets a headlock on Kane. Kane gets out but Jericho hits a bulldog on Kane and poses. Jericho goes for a springboard Lionsault but Kane gets his knees up. Jericho gets a tag and Show chases after Kane and stops him from tagging Undertaker. Big Show goes for a superplex off the top rope but Kane pushes him off and hits a flying punch. Undertaker calls for the tag and Kane gets it. Taker with punches to Jericho and then hits a running big boot after Snake Eyes for a near fall. Taker hits Show off the apron and goes for a chokeslam but Jericho counters. Taker gets Hellsgate locked on but Show breaks it up. Show and Kane fight outside.

Taker takes Jericho outside the ring and tosses him into the barricade. Kane and Taker work together and throw Show over the barricade and into the crowd. Kane and Taker take the equipment off the announce table. Kane and Taker are about to give Show a Double Chokeslam through the table but Jericho breaks it up. Taker and Kane bring Jericho inside the ring. Kane gives Jericho a chokeslam after Taker punches him. Show drags Kane outside and gives him a knockout punch. Taker big boots Jericho and then Show chokeslams Taker. Show picks Jericho up and Jericho gives Show the codebreaker. Jericho gets the world title and runs onto the top of the stage and poses with the belt. Taker looks furious.

End of Show